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Snow angel
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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
Fanfic writing/reading
Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, March 28, 2005
I got a story for ya. On Friday, about 5:30, I smell smoke, so I go out into the hallway to see what apartment it's coming from. then I hear the less noisy smoke detector go off in one of the apartments. So when I couldn't find where it was coming from, I went back to my apartment.
Then I realized the smoke smelt stronger by my apartment, so I check my neighboor that's right next to me. It was his, so I knocked on the door. His house was FILLED with black smoke.
It turns out he lit his dinner up. He managed to get it out by himself. About 5 min. later, the more loud fire alarm set off, and the cops came. Then three fire trucks and an ambulence came.
They brought big fans in to get the smoke out. And about 15 minutes later we were let back inside the apartments. So ends my tale^^
Not much else happened. Though I did order Chobits vol.8 at Border's^^
And Happy late Easter!

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
I had no idea my toast was so loved^^;;
Now get this, it's Spring here, and yet it's hailing and snowing...O.o Weird, huh?
Anyway, in math yesterday, we had a cake. It was a pound cake with strawberry frosting. Once you got over the weird taste of the frosting, it wasn't bad.
Speaking of math class...
Joe: Gah! I've been scratched!
Teach: The girls do that to you?
Joe: No! It was the squirrels, the damned squirrels...
Since I got today, tomorrow, and Monday off, I think i'll start re-doing my site^^
Hasta maņana amigos!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
G'day mates!
Not too much goin' on...
The other day in Spanish w were locked out for the begining of the period, and yesterday we had a sub. We played paper volleyball, basketball in a guy's jacket hood, and catch^^ It was fun, but I think by the end of the period, the sub hated us^^;;
We also had an assembly yesterday. It was basically one about how we shouldn't do drugs and stuff like that. One of my friends, after hearing about the assembly, came up with "Hugs, not drugs." Neat, huh?
As for today, we have a bagel party in HR, and the teach's B-day party in math... I shall be well fed!
Hm, what else...?
I dropped my toast this morning?
Peace out.

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Friday, March 18, 2005
I'm officially one year old!
Well, in MyO terms that is^^ And for my second year, i'm gonna re-do my site! But, I don't have time now, so it'll be done next week!
And yesterday, I heard some kid punched the security guard...o.O
That's all for now folks!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
The cherry and chocolate one won^^
Man, I was so tired when I had to get up, I think I might stay home today... I wouldn't really miss anything...
And anyway, my MyO anniversary is coming up on Friday^^ It's been almost a year since I signed up here^^
Catch'cha later!
-Why ain't these stupid pics showing...?-
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Heh, there were three pies/cakes yesterday...
A cake with greeen frosting in the shape of the symbol pi. It was good.
Then, a pie with graham crust. It had chocolate pudding in it with whipped cream on top and cherries surrounding it^^ Also good.
But the best was a flat pie crust with a layer of chocolate, then those nice dessert cherries^^
And in Spanish yesterday we got test papers back. I only got two wrong, so I ended up helping other people with the test... Which was kinda cool^^
See ya later!

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Monday, March 14, 2005
We got hit with another snowstorm this weekend...
...And we're expecting more snow this week...-_-;;
Anywho, not too much happened this weekend.
But my math teacher brought in brownies on Friday^^ And speaking of Math, today is pi day! We can bring in a pie or cake with the symbol for pi(3.14, not this, but the actual symbol) on it, and get extra credit.
BUT! The most creative one gets 50 extra points to add to tests and other things! And we get to eat what others bring in^^
'Tis all for now, ja ne!
-Grr... the pic didn't show, and it was a good one too...-
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Friday, March 11, 2005
It's snowing... AGAIN!
Just started...-_-;; This is getting rediculous...
Not much to say, so, ja ne!
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
There's snow... AGAIN!
Even i'm startin' to get sick of winter, and i'm Snow angel! Oh, the irony...
Remember how I said one of the people who work for my mom sent us an alligator foot? Now, they sent us rabbit feet and a jackalope foot...O.o
Ja ne!

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Monday, March 7, 2005
Eh, back to school...
Speaking of which, the poet that was at my school for the assembly was a jazz poet, which was pretty cool^^
Pretty simple weekend... there was a geese fight outside my window though...O.o
And I got my Shonen Jump too.
'Tis all for now, ja ne!

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