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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
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Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
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Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Good day my friends!
Yet another assembly to attend today^^ We will be hearing poetry... And, I get out of my lab period for science^^
And yesterday in Math, the topic strangly turned to furry shoes...O.o
Uh... Yeah...

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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Not much to say...
Oh, there was an assembly 8th period^^ I got out of math! And guess what it was about... Go on, guess... It was about, selling towels. Yes, you read right... towels... O.o
That's it really... Ja!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
G'day mates!
To Cody: No, Yoko IS Kurama. His demon form anyway... It's kinda hard to explain, google it.
Alright then, back to business...
Our presentation went well. Three people made videos, which was funny^^ I wish I could show you guys...
Today during lunch, me, Cynthia, and Ashley are gonna pitch in and get ice cream for each of us^^
And here's a scene from Math when it started snowing...
Kid: Hey, it's snowing!
Teach: HOLY CRAP! *goes and stares out the window* O.O
Funny, yes?
-No pic 'cause I couldn't find one-
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Thanks for all the luck guys!
And I finished with the report^^
And to answer a question from yesterday, that was Yoko with Hiei in the pic.
It's snowing here, and I may or may not have the day off...But I sure do hope we have off...
Anywho, see ya later! Ja!

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Monday, February 28, 2005
Howdy y'all!
Not much happened this weekend...
I bought Chobits vol.7, I'm almost done with the series! MWUAHAHA! >:)
Cynthia came over yesterday to work on our project. We did a poster of a town in the Middle Ages. And i'll do my written part this afternoon. See, we each have to write a 1 to 2 page report on our topic, not too hard...
'Tis all for now, ja ne!

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Friday, February 25, 2005
Mornin', or evenin', depending on where ya are...
I was gonna sleep in today, but my cat woke me up. See, I usually get up right after my mom leaves for work. Since I didn't today, kitty jumped up on my bed. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was =^..^=
Speaking of my cat, here she is!

And, more snow here! Just last night too...
Well, see ya later!

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Thursday, February 24, 2005
I'm baaaaaaaaack! *horror music plays*
Didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did ya? ^^
We went to Jiminy Peak, Massachusetts. The conditions were pretty good... 'cept for yesterday on one side of the mountain 'cause it was windy and icy...@.@
But the view when you're at the top of the mountain is amazing! You can see for miles!
Heh, and on the drive back, we got pulled over a cop for speeding...X.x And it was only a little bit over the limit...
Uh, that's it... Well, ja ne for now!^^

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Monday, February 21, 2005
Fare thee well amigos!
I shall be going on vacation with my dad and stepmom! I shant be coming back until Thursday! For those who are curious, i'm goin' skiin'^^
Alright, back to business...
On Friday, we had a water fight in lunch...O.o Yes, a water fight. I'm glad to see my bottles of water are useful^^
Oh yeah, in S.S. I was teaching some people some Japanese^^ That was fun!
And we got to leave 15 minutes early on Friday... something about an practice drill or something like that...
My mom has people who work for her all around the country, and sometimes they send us things. For example, they sent us a ham, molasess, coffee, etc. But this time, they sent us an alligator foot. Not a fake one, a REAL one...O.o
Not much else happened... I bought Chobits vol.6 and rented White Chicks, which was frikin' hilarious! Watch it I say!
Oh, and we're getting MORE snow right now... It never ends!
Well, ja ne!^^

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Friday, February 18, 2005
Yesterday was cool...
In English we went to the auditorium for an African-American read-in. People read speeches, poems, and even mini-plays^^.
So, anyone got plans for the vacation? Does anyone else even have the next week off? Hm...
Uh... O.o

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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Did you know 'hablaba' is a real word?
Well, in Spanish^^ It's 'I used to speak' or 'he'she usd to speak' You'd have to specify which on when talking^^
Thank you all for wishing me good health!
And I didn't miss too much from school, which is good.
The school has started physicals in the nurses office. They check your eyesight, hearing, your back, hight and weight. I got mine yesterday. I'm 5ft 4in^^ Bwuahaha...
Well, ja ne!^^

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