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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
Fanfic writing/reading
Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Wow, glad ya guys liked my collection^^
To Darke: Yeah, I know, don't rub it in...-_-;;
Yesterday, we had a free period in Spanish 'cause the teach wasn't there^^
In art, we're doing cartooning, and we had to pick a cartoon to draw. I picked Hamtaro^^ And I saw a friend of mine pick Sora(Kingdom hearts) Cool, ne?
And...*drumroll*...mid-term grades!
English: 80 (this was an essay, so the real grade is 4/6^^)
Science: 89 Yay!
S.S.: Highest grade, 90!
Pic of the moment:

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Monday, January 31, 2005
I have to go to school soon...damn... And I have 4 full weeks until my next vacation...@.@
Uh, I fed seagulls yesterday out my window?
Well, i'm at a loss of words, so, ja ne!
Pic of the moment:

Oh! And here's my anime collection! (minus my 7 Shonen Jump) I think it's worth $450.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Hola! Como estan?
Yeah, I don't know how to type the accent marks, please excuse that...
Anywho, S.S. was a bit harder. the multiple choice was easy, but the essay was a bit harder. It had to do with comparing and contrasting ancient religions...@.@
Today is the Spanish mid-term, in case you didn't guess by the top of the post... Again, I have it in the afternoon. So, I'll visit you all before that.
Question of the moment: Would you rather go to school everyday, or be lost at sea? (I asked this to everyone on a field trip on a boat...^^;;)
Pic(s) of the moment:
EDIT: Damn tripod... It doesn't let you post any pics...>:(
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
The math exam was easy, I got done 45 minutes before the test ended... Damn was I BORED!
When we went outside to the buses, we got in the way of several snowball fights...^^;;
And there was a snowball fight yesterday in front of my apartments, and, of course, I joined in^^
Well, today is my S.S. test. I have it in the afternoon, so I got to wake up later^^
Question of the moment: If you had to chose between feeling the emotions of everyone in the world and feeling no emotion at all, which would you pick?
Pic of the moment:

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Today's my math test...
I'll let ya know how it goes either again today, or tomorrow.
If you remember what I said about the Open Water DVD... I put a post-it on the back of the case saying 'This movie sucks, don't rent it' ^^ And my mom left it on^^
Question of the moment: If you found out you only had one day left to live, what would you do?
Pic of the moment:

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Science mid-term went good. We need our I.D. cards to take the test. My friend Ashley didn't have hers. If you don't have yours, they'll take you to the auditorium and ask you a few questions like where you live and your name so you can prove that you're you. Kinda stupid, huh?
I finished early so I started writing a new fic, i'll continue tomorrow. As for what it's about, you shall know soon enough...bwuahaha...O.o
And for some reason unknown to the gods, the buses leave 35 minutes after the test is over. So, Lisa's(other friend) bus driver let me, Cynthia, and Ashley stay on her bus for about 20 minutes of that wait time. We basically talked about random things, and joked around^^
Oh, and I must tell you the story of... THE GHOST PENCIL SHARPENER! Yes, you heard right. When we got in our room, the sharpener was going all by itself... Creepy, ne?
Pic time!

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Monday, January 24, 2005
My school's closed! *does a happy dance*
Anywho, there is SO much SNOW! I mean, there were drifts that were up to your waist! We didn't have shovels, so we had to dig out the car with one bowl, one ice tea pitcher, and two plastic box lids. THAT was exhausting...^^;;
And we rented DVDs on Saturday. And the line was SOOOOOOO long! Well, we got three movies... I, robot(Great movie!), Open Water(It sucks, don't watch it), and Kurama's fight with Karasu.
Well, that's it... No pic for now, but i'll put one up later^^ Ja ne!
EDIT: Here's the pic!

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Thursday, January 20, 2005
You seemed to have misunderstood, I didn't have a bad day, just interesting^^
I’m almost done with my English essay and I still have today. The thematic essay was easy; it was about geography^^ And the Spanish writing was easy too.
And it’s snowing here! WHEEEEEEEEEEE! And before my mom came home, I dug out a space for her in the parking lot^^
We’re taking our cat to the vet on Friday, that should be interesting…O.o My mom wants to take her there before a blizzard that’s supposed to hit us. I can't wait! It's finally started to feel like winter^^
No pic today, but I shall put up quizzes instead^^
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Mythical Being Resides In You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Yesterday was somewhat of a fiasco… I’ll walk you through my day…
In the morning, when it’s windy and 11 degrees, my bus comes 10 minutes late. Then, when I got to school, I found out that one of the boilers blew up or something… So, half the school had no heat…O.o And I ain’t even done yet… After school ended, I couldn’t find my bus. See, the buses are divided into 5 rows… Mine is normally in row 4. When I looked up and down rows 3 and 4(rows3,4, and 5 are in a separate parking lot), I asked my friend’s bus driver, and she told me my bus was at the end of row 5. And I found it^^
Next, I started my English midterm in class. It’s only an essay, but we have to plan it, then write a rough and final draft. We have ‘till the end of class Thursday to finish.
Here’s the mid-term’s I’ll do today…(in class)
English con’t
S.S. thematic essay(this is only one part of the test)
And part one of the Spanish writing(we already did speaking)
Wow, three mid-terms and it’s not even test week…
Next week, which is test week, I have 4 tests...
Tuesday: Science 8:15 to 9:45am
Wednesday: Math 8:15 to 9:45am
Thursday: S.S. 12:15 to 1:45pm
Friday: Spanish 12:15 to 1:45pm
The cool thing is that we only have to come in for our tests, we don’t have to spend the whole day there^^
Pic time!

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Monday, January 17, 2005
900 visits! Well, actually, 908 visits... BUT STILL!^^
It snowed here, and I went around outside this morning. The snow ain't deep, but the wind is murder...X.x
I see alot of you liked the last pic... So... Here's another from the movie!
-I took the pic out 'cause it didn't show up...-_-;;-
EDIT: I'm watching my second Azumanga Daioh DVD right now^^
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