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Member Since
• 2004-03-18
Real Name
• I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
• Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
• Age 6
Favorite Anime
• Yu Yu Hakusho
• Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
• Fanfic writing/reading
• Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
Friday, April 30, 2004
Karasu and Kurama?
Hm, this pairing is starting to grow on me...

Well, there is no doubt that that Karasu likes Kurama, but what does Kurama feel? One could only wonder... Now, you would most likely say that Kurama hates Karasu, but how do you really know that? Let me ask you a question; when you see Kurama, what do you see? Is it his handsome looks? His ability to fight with extreme grace? His smarts? Or is it Youko? Most likely you've said one of them. Do any of you really think about what goes on in his head? He could be thinking about any number of things. You don't know. He might actually like Karasu, you never know... Sorry to bore you with this, I was bored and wanted to say something. Um, well... not much else to say... 'cept it's Friday! YES! *proceeds to dance* ^_^
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