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Saturday, December 17, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Sorry if anyone has been trying to PM me, my inbox was full so I had to delete some stuff.
Well yesterday I got my haircut and its really short, its just above my shoulders and it used to go down to my mid back lol. It feels really wierd but I prefer short hair to long hair.
I'm not doing anything today, just lazing around doing nothing I might do my art homework -_- Art teachers are so mean they give us homework during the holidays.
Oh yeah and more Christmas cards yay!!!! Thanks guys ^^

Thanks queen of anime

Thanks chubbi chibies

Thanks ILuvKyoKun
I'm gonna have to make some cards for everyone, lol I have something to do now.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Friday, December 16, 2005
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Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well today I went christmas shopping with my dad because he didn't know what to get my mum so I had to go with him. When we were in town I saw two people from school and they would not stop following me, geez they really need to get a life they really piss me off.
Thats all i've done today, my bro is at home today because he claims he's "sick" even though he's eating tons of chocolate. My parents don't even realise he's faking it, he only wants the day off because me and my sis don't have school -_- he's so annoying.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well the tests went well...I think. They weren't easy but they weren't hard either, I hope I did ok.
Well no more school for 2 weeks and no more revising yay!!!! Now I have to do the actual exams -_- Those are in May and i'm not looking forward to them.
Oh and I got some card things yay!!! Thanks to SessLover18 for this ^^

And Attics for this ^^

Thanks!!! Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Just got back from my geography exam and I have to say it was pretty easy, lol now that i've said that i'll probably get an F or something.
I'm not doing much now, got to revise for my textiles and RE exam tomorrow -_- But those are my last two exams then i'm finished and no more school for two weeks yay!!!!! Other than that i'm not doing much.
........wow I have nothing else to say......nope nothing lol well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Sorry for not getting to sites these past few days, these exams are taking up all my time because of revision and stuff so sorry *bows*
Well I just got home from a 2hour math exam -_- It had to be the most boring thing i've ever done, I was sitting there for 45minutes becuase I was finished.
I got 5 Christmas presents from friends today and i'm soooo tempted to open them but i'm not going to, I always open some presents before Christmas but i'm determined not too.
Oh and I got most of my Christmas shopping done yesterday after my friend decided to stop embarassing me, she was dancing in all the shops and we kept getting wierd looks off people so I was trying to make out I didn't know her lol I swear she's crazy.
Thanks to HardLuckWoman for making this:

Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. I did go shopping yesterday and I got all my friends Christmas presents, i'm going shopping again tomorrow after my exams are done because I get out at 12:15 yay!!!!
I have to revise for the 2 exams tomorrow, I have english and science again -_- They have to be my worst subjects. I know for a fact that I failed the science one on Friday.
Well thats basically all i'm doing today, i'll probably quit revising to play on the ps2 or watch anime dvds lol.
Thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Friday, December 9, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well my exams went ok, the IT and english ones were so easy I finished them about an hour early lol. The science one was pretty difficult I made up half the answers to the questions. It could of gone better but I think I did ok.
Tomorrow i'm going christmas shopping thats if my friends not still ill.
Short post today lol, well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. I am so sorry for not getting to sites for the past 2 days *bows* i've been busy revising for my exams.
Today was my last day of school and i'm now officially on study leave till the christmas holidays yay so no more classes!!!!!! We had loads of chocolate in registration and I ate most of it myself lol, I didn't have any breakfast and I was really hungry. I have a full day tomorrow -_- I have a english and ICT exams in the morning and I have a science exam in the afternoon so i'm gonna have to revise tonight.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Sorry for not getting to sites yesterday, we were putting up our christmas tree and lights.
Well me trying to get to sleep wasn't very successful last night, I got to sleep really late so i'm now overtired, I can't believe some of you guys get less than 5 hours sleep and are not tired!!!! I guess we're all different lol. It sucks because my exams start on Friday and at this rate i'll be asleep in the exam hall.
Anyway not much happened today just more revision, I haven't had time to talk to any of my friends today we've all been so busy, just 2 more days and i'm on study leave.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Monday, December 5, 2005
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyong. -_-......I'm still tired, my sis decided it would be fun to walk into our room at 12 being as noisy as she could and waking me up from a nice sleep, then it took me about 2 hours to get back to sleep so in the end I got to sleep at 2AM and only got 5 hours sleep which isn't much for me. Why do people insist on being noisy when i'm trying to sleep? T_T
Well anyway if that wasn't enough I had to do more revision today, honestly i'll be glad when its all over.
Sorry for complaining so much and glad you guys like the new theme ^^ I love Christmas!!!!!! lol random, Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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