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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Check it out!!! Bob's hatched into a puff ball thingy whoo hoo!!!!!
Sorry for not getting to sites for 3 days, I was out with friends for the whole weekend...sorry again *bows* damn me for being so busy *smacks self on head with pole*
Oh and I forgot to explain what a grebo is lol, its kinda like an emo...but not so yeah I hope that explains a few things.
Today i'm off school with flu...yeah its friggin summer and I have the flu!!!! How messed up is that?!
...I gots Advent children on DVD whoot and it rocks!!!! Its confusing but it still rocks lmao hehe. Yeah I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it ^^
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
Edit: Oh yeah the add me link is working now...I hope, thanks to ElvesAteMyRamen for telling me ^^
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Friday, April 28, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone...Sorry for not visiting sites...again...sorry i've been really busy with my GCSEs lately and its completly taking over my life!!! -_- Anyway once again i'm sorry *bows*
Today not much happened...got insulted by a random boy in my year, he called me a grebo LMAO I am many things but a grebo is not one of them (no offence meant to anyone who considers themselves one) its just I don't like being stereotyped or stereotyping people for that matter, it makes people seem ununique but yeah that upset me a lil bit.
Tomorrow i'm going bowling because its my friend Amy's b day so thats gonna be...interesting to say the least lol. I am ok at bowling but I always end up hurting one of my fingers. So ya that should be fun.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
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Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well as you can gather gravitation won lol I thought it would be gundam seed but oh well I like this theme.
Not much going on today, I have been staying at school late to finish my dress and its nearly done yay ^^ Other than that, my lifes been pretty boring -_- I wish something exciting would happen but it doesn't look like it will...
So yup I shall leave you guys with my new theme lol. Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Monday, April 24, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
...Hi everyone. I didn't visit sites again, i'm getting really bad at this but I WILL visit today!!! Anyway i'm sorry *bows*
Well I just wanted to post to tell everyone I want to put a new theme up...again lol I really love making layouts!!! But I wanted everyones opinion, I have 2 layouts ready one is Gundam SEED and one is gravitation so which one should I put up???
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. I got attacked by a letter box T_T I was on my round yesterday and it was one of those ones that snap shut and it caught my nail, it was so painful.
After my round I went shopping with my friend Amy, it was a pretty nice day, sunny and hot ^^ Anywho I gots her b day present because she is 16 this Saturday...Oh and I got gravitation the manga, it has pretty good reviews so I thought I would buy it but we'll see ne?
Today i'm not doing much...just coursework lol how boring -_- So yeah how was everyone Saturday?
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Friday, April 21, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Look I gots an egg and i've named it Bob, lol most people have one so I got one too!!!
I started my job yesterday and trust me...its harder than it looks lol but it only took me half hour to do a round so its good ^^
Other news today has been...not so great and great at the same time but mostly good, i've been talking to an old friend...some of you may remember talking about us falling out around New Years but I think we are friends now lol which is good ^^ Oother than that its been a pretty boring day...
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Sorry for not getting to sites yesterday *bows*
I GOT A JOB YAY!!!!!!!!!! lol i'm so happy ^^ well its not really a job, i'm just doing a paper round but it will bring in the money. I start tomorrow morning.
I got my stitches out today and it f***ing hurt!!! Geez whoever said stitches don't hurt lied. But its all good now, not more soreness ^^ The doc said everything appears to be normal so thats another good thing.
After that I just went to school and my friends were being wierd...again lol, kinda freaked me out a bit hehe.
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Monday, April 17, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well yesterday was ok, I was busy making layouts for people and eating easter eggness, don't know why though i'm not even religious hehe but still, gotta love the easter eggs ^^
...Unfortunately I have to close requests now because I have found some neglected homework which needs to be done -_- Ah homework, the greatest thing in the world lol so I will get to work on that.
My stitches have been really sore these past couple of days which is starting to worry me, its probably just the healing process but the painkillers are doing their job lol.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well it semms I forgot the PMs don't work....stupid me *hits self on head with wood* Hehe so if anyone wants a theme or wallpaper just say want kind you want when you comment or you can e mail me ^^ Requests are still open for 3 days!!! I have one request at the moment from lucygilbert which I am doing so don't worry lol, it should be don't by the end of today ^^
Anywho glad you all like the new theme and thanks for the compliments *blushes* you guys are so nice ^^
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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Friday, April 14, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Well I put a new theme up...again lol, i'm very bored being stuck at home so I decided why not make a new theme ne? But yeah I wanted to do a visual kei theme because you don't see many of them on MyO. Oh yeah thanks Magnus Lensherr for pointing out the scroll bar problem i'm trying to fix it but no luck at the moment. Anywho apart from that hope you guys like it ^^
Sorry for not getting to many sites yesterday, I had friends over to visit me and I didn't feel up to it after. I never thought having an op would drain me so much -_-
Oh and I got an easter egg from my friend Amy yesterday which was sweet of her and Nic chin drew me a chibi picture ^^ I love it so much i'm going to put it on my wall.
...One more thing, i'm opening up requests yay!!!! So if anyone wants a theme or a wallpaper PM me and I shall make you one ^^
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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