Friday, September 16, 2005
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Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
YEAH ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!! *coughs* erm hi everyone lol. Well as you can tell, i'm glad its Friday, I love Fridays. My day has been good, just average lessons, my friend was so mean to me in geography, she gave me this sweet thing, it looked like a green bead and it tasted horrible >_< I still have the taste in my mouth, I don't know how anyone can like them!!! Yeah anyway english was fun, we didn't have a teacher or sub teacher so we were just mucking about while watching great expectations. We weren't really watching it, instead everyone was determined to throw old books everywhere, even at me T_T But they all missed and I threw the books back and I hit them bwahahahaha!!!!!! *coughs* It was fun though lol, I never knew books could be so useful lol. Well it taught them a lesson about throwing books at me. Well its the weekend and I have homework again, guess it means I can't go out. Oh well like I say its best to do it and get it all out of the way.
Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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