Tuesday, March 7, 2006
+Guestbook+ +Add me as a friend+ +PM me/Requests+ +Log out+ +Quiz results+ +Wallpapers+ +MySpace+
Hi i'm Kate aka snow drop. Feel free to look around my site, check out my wallpapers and read my quiz results. Also sign my guestbook if you want and add me as a friend. Well enjoy your visit ^^
Current theme- Orbit
About me
Birthday- 03/14/1990
Gender- Female
Location- Hampshire/England
Real name- Katie but I prefer Kate or Snow
Favourite anime- Akira, Kare kano, DB/Z, Love Hina, Outlaw Star, .Hack sign, Gundam wing, fruits basket, Escaflowne and many more!
Hobbies- Playing video games, making graphics and being with my friends.

Layout by © Snow Drop
PNG and texture from Aethereality
Hi everyone. Hehe me gots in a fight again, I know its bad but I had a good reason!!!! The people i've been talking about for the past couple of posts (yes your porbably getting bored of this by now but I just have to tell you guys) called me ginger head because of my RED hair, red is not ginger. Anyway I went up to them and had a massive go at them but it must've worked because they haven't picked on me all day believe it or not so maybe its finally over (I hope). It wasn't the best way to handle it but if it works who cares right?
-_- I spent another free period watching PE seeing as i'm not able to do it anymore and it was sooooo boring T_T watching everyone dancing.
Oh yeah I have 2 exams tomorrow for science so wish me luck guys!!!!
Yeah thats about all the important things I have to say lol, not much but its all good. Well thats all from me, have a good day ^^
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