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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
run. escape. open the doors that lead to nightmares.
(here's a picture i made before the crash)
^this is my character snowi_white from runescape. she's basicly looks like a gothic lolita character with short boyish hair and an axe o_O;
of course a list of recomended games to go with the picture:
go play Runescape is fun and definitly worth your time XD
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warning» self musing» Who am i talking to? No one even visits this page.
I finally have gotten my computer back and apologize that it took so long.

Unfortunatly, almost EVERYTHING in my harddrive is wipped out now, and i have to start on a new slat. T_T
Hopeful I can recover some files before some self destruction occurs.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Its just not Splenda!!!
warning» self musing» read and your eyes with bleed
If you ever have gotten food poisoning, then you probably know how i feel. If not, dont get it.
After throwing up, 3 times every hour since 2:00am, i realized that i've went down around 3 pants sizes! (yay, i think i can fit a size 5 now... but still not fun) I couldn't eat any solid foods, nor actrully any food at all.
The main suspect in the poisoning you may ask? Well, the last thing that i forced my body to drink was Aquafina's new "FlavorSplash", which is said to be "made with natural fruit flavors and sweetened with Splenda"
i did some research on it, and it was pretty shocking what i found:
•Is Splenda Making You Sick? Find Out Some Common Reaction Symptoms
•A Splenda Way to Die!
•The Potential Dangers of Sucralose:
Reader Testimonials
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
meh computer 'a sploded' @_@
warning» self pity» read and your eyes with bleed
meaning, i can no longer access my main computer. EVERYTHING is dead. System Recovery has no effect. All pending fanart and wallpaper have been wiped clean, as long with manga, anime, logs, fanfiction, and school reports...
in other words: i'm screwed.
sorry for being unactive for the time being. i'm too busy sobbing in a corner, over the internet lost (btw, i'm on a cruddy mac right now)
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Monday, February 7, 2005
ERROR: Cannot find server. This message brought to you by, hell's laptop

I havn't been on recently.
"Why" you ask?
its because of the fact that i cannot access
every time i type in the address, i find myself to the "Cannot find server" page. (quite shocking cause i'd stalk Adam, himself if he actrully deleted this website) *evil laughter*
this also causes problems for posting wallpapers
mainly cause i have to submit one paper multiple of times and hope one of them posts e_e...
anyway speaking of wallpaper...
• i've added Gundam Wing wallpaper~su!
• plus a remix version, that had trouble posting (i luv meh remixes lol)
why? well, cause ChaosButterfly said she'd start making a collection, and i wanna put aleast one up there before that!
*sigh* i'm sooo commpetitive its scary
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
*gasp* whoses behind hiei?

actrully Kurama is behind him in my first draft heheh
unfortuntly, I didn't finnish drawing Kurama, so i just cut out Hiei and colored him in separately (orginal was b&w anyway)
anyway, this is my first attempt to "break in" my new graphire! ^____^
its quite suprising since i practically never draw fanart. most amateurs just copy the oringinal works and call it there own =_=. i want to discourage that, and hope that people draw with there own style rather then leech ^^;;
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

apparntly, the wallpapers do infact post ^__^;;
so for all you DNAngel otakus, please enjoy this random fandom that has abosolutly nothing to do with anything. no shonen ai hints here, eh heheh...
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i pity those lost sheep...
warning» self musing» read and your eyes with bleed
<-retired avvy - new avvy->
i changed my avater finally.
really not much a difference though.
its a perfect square now @_@
squares should not be so perfect.
so i'm starting to miss my former avvy. ;_;
my former avvy was different from the other avvys! *sparklers appear* it stood out... but now it blends in well with the other avvys... now maybe a little too well ...o_O;
(yes, i have issues)
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
somtimes self-sacrifice isn't worth the reward
warning» self loathing» read and your eyes with bleed
i'm feeling stressed lately.
since i was ten i believe, my father and mother have been divorced. i now live under my stuck-up mom's roof, in which 'everything under her roof is hers'. and also drifted even more apart from my father who seemly tried to control my life by strings. as a result, i always put on my fake smile and formal manners when i'm around him. (its now quite depessing now that i think about it)
to begin with: my mom hates my dad (simply put).
over the years, she has been telling me how horrible he is. she mentions it as if its just gossip from stuck up teen (her). WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO BELIEVE?! my mother is telling me to hate my father!
my dad's the opposite, EVERY time he sees me (usually once or twice a week) he always tells me how poor he is, and that life isn't treating him well. He purposly tries to show me how awful his living style is; in such a way that you might say that he's purposely trying to make me feel sorry for him so i may relay this to my mother.
unfotunatly when i use this as a defense against my mother's attacks on him, she simply states that he's "lying, rich (cause he runs a video store) and stingy money hog."
either way, it seems as though i'm being decieved.
other then having my family fall apart, i fear that my friend pities my situation. i hate the way she looks down upon me like i'm some abandoned puppy in a shoebox. she made a big deal over the fact that my father didn't buy me birthday/x-mas present till today at least: he gave me $100 and took me to a computer store. unfortunatly i had to pay for the rest of it with my life savings.
i wish i wasn't caught in the middle of this. but i know same kids have it worse so i shouldn't complain over this petty matter. i just feel very confused, and left with an empty feeling inside.
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saa... the wallpaper section is still closed X_X I particaly lived there at my visits to MyOtaku!
hopefully after i install my new drawing tablet i can finnish up on some fanart *evil laughter*
(its soo hard too draw from my scanner!)
anywhoo... i'm sooo sad that i didn't win the contest Adam held for the cosplay t-shirt.
my only hopes now is that the winners actrully do infact cosplay. If they don't i'm planning to kill em! >_<*
a shame how unfair life is.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
every girl's dream i guess...
warning» cupcake overload» read and your eyes with bleedi've gotten my very first love confession today.
though unlike anime, it was very awkward, worst mood possible, and completely random. (quite funny how off the mood was ^^;)
unfortunatly, i turned my friend down because i thought of him more as a 'ni-chan' then 'koi'
...and also since the after effects of my parent's divorce (actrully even before that), i'm a firm believer that love ruins peoples lives
i can't wait for the akward silences that'll lie ahead T_T
update 10/17/04
i realized that the concept of 'love' has been nagging on my mind since this insident. I admit that i'm confused as hell. I've been trying to produce a 'childish' front to make up for my lousy childhood... and of course as you all know, children arn't ready yet for dating ^_-
o_O; i think i might have a mild case of Peter Pan syndrome
• i'll still update the post below when my wallpaper gets posted if it gets aproved first... it isn't THAT slashy! *evil laughter*
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