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Sunday, February 29, 2004
Turtle Convention ?!?!
yesterday, I went to the KameCon in NH. it was a small anime convention in a high school. It was great that there wasn't that many ppl. cosplayed as Vampire Princess Miyu. i convented my white kimono into the costume ^^; Too bad that i'm an azn with a tan and that i didn't know that you didn't have to wear shoes, and my costume was falling apart since the DDR game (enough said --_--;) Actrully to tell the truth, I havn't read the series of VMP Miyu yet. I just got her as a quiz result... ^__^;;; eh he he...
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Monday, February 23, 2004
all hail!
sowie about this but i will currently delete guest book entries that only say "visit me!" or other pitiful pleas for attention. -__-;
In other news, i posted some quizes at the bottom you might like to try. Click on the link to go to the quiz. (I need to fix the 'evil anime badass' link, so it might not be working yet...)
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
nee kikoe masuka?
sowie for an updating. with my scanner gone, i got depress that i couldn't submit anymore art work and slowly... drifted away... That, and the fact that i forgot I had a account here ^^; *dodges hammer*
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
please comment
awww... nobodys commented yet (below) that make me sad... *starts shaping sword* anyway, religious or not,
Happy Holidays
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
onegai . . .
It seems, as an artist i'm voted as a C+ =_=U To try to improve my rank;
I'm doing requests! Thats RIGHT! I'll draw your favorite bishie *cough* anime charater! ^^; *mumbles* But since, I got voted a low score... and not very popular... and now everyone knows that I have low self esteem... and seem to be busy lately... ...and plus my scanners broke er... HA HA HA HAAaaa... =_= Anyway, please send in your request by repling to this message. I'm draw about any anime except the ones that I don't know. and... well... er...
COME ON COWARDS POST!<-fake self confindence
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
(12/13) Today's my birthday. . .
I got no presents, had to remind my mother that it was my birthday, and later my mother was bitching and comparing me to how she was when she was my age (how she was perfect, and A+ student). I thought it was going to be better tomorrow because I had a small birthday party planed, but my mom canceled it. Its going to be snowing. Oh, as for my father's "present" I have to pay for 1/3 of it before he can order it online. As if I have a job to PAY for it!
Only highlight of the day: I saw the movie, Last Samuri with my father and a friend.
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Monday, December 8, 2003
Magical Girls who steal things . . .
first time I took this quiz I got St. Tail, then a month later, I took it again. Ironic that their both theifs... Maybe I should try it... again. *aku*
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Friday, December 5, 2003
Haiku about school...
. School .
we will not, it seems
use half this stuff in real life
*bangs head on table*
Its T R U E ! Anyway, I was bored and kind of depressed finding out that I hav around 5 hours worth of homework. Enough said.
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
This explains the personality disorder post ^__^;

Sowie Guys, but I wear alot more clothes then this :P
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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
*smile smile* (easily pleased)
A total of 6 visited this page so far, and around 12 people looked at my picture *^___^* (though half of them voted that they hated it =_=) Oh well, I'm still happy. I posted music by the way. It has a nice melody...
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