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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/15/08:
Result Posted on 02/15/08:
Your Personality is Very Rare (INTJ)
Your personality type is logical, uncompromising, independent, and nonconformist.
Only about 3% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 4% of all men.
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.
Result Posted on 02/04/08:
Result Posted on 01/31/08:
true ture, u guys should it, very correct.
Result Posted on 01/09/08:
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Peace You are Peace. Peace is the opposite of anger and destruction. Peace is calm. It tears down barriers; it brings us together. Peace is a noble goal sought by the good of heart. "May peace prevail on earth." | Friendship | | Charity | | Love | | Faith | | Courage | | Which Positive Quality Are You? | |
Result Posted on 01/09/08:
yummy!, but not to be god
Which Death Note Character Are You? Your Result: Light Yagami You are most like Light Yagami. You are extremely brilliant for your age and completely serious. Although, you may lose it from time to time. You're pretty cute and want to change the world so that you'll be a new God. | Ryuzaki aka "L" | | Mello | | Near | | Misa Amane | | Which Death Note Character Are You? Make a Quiz | |
Result Posted on 12/31/07:
Your Aura is Violet
Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!
The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say
Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony
Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach
Result Posted on 08/24/07:
so true!!!!
Your Naruto Life! (girls only) -post timeskip-
 Name (first, last): Saaya YaroAge: 15Appearance: Beautiful ivory skin. Long silky black hair and drop-dead georgous icy blue eyes.Personality: Saaya is afraid of nothing and no one, even though she is frail and vunerable. She is in love with the world (and all the bad in it) She is also known for being entisingly beautiful, but she doesn't freak out about dirt on her shoulders. Saaya's a natural low-maintence beauty.Main Love Interest: GaaraCrushes: Neji, KankuroBest Friend(s): Naruto and your sister Akina! Go see all the results and find her!Naruto: We are best friends! Running around 'n doing stupid stuff all the time.Sasuke: She REALLY doesn't like me.Sakura: Saaya? VERY friendly, and VERY stubborn. Ino: She's absolutly stunning! I HATE HER!Shikamaru: She's so difficult. *sighs* It's a unicorn, no, it's a horsie with a horn and wings... Can't she make up her mind? (me: I'm not gonna to ask...)Chouji: *tear* She ate my BBQ...Rock Lee: YOUTHFUL SPIRIT! A TRUE FRIEND!Ten Ten: She's always happy with the world, people should be like that...Neji: *spaces out* She told me once "Don't let anyone tell you that you're too young to change the world!"Shino: She bugs the hell outa me...Kiba: H-O-T! (me: Pervert!)Hinata: S-she's an a-amazing fr-riend!Gaara: She doesn't fear me and treats me like just another guy. Nothing special, just a normal person.Temari: Personally, I think she could lay off.Kankuro: *shivers* VERY cute.Akina: I luffy you too! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/07:
so true!
What Chinese element are you?
Your dominant element is water. The ancient Yin-Yang scholars saw water types as people who usually didn't mind spending a little time by themselves. Do some people think you brood too much or are a bit of a loner? It may be that you just happen to enjoy your own company. Honesty probably means a lot to you--if there's one thing water types can't stand, it's people who tell lies, even "little" white lies. Do you love the beach, the pool or even just hot baths? Water types are happiest near water.Water has no defined shape and is related to a strong sense of imagination that defies set boundaries.Calmness is the dominant elemental energy of water and this helps us to make decisions that are smart and well-considered.Water can stand still or flow. Prevailing stillness promotes peace of mind while flowing water energizes.To enhance both the soothing and stimulating qualities, the water energy needs to be near real water. It doesn't have to be the ocean or a river--an aquarium or even floating candles in your house should be more than sufficient.A cold climate is best for the water energy, as it prevents it from evaporating into steam. The color that corresponds to water is black. Water types like salty foods.NOTE: Water types tend to have curvy hips and often look like they are deep in thought, even if they're not. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/19/07:
accurate as fuck
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