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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
 Hello all and thanks for stopping by! There are no new articles to report from this last week but next week looks promising.
First up is Tical, who plans on submitting a new article this Monday. This article will deal with the Vampire Hunter D novel, and who doesn't want to read more about Vampire Hunter D!
Bellpickle has gotten the details of her "L" article down. She has decided that since his backstory is pretty much non-existent that she's going to write the article fanfiction style and will explore his character and his backstory through the use of hypothetical situations. Passages of analysis/explanations will be interspersed between the chapters in what has got to be one of the more interesting article formats out there.
As for our other 3 writers, well, let's just say their reality is infringing on there creativity. So for Shinkiro, Ada Pallas, and Snow Fox it's just a recap of last week. Sorry, but to refresh your memory we'll repost what those article ideas are.
- An article on The Pet Shop of Horrors.
- A comparison between the Otogizoushi anime and the Otogizoushi legend.
- And an article concerning the Twelve Kindgoms anime.
Ada Pallas:
- A review of the manga Ghost Hunt.
- An article on Osamu Tezuka is coming along.
Snow Fox:
- Miso Soup for the Otaku Soul, Vol. 2. It'll follow the same format of the first one, but this one will essentially be a nostalgia-inducer for the veteran anime-viewer, and a basic guide for those who haven't yet decided whether or not they like anime.
- Several (approximately 4) articles about Paranoia Agent are in the (very slow) works. Currently, they're all in various stages of pre-development. She is waiting for a break from school to review the anime.
And finally, here's a reminder on what collaborations we are working on:
- "Formula 4" A look at animes that use this formula and why.
- An article that will look at the experience we anime otaku have had with each other and everyone else is also in production and is being helmed by Bellpickle.
- A Saiyuki article which revolves around how and why the manga differs from the anime is also in start up phases and is meant to be a collab between Shinkiro and Ada Pallas.
Thanks for sticking with us, even if this was mostly a recap. But we think these articles will be worth the wait.
Bye! |
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
 Welcome all!
First, let's take a look at this past week with a recap.
Tical's article, Blood The Last Vampire: Night Of The Beast, as well as Shinkiro's article, Valhalla Help Us, have both been posted! Yeah! So go check those out, we command you! ^_^
Now, let's peer into the crystal ball and look at what's to come in the future.
Shinkiro's articles in progress include:
- An article on The Pet Shop of Horrors.
- A comparison between the Otogizoushi anime and the Otogizoushi legend.
- And an article concerning the Twelve Kindgoms anime.
Bellpickle has one article in the works and it's about L from Death Note.
Ada Pallas has decided to cool it a bit and has decided to shorten up her list into a more managable group:
-Her review of the manga Ghost Hunt has stalled a bit, but she is determined to bring you another article on a lesser known manga.
- An article on Osamu Tezuka is coming along.
- Due to the magnatude and complexity, her "Outsider" article has slid back into pre-production stages as she tries to figure out where she wants to go with this article.
Yeah for new members!
Snow Fox has "two" articles she is working on (and isn't it strange that we mentioned her article Miso Soup For The Otaku Soul, Vol. 1 just last week!):
- Miso Soup for the Otaku Soul, Vol. 2 is in the works. It'll follow the same format of the first one, but this one will essentially be a nostalgia-inducer for the veteran anime-viewer, and a basic guide for those who haven't yet decided whether or not they like anime.
- Several (approximately 4) articles about Paranoia Agent are in the (very slow) works. Currently, they're all in various stages of pre-development. She is waiting for a break from school to review the anime.
And just so you don't fear, we haven't left Tical out, we simply don't have anything to report for him.
SOAP was started with the hopes of having articles that are collaborations between writers, and it is so exciting that we now have several in production:
- "Formula 4" has begun production, one of it's major points will be an argument that Inuyasha is in this category, so Shippo fans might not like this. It will also incorporate other such anime as Trigun and Saiyuki.
- Bellpickle's idea for an article that will look at the experience we anime otaku have had with each other and everyone else is also in production.
- Shinkiro and Ada Pallas's Saiyuki article which revolves around how and why the manga differs from the anime is also in start up phases.
Now collaborations will be moving slightly slower then our other articles, for abvious reasons, but these are the articles we are most excited about. And with all the things going on in our lives, articles will be coming a tad slowly in general. But never fear, we'll keep you posted on where things stand.
That's all this week, see you! |
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
 Up first this week is a big welcome to two new members! We are excited to add Tical and Snow Fox to the club! We'll start giving you updates on their work starting next week.
I'd also like to let you guys know that I fixed the problems with the links so everything should be in working order. If anything isn't working properly, though, please PM Ada immediatly. Thanks!
This has been a big week for our SOAP members, Bellpickle's review of RahXephon is an excellent read. And Ada Pallas's three articles; Holy Terrors, The Lost Legend of Arslan, and Lost Masterpiece are up as well.
Now on to what we are working on.
Shinkiro's articles are coming along nicely:
-Her article on Mystical Detective Loki Ragnarok has been submitted. Keep your eyes open for a special report on that when it finally appears.
-Also, keep an eye out for her article on The Pet Shop of Horrors which she should be finishing up some time in the near future.
-Her comparison between the Otogizoushi anime and the Otogizoushi legend seems to have stalled a bit but she has every intention of getting it done. Send her your support!!
-And still in pre-production is her article that looks at the countries of the Twelve Kindgoms anime.
Bellpickle is currently finishing her one article and has submitted an article idea for us to do as a collaboration:
-Her article on L from Death Note is coming along, though even she isn't sure what the end result will be! ^_^
-Much like Snow Fox's Miso Soup For the Otaku Soul is based of the popular Chicken Soup books, Bellpickle has come up with a similar idea. But instead of looking at animes this ariticle will look at the experience we anime otaku have had with each other and everyone else. We have a feeling this is going to be a great read!
After this last week Ada Pallas's list of articles to write should have gotten much smaller, right? Well someone should have told her that:
-A review of the manga Ghost Hunt is coming in the next week, so look out for that one.
-Research has begun on her article that looks at Japan and its anime as viewed by "the outsider" and how these views influence the production of english translations. Though, this may become too long and be split up into several different essays.
-*"Formula 4" has begun production, one of it's major points will be an argument that Inuyasha is in this category, so Shippo fans might not like this.
-*"Formula 3" is on hold until after "Formula 4" is complete. And now Ada is planning another article in this series called "Formula Maximum" that looks at animes with large ensamble casts. (Where this series ends, not even Ada knows!)
*These articles will probably be collaborations that will allow each member to contribute to the analysis.
-Ada has also decided to write a guide that informs us all about the father of manga, Osamu Tezuka, which oddly no one has done yet.
Lastly, this week collaboration will begin on Shinkiro and Ada Pallas's Saiyuki article and will revolve around how and why the manga differs from the anime.
Thanks to all our supporters!
See you same time, same place, next week! |
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
 Hello everyone!
There's been quite a bit of progress in the past week, as well as a few more article ideas thrown in.
Senior Writer Shinkiro has three articles currently in-production:
- A look at the Norse legends and myths in relation to the anime Mystical Detective Loki Ragnarok. This one is more than halfway written, and will hopefully be submitted next week.
- An article on the Petshop of Horrors, which will also be submitted some time next week.
- Her comparison of the Otogizoushi anime with the Otogizoushi legend. (She's having a bit of trouble with finding the proper research for this article, but hopefully she will bounce back!)
- In pre-production, she is thinking of writing an anthropological study on the countries of the Twelve Kingdoms (Juuni Kokki).
bellpickle is currently working on two projects:
- A review of Rahxephon will be completed once she is finished re-watching the series. This one may also be submitted mid-next week.
- In pre-production, the analysis of Mad Hatter has been changed to an analysis of L from Death Note.
Lastly, Ada Pallas has three articles about ready for submission:
- A explanation of why anime likes to make fun of Holy figures. This one is called "Holy Terrors."
- A look at the problems surrounding the manga and anime The Heroic Legend of Arslan. This one is titled "The Lost Legend of Arslan."
- A look at both the anime and manga of Twilight of the Darkmaster titled "Lost Masterpiece."
- A review of Ghost Hunt, which is currently in-production.
- In pre-production, an article that looks at Japan and its anime as viewed by "the outsider," and how this affects the production of anime in the United States.
- Also in pre-production are two articles titled, "Formula 3" and "Formula 4." Both articles focus on anime where the main number of characters equals the numbers mentioned. (This one may become a collaboration between the three of us.)
Also, Shinkiro and Ada Pallas are collaborating on an article involving the series Saiyuki.
We've gotten a couple more requests to join, so our members list will grow very soon!
Thanks for reading! |
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
 Hello Everyone! And welcome to our second update!!!
Not much has changed in the recent week as far as the status on our work but there's a bit more info in this week's post . . .
Senior Writer, Shinkiro, is currently awaiting material to complete her work on her two articles:
-Her comparison of the Otogizoushi anime with the Otogizoushi legend will be done after she finishes her book on the Otogizoushi legend.
-A look at the Norse legends and myths in relation to the anime Mystical Detective Loki Ragnarok will be presented to all of you after she has finished watching the anime.
On to Bellpickle who is still working on her two articles:
-A reveiw of Rahxephon, look for this to appear before the end of January.
-A look at the Mad Hatter character from Angel Sanctuary.
And lastly, Ada Pallas apparently doesn't feel like she has enough on her plate since she's added another article into her to do list:
-A review of the problems surrounding the anime/manga The Heroic Legend of Arslan which was submitted a while ago but not published. This review has been rewritten and is currently being edited, but editing has been slow.
-Her review of Twilight of the Darkmaster is now in production and has been focused into an article that would help you decide between the manga and the anime.
-A review of the new manga, Ghost Hunt is still in progress.
-An article is being planned that will look at Japan and it's anime as viewed by "the outsider" and how this affects the production of anime in the United States.
*Ada has also been throwing around several other ideas, and since she will be out of touch for the next week of so, expect a flood of articles from her once she's back and connected.
And one more fabulous bit of news is that our first collaborative article is in the works. An as of yet defined article on Saiyuki will be coming, a collab between our two resident Saiyuki fan girls, Shinkiro and Ada Pallas.
And if any of you have any ideas on other collaborative works we would be thrilled to hear them!
Oh, and keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks for we may be adding a new member to S.O.A.P.
Thanks for stopping by!! |
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