Up first this week is a big welcome to two new members! We are excited to add
Tical and
Snow Fox to the club! We'll start giving you updates on their work starting next week.
I'd also like to let you guys know that I fixed the problems with the links so everything should be in working order. If anything isn't working properly, though, please PM
Ada immediatly. Thanks!
This has been a big week for our SOAP members,
Bellpickle's review of
RahXephon is an excellent read. And
Ada Pallas's three articles;
Holy Terrors,
The Lost Legend of Arslan, and
Lost Masterpiece are up as well.
Now on to what we are working on.
Shinkiro's articles are coming along nicely:
-Her article on
Mystical Detective Loki Ragnarok has been submitted. Keep your eyes open for a special report on that when it finally appears.
-Also, keep an eye out for her article on
The Pet Shop of Horrors which she should be finishing up some time in the near future.
-Her comparison between the
Otogizoushi anime and the
Otogizoushi legend seems to have stalled a bit but she has every intention of getting it done. Send her your support!!
-And still in pre-production is her article that looks at the countries of the
Twelve Kindgoms anime.
Bellpickle is currently finishing her one article and has submitted an article idea for us to do as a collaboration:
-Her article on L from
Death Note is coming along, though even she isn't sure what the end result will be! ^_^
-Much like Snow Fox's
Miso Soup For the Otaku Soul is based of the popular
Chicken Soup books, Bellpickle has come up with a similar idea. But instead of looking at animes this ariticle will look at the experience we anime otaku have had with each other and everyone else. We have a feeling this is going to be a great read!
After this last week
Ada Pallas's list of articles to write should have gotten much smaller, right? Well someone should have told her that:
-A review of the manga
Ghost Hunt is coming in the next week, so look out for that one.
-Research has begun on her article that looks at Japan and its anime as viewed by "the outsider" and how these views influence the production of english translations. Though, this may become too long and be split up into several different essays.
-*"Formula 4" has begun production, one of it's major points will be an argument that
Inuyasha is in this category, so Shippo fans might not like this.
-*"Formula 3" is on hold until after "Formula 4" is complete. And now Ada is planning another article in this series called "Formula Maximum" that looks at animes with large ensamble casts. (Where this series ends, not even Ada knows!)
*These articles will probably be collaborations that will allow each member to contribute to the analysis.
-Ada has also decided to write a guide that informs us all about the father of manga, Osamu Tezuka, which oddly no one has done yet.
Lastly, this week collaboration will begin on
Shinkiro and
Ada Pallas's
Saiyuki article and will revolve around how and why the manga differs from the anime.
Thanks to all our supporters!
See you same time, same place, next week!