Sorry that there was no update last week, Ada_Pallas is on hiatus and Shinkiro just started school and in her senility, totally forgot to update. Shinkiro extends her apologies to members and readers alike.
Latest Articles
Taltos has graced us with another fine piece of work entitled
Jenova’s Child. This Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children article analyzes villain, Kadaj and how he's really just a messed up kid.
Works in Progress
--Katsom is our newest member and he is brimming with ideas. He is re-reading some Naruto manga in preparation to write a Naruto article on what he expects to be a controversial issue.
--He is also writing an article called "The Kindaichi Files" that will be reviewing this little known manga. He expects this to turn into an ongoing series detailing unknown anime and manga and we may even see some SOAP collabs on this topic.
Bellpickle's works in progress:
--Bell is feverishly working on her ACEN con report.
--She is has also started writing an analysis on the series Princess Tutu, though she has decided to keep the specific topic top secret. Such a tease!
--She will also be starting on her report from the Play! Video Game concert at the end of May.
--Her L article is on hold indefinitely or until she gets some inspiration.
Taltos's works in progress:
--Taltos has submitted another Advent Children article that is pending approval. Expect to see it very soon.
--She has also started an analysis of the impact of .hack//SIGN's original soundtrack on the anime and she expects to have it finished within the next week.
Katana's works in progress:
The homework monster is consuming all of Katana’s time, but here is a reminder of what she is working on.
--Since her quiz is up all that’s left is the article part which may contain a spoiler warning so that people can’t know what questions lead to a certain answer because according to Katana “that’s no fun.”.The quiz will help fans come up with ideas for what they should try on their anime sites and the article will take those things and elaborate on them, discussing issues such as difficulty, amount of HTML skills needed, time, and, obviously, the ever hated question of: Bandwith.
- And since she recently got into Furba, there might be a
Fruits Basket article in her future.
Sangome Wilder’s works in progress:
--Her article defending Regal Bryant from
Tales of Symphonia has been delayed but she is still working on it.
--She is expecting to finish both her analysis of
Evangelion's Kaworu Nagisa and her "Differences Between the Hagane Anime and Manga" sometime this week.
--She also expects to start on an
Advent Children article soon though she hasn’t picked out a topic yet.
SunfallE’s works in progress:
SunfallE has had a computer problem and lost all of her work so her articles will be coming slowly but surely. Here’s a recap of what she is working on.
--Her 2nd wallpaper themed collaboration with her friend, Mariskah.
Rurouni Kenshin article detailing the sword techniques used in the series.
Howl's Moving Castle article that looks at the idea that when Howl gained Calcifer he lost the ability to grow up.
- Also, she plans to see if she can take the idea of how nothing is evil and only becomes that way through a series of choices and apply that to
Princess Monoke
Shinkiro's works in progress:
--She plans to finish her article about anime galleries online sometime this week.
--She would like to start on a couple of more of her articles (see the last update for a full list) but with school, article production for Shinkiro will probably be slowing down.
Collaborations in progress
- SOAP’s Guide to writing articles should be posted today or very early in the week.
--The debate collab is coming along nicely. Members have come up with some great subjects to discuss and will be meeting online to get it started very soon.
-- Katsom’s idea for highlighting underdog series will probably be getting started this week.
--Sangome Wilder's collab defending anime characters has been extended but should be appearing in the next week or so.
--Bellpickle and Katana should be starting their ACEN report as soon as they sort through all their goodies!.
--ryu6fw has started a collab idea based off Katana's "If It Were Anime" aricle. This has been put on hold because ryu-san is having computer problems.
So be looking forward to some more solid articles and collabs coming your way this week!
Members curretnly on Haitus:
--Ada Pallas
--Otaku Alchemist