Latest Articles
--Ryu and Katana have started a series called “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” in which they hold discussions on different fan works around the O. This week they have posted two:
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, For Articles and
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Quizzes
--SunFallE has overcome a computer crash to bring us
”The Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Style”. This article is a brief look at how (and if) the different sword techniques used in the Ruroken series would work in real life.
--Taltos has finished yet another collab and FFVII article with Neoterik this week.
“A Basic Freudian Analysis Of The Remnants” analyzes the villains of FFVII and Advent Children in the context of a Freudian assessment of the psyche.
--Kastom defends the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker game in his latest article
“The Wind Waker: It Never Really Awoke”.
--Kastom has finished another T.W.I.T. article as well:
”T.W.I.T. – Nintendo And Sony”.
--Lastly, bellpickle's Princess Tutu article was posted this week.
"The False Knight And His Swan Princess" is an analysis of the relationship between the characters Fakir and Ahiru.
Works in Progress
Taltos's works in progress:
--She is putting the finishing touches on her SaiYuki article analyzing the Burial Arc.
--She is having some trouble with her article about the Saiyuki's main characters' names, but
let’s hope she is able to muddle through it and bring us more Saiyuki goodness!
--His massive article that he has code named “Genders” is making excellent progress. It should be posted in a couple of weeks so we’ll just have to wait until then to see what this hush-hush article is about!
--He has two ideas for articles in his Underdog series.
--His Naruto article is still in the works as well.
Bellpickle's works in progress:
--Bell’s submissions may taper off over the next two weeks due to finals but our reward will be her report from the Play! Video Game concert and maybe this two weeks will be the time she needs for the inspiration to finish her L article.
Katana's works in progress:
-- The quiz-'n-article stage 2 part should start making progress now that summer break is here.
--She and Ryu are planning a great collab where they will watch a video together and have a recorder going during the movie for conversation. The working title is TRT (Tape Recorder Talk). This is on hold until they can decide on and acquire a movie or series to discuss.
Sangome Wilder’s works in progress:
--She is having a having a bit of writers block so her article defending Regal Bryant from
Tales of Symphonia, her analysis of
Evangelion's Kaworu Nagisa , and her
Advent Children have all been put on hold for a while.
-- Her "Differences Between the Hagane Anime and Manga" is almost finished and is expected to be posted sometime this week.
--She is also planning a few surprise articles as well (a possible article about Elfin Lied for one), so be on the look out for those!
SunfallE’s works in progress:
SunfallE has had a computer problem and lost all of her work so her articles will be coming slowly but surely. Here’s a recap of what she is working on (read: having to rewrite!):
-- Her 2nd wallpaper themed collaboration with her friend, Mariskah, is coming along.
--She's also planning a
Howl's Moving Castle article that looks at the idea that when Howl gained Calcifer he lost the ability to grow up.
- Also, she plans to see if she can take the idea of how nothing is evil and only becomes that way through a series of choices and apply that to
Princess Monoke
Collaborations in progress
Collabs have slowed in progress due to the busy life of SOAPers, but here is a recap of what we are working on:
--The debate collab where SOAPers will discuss various topics in anime.
--A series highlighting underdog anime and manga.
--An ACEN 2006 report
--An "If It Were Anime" article.
Thanks for reading!