Latest Articles
--The first and second articles of the Debate! collab have been posted. The first is "
Anime vs. Manga" and the second is "
Subs vs. Dubs."
--bellpickle's "
The Pillows: My Foot Tour Concert Report" was also posted.
Works in Progress
Sangome Wilder’s works in progress:
--She will begin writing an analysis of her favorite character from
Elfen Lied, Mariko.
--She will soon finish writing her revised defense article of Hohenheim from FMA fame.
--She is putting her "Differences Between the Hagane Anime and Manga" article on hold until her other articles are completed.
--She is having a having a bit of writers block so her article defending Regal Bryant from
Tales of Symphonia, her analysis of
Evangelion's Kaworu Nagisa , and her
Advent Children article have all been put on hold indefinitely.
Taltos's works in progress:
--She has made some progress on her Chrono Crusade articles about religion and the symbolism of time.
--She is also writing a
Saiyuki article on contrast/duality.
Wolf's Rain article on the topic of tragedy.
--And a .hack//SIGN article about death.
bellpickle's works in progress:
--She is putting her articles on hold in order to work on other non-article writings, partly in preparation of her half-analysis, half-fanfiction L article.
--However, she is still planning to write her guide to BJDs once her first BJD arrives in the mail a couple weeks from now.
Katana's works in progress:
--She is facing writer's block on the quiz-'n-article project, and has put it on hold.
--Also, her report on the famous Missingno glitch in the good ol' Pokemon GameBoy cartridge games has been delayed due to computer problems.
--Lastly, she is thinking of writing a con guide for newbies.
Fasteriskhead's works in progress:
--He has made some progress on his
Black Lagoon piece, an investigation of the relationship between Rock and Revy (which may or may not include references to Marx). He has tweaked the introduction and gotten through the sections of the article centered on episodes 5 and 6.
--The debate collab, where SOAPers discuss various topics in anime. This has been put on hold until more members are available to participate.
--Also, a series highlighting underdog anime and manga.
--An ACEN 2006 report
--An "If It Were Anime" article.
Until next week!