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I like red...and chocolate chip cookies!!
This lady came to a resturant i was working at for the state fair, and she didnt speak any english. My dad called me up to find out waht she was saying, but i had now clue...i pretended to kno....whatever that lady wanted, she got chicken instead.
*throws confetti* COME PARTY!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Alright, its been a while, but its not like anybody reads this or cares...
Ive been in highschool for three weeks since last monday....whew. Im ready for it to end. It was homecomming this week, and it was....odd. ive been a private schooler my whole life, so public is something new to me. All week weve had certian dress codes for every day. Monday was p.j. day, tuesday was formal day, wednesday was wacky, thursday was stoplight (red if you arnt available, yellow if you dont know, and red if youre not). Friday (today) was homecomming, so it was SpIRIt day!! of course i have like no friends, so i wore just some sweatshirt. All the people who know eachother made shirts. *sigh* but going to the game was fun,.... met a few friends there and just wandered. But after the game, one of the girls i was hanging out with went up to her sister and said i was a freak cause i left her standing there while i went to tlak to some of my other friends. WHOA. Didnt know how she felt that wasy cause i was practically holding her hand the whole time (not like that, you perv.) Yeah, so thats basically how schools been going for me. on the first day there was this kid who pushed my off the bleachers. i turned around and he was like four feet tall, and he was all 'i didnt push you' I told him he did, and he siadi could push him back. so i did, totally afraid of the scrawny kid. He looked at his friends and said 'who is this girl, thinking she can push me?!" SCARY. then i met this girl named MaCashin...she likes anime, i just dont like the same stuff as her. But we talked...Shes a total punk rocker, and im...not. She has all of these friends who talk NASTy...But i think shes cool. And she TALKS to me, which is a plus cause im pretty low on the friend scale right now. er, and another bad thing happened in highschool. ((TO ME)). I was sitting in spanish and was wearing these cool pants i got from aero, tons of pockets, and unzipped one so i could get out my mary Kay lipgloss that gost me ten buks. i reached into the pocket that was next to my knee, and quickly pulled my hand out. It was covered in shiny pink lipgloss. I stood up, in the middle of class, and it was all over my pants, from the knee down. I could feel it, now that i knew it was something that wasnt right. And everybody could see it, cause i was wearing WHITE PANTS. IT was HORRIABLE!! i had to go to the office and get some gym shorts...and wear them all day!! Ga, and then this kid makes fun of me in english, but that i can handle on account of i know how to tlak back to SOME people. its like im one way around a certain group of people, and totally different around some others..

*sigh* like, ten more months of school...

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Sunday, September 19, 2004

long time
hey guess what?? Im at dunn brothers right now! thats a coffee place...with free inter net...yay.

t's all

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Saturday, September 4, 2004

To Be Edited
Blue! Your eyes are the Blue of insanity! You make
a lot of friends easily, and you're very
carefree and easy going. Watch yourself,
though, because responsibility is still a big
deal. That doesn't mean you have to stop your
flower obsession, however.

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Your weapon is a Fan!
Chinese Fan! Beautiful and dangerous in one! Don't
laugh. The pretty, metall fan was also a
dangerous weapon in old China. If someone know
how to use it, it's a leatal weapon!

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

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Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

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I'm Earth
Element Earth. You are very kind and gentle. You
love all kinds of animals and plants. Your
power amplifier are the stars, your protective
stone is the Green Quartz. You like the New
Moon and your special power is to talk to any
animal or plant.

Which element (or double element) control your mind and heart?(with anime girls pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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