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Thursday, September 2, 2004

Sometimes i feel so unloved. Like today, all the people at my new highschool have friends, and my old friends have new ones....im so sad...
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Where does school belong?? In the toilet!!
*sigh* toady was my open house at CRHS. What a nightmare. Me and My moma got there around five thirty and found my friend and her mom. So we went and bought my gym uniform, looked around the CRHS Store, and then went to the gym to wait for the other 800 kids who would be arriving around 6:00. As we sat in the gym, with the seats filling up, the principal came in and said that the big speach he was going to give for all the freshmen would be at 7:00....no longer at 6:00. what a waste of time.. cause it was only 6:20. so we just kind of wandered. I come from a small private school of about sixty in my graduating eigth grade class, so it was kind of nerve racking. We are on the BLOCK schedule, so i have four classes, eighty five min. a class. I have no classes on the first floor, which is where my locker is, i have homeroom in between first and second hour, They somehow gave me a Junior locker, and to top it off, THERE WAS GUM STUCK IN THE VENT. not really waht i wanted...or expected. but, bring on the guys!!
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Monday, August 30, 2004

I, being a girl, have a crush on a guy that is remotly my type. (not that i knwo my type, being fourteen and all) His name is Paul, but i was introduced to him, and the 'introducer' called him Paulie. So, I do to. Anyway, his cousin is my best friend ((again, angela)) so whenever hes over at her house, so am I. He likes to skate board, something im totally afraid of. Hes half american half Japanese, so hes got dark skin and big brown eyes, black hair...and he has amazing teeth that make his smile AWESOME. Hes funny, cute, and..well, not sappy. My other good friend ANNA hears his name about five times a day, I ramble about him so much. I have his fone numbers memorized...even though i chicken out when ever i should call him :(.
Anna knows I am madly falling over this guy, and i know she wouldnt do anything to...well, mess it up for me. i think. but im totally afraid to introduce them to eachother, because everybody likes anna, and i dont want him to. Today she called him and didnt even mention my name to him...and i was siting right there...WAITING. it was horriable. my jealousy scale went from one to about a billion. I dont know what to do, dont know what to say, and if i knew what to say, i dont think i would know how to say it. maybe i should get over him and let them have eachother...

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

   The other day, while i was camping, my aunt to me that her kid, my cousin, (hes fourteen) has A.D.D. They like, just found out. So hes on med.'s and stuff, and she says he can concentrate a lot better than before. Psh, and she had to go and tell my mother that, who got some idea that she should talk to me about how i always go off in 'my own little world' and maybe my day dreaming can be fixed. SHE WANTED ME TO GET TESTED FOR A.D.D.!! I know her reasons, and I suppose it owuldnt be a bad idea, because, honestly, I THINK I DO HAVE A.D.D. Kids at my school WISH they had A.D.D. just so they could get away with things (??) or look 'cool' or somehting (me personally, A.D.D. are jsut three letters added on to some medical sheet..Im not one of those...odd people who WANT A.D.D.) But I was talking to my friend who had A.D.H.D. and asked her what the test was like. She said that for A.D.h.D. you had to sit at a computer for a long time, and every time you saw a box come up on the screen, you clicked the mouse. ODD. I dotn understand that. So I decided i didnt really want to get tested...i mean, down the line, i might,but who knows what those pills could be doing to kids who take them now? What will happen to them when they get older? Lateley it seems like a lot more kids have A.D.D...doesnt it?
one more reason i really dont want to get tested and 'recieve' medication is because, once i take the meds (if i were to have A.D.D.) the people in 'my own little world' would probably miss me a lot. why would i want to take a med that makes me drowsy and miss the days i could escape into the sanctidy of my mind????

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My neighbor is my best friend. She s my age and so we are going thru basically the same stuff. I always go over to her house and we do stupid plays that have no meaning, or laugh at some old TV show that was made WAY before our time, in which the main charector is some old but handsome dude, adn the starlett is...well...UGLY. I mean, from my perspective (in which i am interested in guys, cause, well....IM A GIRL) they should pick younger people to star in movies...guess it took them a cupple years to figure that out...^^. but anyway (getting off track O_o) My neighbors name is Angela...shes adopted. Her 'mom' and 'dad' had three kids of their own, and decided they needed three more....(?)so they adopted. angela's 'mom' is like thirty five, and has two brothers. one is twenty five and one is FIFTEEN. angela is fourteen, and since her 'mom''s brother is FIFTEEN, angela has an uncle one year older than her. Which, i suppose, isnt TOO odd...but still it would feel...weird. Especially the adopted part...she was NINE when she was adopted, and her real mom and dad arnt dead yet...so she still sees her real mom and dad, but they live in flordia so she sees them like, once a year. They have skitsofrania (i dont know how to spell it so im going on the way it sounds here) and had to give their kids up. Thats sad... :<(
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I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Grr....The whole concept of school makes me cringe. The old smelly teachers...the new, 'too happy to want to know', teachers, and the cliques that come along with it. I dont know how ill fare in the setting of 3,000 kids...i jsut hope i get a big enough locker. Too bad freshmen ,which is a sexist term, lockers are on the first floor....and me being the lucky person i am, have a schedule consisting of second and third floor classes. mh, and our school only has three floors. But some senior came up to me and said i should go check out the fourth floor pool. me being the stupid freshperson (no longer sexist) that i am, spent a whole hour scouting for that fourth floor pool with my friend. Needless to say i didnt find anything. Lordy *shaking fist* i wanna find that senior girl and give her a peice of my untrained mind. GOSH I CANT WAIT FOR SCHOOL....
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well, today I was at the mall of america...SHOPPING...((wich by the way, i HATE!!)) and when i got home my neighbor came running over. "sammy!! sammy!! guess what?? This guy came to our house while we were eating dinner. He was all 'hi' but my dad told him he better not be selling anything. 'no no sir' he said to my dad, 'i just came to warn you that...um....theres a pit bull loose in your nieghborhood and it bit a kid....the dog had...AIDS...'. so then he waled away and the police found him in some peoples garage looking around.....Turns out he was supposed to be selling magazines, but he was scouting for things to steal." Well, her telling me that made me kidna afraid to sleep at night. its scary cause he was found with the flashlight we used outside last night....it was on our porch. NOW IM SCARED
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Friday, August 6, 2004

Well, i just got back from camping in wisconsin. spent it whith my fourteen year old cousin who is into working out...*sigh* try talking to him and all he does is show you his muscles and says to go away. Then there were these two boys out there who thought they were all cool...I really wanted to punch them, but i knew i wouldnt win any fight. And every night i went to bed at ten because there was like no excitement. But its not like my life will be any different here in minnesotta...*takes a breath* Ill leave you now, cause its time for my daily dosage of TV.
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Friday, July 30, 2004

**Sigh** I am going to have to spend a whole week with my extended family...In, like, three campers...thats like seven people to a camper, all stuffy and smelling of old people...Not that i disrespect old people, but they always have to know everything...like my gramma always has to know where her dog Lucky is, and if i say i dont know, she gets all crabby "well, i appreciate all of the help you are giving me!! (sarcastic tone)" and where does she end up finding the dog?? PROBABLY ON THE COUCH WHERE SHE LEFT IT!!
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