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myOtaku.com: Sodogin

Saturday, July 15, 2006

   Bye Bye
my friends gone... he went to thailand and korea for 2-3 weeks. hes goin to learn the ways of the buhdda (typo i know). he may be online if he does what i told him 2 do. Go to a freakin library or go 2 somebodys house with internet, geez. he kept saying "theres no internet over there!" or sumthing. korea and thailand has librarys/internet dont they...? o well. im pretty sure im right though... but if im wrong, have fun being bored! mwahahaha! im jk.

other news, i got new clothes from the mall yesterday. i had $200... yea... not to much when ur buying clothes, eh? lol. well thats pretty much it. well cya l8er

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