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myOtaku.com: Solaris Moon

Saturday, May 12, 2007

And now it's time for a two AM post...
No, really, started writing this post at two in the morning. Be amazed... or not, I am an insomniac after all. So... what is new in the life of Solaris?
Well, for starters, I just turned 19 on the 9th. My grandparents just got home from Florida yesterday afternoon, and my dad doesn't seem to be coming.
HALLELUJAH! *conviniently placed Hallelujah Chorus here*
So... what else? Well, I'm at 13000 gold on Gaia. Makes me smile. Heh. I'm also getting the RPG thing under control. I have an addiction... and a system. See, if a RP goes for three months with no reply, I remove it from my list of subscribed threads. That is my shinobi way! *too much Naruto lately... le sigh*
I finally got Kingdom Hearts... yes, several years after it was released... Shut up. I do this a lot. The only games I've ever wanted to get right after they were released were DDR (any of them), DragonQuest VIII, and Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerrberus. Which is funny because I suck at first-person shooters. Seriously. I got the game for Christmas '06, and I still haven't cleared the first level. I fail at life... or at keeping Vincent alive and in ammo. Choose your poison.
Started a new Gundam Wing fanfic, because my old one has died. Died and been buried. It will be sorely missed. Okay, so I know where it is and could write more on it if I wanted, I just... don't want to. I have no inspiration for that one.
Hm... what else can I ramble on about? Well, there's a new manga I'm hooked on. Free Collars Kingdom: it's all neko, and it's cute as hell. I just got the second volume today, and I'll be lucky if my friend/neighbor doesn't steal it Monday morning when she comes over to get a ride to school from my mom.
I need to get back to work on cl101. I was at Target earlier, which is funny because I hate Target with a flaming passion... it's an overpriced Wal-Mart, honestly, and they overcharge on the clothes... but I digress. I made the horrible, horrible mistake of telling my mom I wanted to see if I could find some shorts that weren't Daisy Dukes, and she dragged me all through the junior girl's department looking at clothing she deemed 'classy' and 'suited' to my figure. For the love of life, I don't want to dress classy, I want to dress grunge/punk/how I normally dress. It's my comfort zone. Her clever retort? 'You're going to be a teacher, and they have to dress nice, and besides, you're too old to dress like a punk'. For the love of God, I just turned 19 three days ago! I've still got good punk time! Sheesh... She irks me sometimes... okay, a lot of the time. But yanno what? I have cash, and more coming. And dad owes me for missing my birthday when he promised to come (not that I wanted him to, but he still used the words 'I promise' when he told me he'd be here, so I still win in some sick, twisted fashion), so I can get him to fund my anime habit, and go clothes shopping at Hot Topic if I so desire.
Nevermind the fact that I looked in there today and didn't see a damn thing I wanted. Just ignore that fact all together and we shall get along fine. Point of this Target tirade is, I got an idea for a script that involved someone dragging another cast member to shop for clothes, and I liked the idea. So blame my mother for that... and the addition of a skirt to my wardrobe... sheesh, where the hell am I going to wear a skirt?! I don't wear dresses or skirts, that's how I am. You have to fight me to get me out of jeans for a wedding or a funeral. Seriously, the person doesn't care if I come in looking like I just stepped off some runway in Paris. They probably just care that I showed up instead of sleeping through it.
I'll probably be the type to elope and wear jeans to my wedding, now that I think about it. Because I went to this wedding a few weeks back, and there's just so much ceremony and pomp and shit involved in it, that I just really don't want to have that much mess. Walking for graduation was annoying enough. There were all these teachers that I had no idea who they were, never had a class with them, and they were bawling like were going to move off to a foreign land and never see them again, when most of us ended up going to the college in the next town over, and half of that number still live with their parents. *a little bitter to be part of both groups, because it is not flattering, believe you me* It annoyed me... all the waterworks over a two-hour ceremony just so we could take thirty minutes for everyone and get an EMPTY holder and a handshake from some dude I didn't even know...
Still, make your kids walk, because it may be the only chance they get. Make them do it just so they know the annoyance that crying teachers and long boring ceremonies are. It just makes the after-graduation parties and time with your friends that much more sweet.
Well, I apologize for this rambling hell-long post, but I had a lot to say and little time to say it. And forgive the randomness, it's currently 2:21 AM and I'm tired as hell. So I'm gonna go on and toddle off to bed. Mata ashita, minna-san. Solaris out.

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