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Ancient Samurai of the Strata
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Matt, or Rowen of the Strata
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Anime Fan Since
4th grade
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Gundam Wing, Ronin Warriors, Ruroni Kenshin, Trigun,Cowboy Bebop,Neon Genesis Evangelion,and Tokyo Mew Mew
Become a great musician,and to always keep Amanda happy.
models,playing video games, drawing,sword fighting, sword collecting, watching anime, reading manga, KINGDOM HEARTS 2,writing fan fics,or poetry which ever Im wanting to write*it's a mood thing lol*
Playing trumpet, and sword fighting
| solid-snake26
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Today was an ok day.
I had an ok day today.I woke up in about 3 different places,two hours apart.I woke up on the couch,on the floor,and finally the bed.It was really weird.I do remember going to bed last night in my bed,but other than that I have no idea how I ended up in those other places.Anyways I had band practice tonight.It was actually quite fun.During reherasal we had to "celebrate" the fact that we didnt have pencils,and the director told us on Tuesday that we needed them.We had to do 15 push-ups,which is no big deal for me at all.I actually like doing them because it builds upper body strength,which is great when you have to hold a trumpet up at an 45 degree angle pointing up for 8 minutes straight without resting your arms.Anyway before practice we had a band leadership team meeting to decide what the theme for the band banquet was going to be.I said Star Wars,being me..and someone else said Disco.We both lost and they ended up choosing a masquerade theme,which is going to be really really cool.Im on the decoration commitee for the band banquet,because that's where they put me, I wanted to do food,but oh well.After practice I kinda hung around a bit untill my mom got there,and I ended up driving home.When I got home I went and played video games.I just finished eating a bowl of ice cream.Im sorry I didnt offer any to the people who are reading this.I'll make it up to you,by cooking for all of you sometime,you'll just have to come down and tell me what you want me to fix for you.I have to get up early tomorrow,because I have another parade to march,but this one is even worse than the one on the 4th.It's going to be a year on Saturday,it will be the day I met my g/f,but we didnt start going out untill August.Well everyone Im going to go,so I shall update tomorrow evening after the parade.See ya later!
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
Today was an ok day
I had a pretty good day today.At least I didnt feel bad like I did yesterday.My parents fought and yelled all morning,but that's expected.I dont really have much to post tonight,except that today was my 11 month anniversary with my g/f! I hope I get to spend 11 months and many more with her as time passes.I hope she's the one for me.Well everyone Im done for now so I'll see ya later!
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tired,sick,confused.....need I say more?
Today was a terrible day.It started when I had to get up and help my parents clean the house up.I got up and then went to eat breakfast,and my mome started yelling,so I didnt get to eat breakfast.She had me clean out my room*shudders in absolute fear.* I could've swore I saw the monster,because I thought I saw something moving and then my sock vanished...Anyways that's what I did today for the most part.Cleaning has got to be one of the worst things in the world to do.When I get married,Im going to make sure that I try to help alot with the cleaning,and maybe the cooking,that is if my wife would want me to help.Anyways I called my g/f and didnt really get to talk to her,which really sucked.Well then it ended up being time for band practice*groans* I had the worst time ever.I ate 2 hamburgers before I went and by the time we got there I was really sick.I was already in a bad mood because I;ve fought with my dad all day long,and it didnt help when he started asking stupid questions when we got in his truck for him to take me to practice.Agitated with a massive headache and stomachache isnt really all that good for me.I get there and I walk I and one of the soph.came walking up to me and started talking about how she hated the freshmen and how she was going to get a restraining order on this one girl( Im talking about Sherry H.,and Mindy P. for those who know them).Anyways I tried to get away from her,and then I saw one of my friends laying in the floor because he wasnt feeling good either.I waited and waited for my g/f to get there,but I was terrified that she wasnt going to want to talk to me.She got there right when we had to get our stuff out to play.I really wanted to talk to her,but I didnt know if she wanted to talk to me or not.This is when practice starts,and Im having a problem getting a good sound out on my horn,so that didnt help my mood at all.So finally we break off into sectionals to work on this year's field show music.By this time Im having to constantly hold my stomach because it hurt to breath.This is when I moved my lips to fix my embochure( I think I spelled that right) and I ended up busting my lip.I sighed and asked myself,can this get any worse? Thats when the director asked me to play and I couldnt get the note out,because it was a high note,and my lips are busted.He asked if I was tired and I said "yep,and I've got a stomach ache too".This is when we went back to the band room to play with the rest of the band.We played for a while and then we quit.My g/f wanted me to ride home with her and so I was going to but my dad got there and we waited for her parents to get there.She was actually talking to me! I was so happy that she was.I was scared the entire time that she was really mad at me,but luckily she wasnt.Well everyone Im going to go,so I'll see ya later!
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Today was a good day.
I had quite a good day today.I got to go see Pirates of the Carribbean 2! It was an awesome movie! I didnt like the ending though.The ending of the movie contradicts a part in the first one which just messes everything up.I would advise staying untill after the credits to see something funny.Other than that there isnt much to post on.I did buy a book today,well manga anyway.I bought book 2 of Gundam Lost War Chronicles.It's a good book,but if you never seen the old Mobile Suit Gundam,then you probabaly wont understand whats going on.You have to have also read into some of the side stories to identify a few of the charcters.I would recommend reading it because it is quite an awesome book.I just got done reading my g/f's last post on her site*sighs* I really screwed up this time.Let's just say that I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut,but I was directly trying to screw up,I kinda stepped on the landmine without seeing it and then it explodes and kills me and everyone standing around me.I hope she's not too mad at me, I really never meant to hurt her.I love her sooo much,and hurting her is the last thing I wanted to do.Oh well everyone Im going to go,because I have to get up early and clean tomorrow(not fun at all) and then I've got band practice tomorrow.I'll see you all later! Peace out!
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Another Cute lil fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' mummy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
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Today was a wonderful day!
I had the greatest day today!I went to church this morning and the message was really good.Then after we left church I went with my g/f to her Grandma's house.When we got there we played video games,I ofcourse lost miserably,because Im not really that good at N64 games, I never really had one to actually play all the time.Then when we got done playing video games we played Scrabble.I lost that too.(Im not good at board games am I Machiko?)Anyway I actually did ok for the first time I've played in a looooooooooong time.After that we ate dinner.It was really really good! We had chicken,corn,beans,bread,mashed potatoes,and kool-aid.It was all really really good food.I dont get to eat much homemade food anymore,because my Mom never wants to cook and my Grandama cooks when my mom tells her something to fix.Most of the time it's frozen foor or take-out which is really really bad,because eating hamburgers almost everynight gets kinda annoying after the millionth one.After we got done eating we went up into the woods behind her Grandma's house and her and her brother shoewed me some pretty cool stuff.We made it to a clearing in the woods,at the bottom of this ridge,and we picked blackberries.When we got done, Her brother and myself saw a deer going out of the clearing.It was really cool,and it was so peaceful..*sigh* Her brother wanted us to make out so he could see it.We didnt do it,even though I tried time after time to kiss her on the lips.She made me pick her up and carry her,which didnt bother me at alll,and before that she actually sat on my lap! Which is weird because she never does it,I mean I would love her to sit on my lap,but she wont -_- even though I've told her over and over again that she could sit down on my lap.Oh well maybe she'll do it more often.After that we came back to her Grandma's house and sat down in the cool,soft grass.She held me really tight.I love it sooooo much when she holds me,because it's so soft and warm in her arms.Finally we had to leave because we had to get to church.I wish she was here right now.If she was here I would hold her tight and kiss her sweetly.*sighs* I miss me angel soooo much.At church it looked like she was about to fall asleep,so I stayed as close as I could so if she did my shoulder would be there for her to lay her head down on and rest.Machiko if your reading this,know that I love you with absolutely all of my heart,and I always will,no matter what because you are the love of my life,the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.Oh and I found an awesome name for a little girl so here's the name:Kaedyn. I think it's a cool name.Well everyone Im going to go to bed now and dream about my sweet little angel.I'll talk to you all later! Peace out pea sprout!
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
Today was an ok day.
I had an ok day today,nothing all that special happened.I got to work 2 car washes*yawns*.It wasnt a good thing either.I was left alone,mind you this is me here Mr.Quiet,that hardly says anything to anyone,with girls at a car wash.Guess who was the ony guy.Me... I didnt talk much at all and tried to just avoid everyone,I figured it would be easier,but that's hard to do when your the target of senseless flirting.I couldnt stand it because every one of the girls was acting like they had never seen a guy before(except for Caitlyn,Jess,Karissa,and Ashley M.)Of course all of the other girls were freshmen,and I didnt know any of them.It was really scary because all I could think about was wanting my g/f there really really bad.I was preoccupied with thinking about her to do nothing other than wash the tires on the vehicles,except for the boat and the really big pick-up truck.I saw one of the girls that I go to church with,and was going to go talk to her,butmy shift for the car wash was over.Then I went to the other place were the band was sponsering another car wash,so I decided to help out.Thank god I wasnt the only guy there this time!I hung out with Joe and talked to another girl named Whitney(she's plays trumpet,so Im supposed to talk to people in my section.)Anyways Joe was really mean to her,he would spart her with the water hose and then laugh.I told her to bean Joe over the head with one of the sponges,and I think she did it...once.Then we had to go to the road and hold the sign for the carwash.We managed to get 5 people to come in,where the people at the other enterance into the place werent getting any.I thought it was funny because we werent scantily clad like the other people were.Im so tired...and bored too.I want to see my g/f right now..but I dont really know if she wants to see me or not. I just finished watching her favorite movie,Ever After, I think is the name of it.Anyway usually I dont watch...well chick flicks,but I made the exception because I wanted to watch it,I started watching it once but never finished it.Anyways things like that are easier to get into I guess when you have a g/f.I miss her so much! I wish she would have been here to watch it with me.It wasnt a bad movie,Im just not used to the movies with happy,fairy-tale endings like that.I mean honestly watch the Exorcist and that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy a sick and queasy kind of way.Oh well the next movie I rent will more than likely be Phantom of the Opera.My g/f likes that movie too,and I've never seen it*digs foxhole,puts on helmet,and waits for the bombs to start falling in around me*.I want to watch it with her,so she could better explain the musical to me.That's one thing I dont do much of is watch musicals,I mean Cats,was that a musical? I hated it.It made no sense,then again I only watched half of it.Oh well give me a good action movie anyday.Oh well I think it's almost time for bed,I've got church in the morning and I get to go to my g/f's Grandma's house for dinner tomorrow after church.I'll have loads of fun doing that,because homemade food is the absolute best kind.*thinks of the food that was prepared from scratch and begins to drool* MMMMMM! Looks and smells quite well.Oh well see you all later! Machiko dont read the p.s. part of this post ok? If you do then I'll poke you untill your sick of my poking.
P.s. Does anyone know anything that I could do for my g/f on our anniversary? It will be 11 months on Wednesday.If you have any ideas please dont be afraid to tell me okie? Thankies!!
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Today was an awesome day!!
I had a wonderful day today.I had to help out at the block party this evening,and it was really really fun! When I got there I had to help blow up these little plastic balls that were being used as prizes,then I got to help color the bottom tips of suckers for a game that we were doing,then I got to work one of the games.It was on of those games where you pick up the ducks and you win a prize.My g/f didnt notice me sitting there when she got there.I thought it was funny because I looked right at her and I thought she saw me,so I smiled at her.We did the game for a while the we got our break.We went and found the drink and food vendors.She got a hot dog bun and I got a hot dog and some chips.For all of you who dont know,my g/f (Lady of Fire),is a vegetarian.I know that I give her a hard time about it all the time,but I stand behind her decision,because I want to support her in everything that she does,no matter what it is.I love her so much! Well after we got done with our break we went back to the tent we were working out of and she took my sunglasses,and wouldnt give them back untill I played laser tag with her.So we went and played laser tag.We had loads of fun,even though we were the oldest people playing (XD I thought it was hilarious).After that we went back to the tent and on the way some guy decided to be a complete a**hole and say something bad to my g/f.If I wasnt a calmer person(and I wasnt wearing a church shirt),then I would have left the guy laying in a bloddy mess on the sidewalk.Anyways when we made it back we handed out popsicles for a while,and then we went back behind were the tent was at and waited for the fireworks to start.Something was wrong with one of our friends,I wanted to ask what was wrong but one of the ladies we go to church with was there with her,so I was told by my gf that she would ask her if she was ok,but she never got the chance to.Then the fireworks started! They were really really cool,and I even got a kiss *smiles and thinks about it* under the fireworks.Haha if you think about it, it's kinda romantic.After that we left.We got caught in traffic,which was fine with me because I got to kiss my g/f..alot lol.Then we made it home *sighs* I didnt want to leave my love.I hugged her right before she left and I even kissed her too.So all in all I had a great night.The ghost I've mentioned 2 or 3 times before,does not like me talking about it,because just a second ago my brother walked into the room and said something then left,well the presence in the room changed ant it got really cold.I could've swore that I felt something standing behind me breathing.Then I turned around and asked "what do you want" because I thought it was my brother and it never answered.Then I heard my name coming from down the hall,and I went to see what it was,because no one other than myself was in the upstairs part of my house.My little brother is in the basement.It was so creepy,well everyone I have to go,I've got a carwash tomorrow morning.I'll see ya later!
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This is a pretty cool quiz result
div style="width:830; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;">
your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results)
 You Are A White Dragon, you are a little slow and work on instinct. You live in really cold places, isolated. You like solitude, but you hunt with other dragons. You would rather eat polar bears, seals, and fish, that you would have previously frozen with your ice breath. You can't talk to humans though.Like every dragon, you keep a treasure hidden, in ice cave, inside icebergs only accessible by the under water part.stone: diamondquote: "Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up." from Pearl Buck you control: ice Take this quiz!

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Friday, July 7, 2006
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