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Solo Tremaine
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Solo Tremaine
Chichester, England
Member Since
Ex-OtakuBoards Team Miyazaki Leader, Actor, Writer, Director, Stage Combatant...
Real Name
Becoming a Moderator on OtakuBoards, starting up my own production company with my best friend Dan.
Anime Fan Since
I liked the Mysterious Cities of Gold before I did Pokemon, but Pokemon was the first Japanese Anime I really liked.
Favorite Anime
Digimon, Wolf's Rain, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Outlaw Star, RahXephon, Zoids, Princess Mononoke, Trigun, Howl's Moving Castle, Bleach, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Fruits Basket
To write my series of stories, and to act in cool stuff.
Writing, acting, anime, GameCube, Wii, swordfighting
Stage combat, writing, acting, being vaguely humourous, and listening.
| Solo Tremaine
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
*single, prolonged electrical beep*
sahkiryce: SAH! *leaps* Wow, it's so cool to see you again, heh ^_____^
I've only actually watched one episode of Samurai Champloo; my friend's collecting it and we're getting through it very slowly. The song isn't one I recognise, but I might have heard it. Either way, most of Yoko Kanno's stuff is pretty good ^_^ I wants the Macross Plus OST...
Kei: You must see it! And see below for interview questions. I can't guarantee they'll be any good, as I'm really rather braindead at the moment. Truth be told, I feel quite awful. but once I've had some decent rest and food it should be okay. I want to do some press-ups, but I don't think it'd be a very good idea...
JJRiddler: Some extra sneaky-dirty questions for you, then ^_~
I haven't even had mine yet, heh.
Shinmaru: The pitcher's the one who throws the ball, isn't he? Or she? (This is an equal opportunities blog)
Cool, I'll definitely tie myself to the convention centre for the duration of the Expo, then. I always love looking at stalls over and over again in case I missed anything, hehe ^_^;
Lady Lea: If you still haven't seen it by the time I have it on DVD, I'll kidnap you and make you see it.
Googlism for the day: "solo is part bird"
As stated before, I feel awful. I didn't sleep too well last night (I was at Nic's), Dizzy ate my watch and pissed me off immensely and made sure I wore myself out more quickly. Now I'm back home all I want to do is curl up in bed and fall asleep.
But, I have interviews to conduct. Five, no less. Mimmi, Kei, Lea, Shin and JJ.
So, here we go. I'll try and provide five questions each if I can think of enough. I could doss and provide each of you with the same questions, but I don't want to. I hope they'll prove inneresting, heh.
Don't worry if they sound incredibly formal. I'm not trying to be rude ^_^;
1. If someone were to come to your door asking for help, what would your initial response be?
2. Hypothetically, if all of your posessions could be put into one shop, which would be the first one you'd buy and why?
3. What does your ideal landscape look like?
4. You have an idea for an invention. What would you like it to do?
5. What do you want other people to see in your personality?
1. Of all the scenarios in all of the animes/games/programmes you've seen, which do you feel most reflects a certain aspect of your personality?
2. A book has been written about your life. Describe the front and back covers.
3. Which group of people (up to six, real or fantastical) would you choose to be in your perfect RPG party?
4. What do you believe is most important to your way of life?
5. Assuming that you were stranded on a foreign island, what would be your first objective?
1. If someone who threatened you in the darkness revealed themselves to be a friend of yours, what would you do?
2. If you could star as any character in any film (not necessarily related to one another), who would the character be, what would the film be and why?
3. Have any songs you've listened to motivated you to do something drastic to your life in a good way? If so, what was the song and what did it motivate you to do?
4. Do you believe that actions speak louder than words when it comes to your interaction with other people, or not?
5. Describe your ideal pet.
1. How many of the games you've played have affected you in negative ways?
2. If there was one aspect you could change about the world, what would it be?
3. Do you believe that there is equal potential in everyone to do good and evil? Which do you believe is easier to commit?
4. If you knew your life was drastically shortened to only a few days but could be reverted to normal, would you try to research a cure? If not, how would you spend your last few days?
5. How much of an influence do the people around you have on your personality? [EDIT: Changed due to a boo-boo on my part. Silly repetition.]
1. If you were able to apply one worldwide law, what would it be?
2. Which do you believe has a greater affect on the way your friendships develop: emotional attachment or physical attraction?
3. What would you gain from your ideal relationship?
4. Do you believe that money is necesarry for a society to function properly?
5. If you could create a film about yourself (but not necessarily in an autobiographical sense- it could involve you as a character), what genre would it be, what would the story be and who from your life would you involve as other characters?
Whoa, I think that's about all I can manage, heh. Have fun ^_~
Comments (3) |
Monday, October 10, 2005
*eats dictionary*
elfpirate: I don't want to give the impression that I'm easy ^_^;
Whether I am or not is a different matter entirely ^_~
JJRiddler: Eee! *squidgehugs* I should be more conservative with who I offer feels to, but then I wouldn't want to get into discriminatory issues.
Yikes, I actually feel uncomfortable saying this now o_o; I get the feeling that some of the things I've said recently have been in bad taste, so if I have offended anyone or if anyone thinks I'm being an idiot in general, please say.
Shinmaru: At last! It's only been two and a bit years of planning ^_^; I don't actually have anything to get in my way now. I just want to book all the necesarries so's I can get going. Is it worth going to all four days, by the way?
*pitches paranoia... but doesn't understand what baseball reference it is, so hopes it gets swung for a home run*
I can still worry about the planes! :p
MistressRoxie: I didn't suppose many people had. If I had a place I could host an mp3 at a time I'd like to have them up, but I don't. Poobum.
Arcadia: OMG A COINCIDENCE!1!!!1!
Heh, Alex often greets me with Greedo's line from 'A New Hope'. I think it's cool... and essentially, it gives me an opportunity to shoot him ^_~ Not that I'd want to, though. He's cool.
Googlism for the day: "solo is used on this page to distinguish this game from various other games called solo"
Agh, I had so much to say and now I can't remember much of it >.>;
I took my sister to see Howl's Moving Castle on Saturday, and it was fantastic. I loved it, perhaps even more than Spirited Away. Maybe I'm just a sucker for animes starring people who look a bit older, but so much of it was absolutely stunning. Looking back now, the ending did come a bit suddenly, but it flowed so seamlessly you didn't realise it was the end until it happened. In a way it didn't seem to have as solid a structure as other films, but the visual element and the characters were all really great. I liked Christian Bale as Howl, heh, and Calcifer was much funnier than I expected him to be ^_^
I'm interested in reading the book now, to see if it's any different.
I also managed to procure Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind on DVD. I was hoping to be able to buy it from HMV with The Cat Returns (if you bought them together you got £10 off), but they didn't have Nausicaa and I didn't have the money for both separately >.>; Damn them.
Nausicaa is fantastic as well, for the sheer scale and pacing of its story. I didn't even notice the animation difference- normally I hate old (eighties) anime, but considering this is so near the rest of Miyazaki's films I couldn't see any difference.
I was glad that Sophie didn't look like almost every other Miyazaki heroine (aside from Chihiro), although Howl definitely looked like Ashitaka, Haku and anyone else you could pinpoint from his movies. Doesn't matter, though, cause he was taller and had a much greater range of expressions.
Gah, gotta be quick need to go in a sec and still haven't got dressed or had breakfast yet...
Oh, thissy thing!
A bit of fun (so I'm told) - The Interview Meme! Here's how it works:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your LJ.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on.....
I'm already being 'interviewed', but I haven't had my questions yet. When I do I'll post 'em up here for everyones ta look at.
For now, I must away. Take care!
Comments (5) |
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Dis is da Nizzews!
Roxie: Ironically, the ones I took yesterday were pretty much all good. The ones I took today weren't, though.
DarkWolfDemon: Er, thanks. I didn't make them, just so you know.
Googlism for the day: "solo is available to buy on line through our secure shop"
The Soundtrack to Your Life Survey
Make a soundtrack for your life, matching songs with the following:
Opening song: Heart of the Sunrise- Samurai X: Reflection OST
Waking up: Stories to Tell- Trigun
First date: Cloud 9- Bryan Adams
First kiss: Sore Ga, Ai Deshou- FMP? Fumoffu OP
Falling in love: VIVID- Fairy Fore
Seeing an old love: Sayounara- L'Arc en Ciel
Heartbreak: Not a Dry Eye in the House- Meat Loaf
Driving fast: wa-su-re-na-i-ka-ra- Gackt
Racing: Secret- Outlaw Star OST 2
Getting ready to go out: Bring all the wisdom to Great Britain! (From R.O.D OVA)
Partying with friends: Philosophy in a Tea Cup- Trigun OST
Dancing at a club: here we stand in the morning dew- Saeko Chiba
Flirting: guess how much I love you- Tsubasa Reservior Chronicle OST
Feeling sexy: It Always Comes as a Surprise- Pet Shop Boys
Walking alone in the rain: Christmas in Turkey- The World is Not Enough OST
Snowing: The Sound of Snow Falling, Samurai X Trust/Betrayal OST
Missing someone: Longing- X-Japan
Playing in the ocean: Innocent World- RahXephon OST
Summer vacation: Tomorrow- Mikuni Shimokawa
Fighting with someone: Indigo- Samurai X: Reflection OST
Fighting with yourself: Art of Life- X-Japan
Swordfighting: Duel (In the Name of Love), from Samurai X: Reflection OST
Defeating a massive enemy: Courageous Battle- Fullmetal Alchemist OST 3
Acting goofy with friends: Dare to be Stupid- Weird Al Yankovich
Thinking back: Song for Guy- Elton John
Feeling depressed: My Soundscape- RahXephon OST
Christmas time: Before You Know- RahXephon OST
Falling asleep: MYUNG Theme- Macross Plus
Closing song: When I Find Peace of Mind- Evangelion OST
That was from Blogstuffs too, but I added in a few more ^_~ If anyone would like to suggest something for me to have some music to, feel free and I'll put them in, too ^_^
Big Buns Bounce Benevolently
*couldn't think of an actual heading*
I'm DEFINITELY going to Anime Expo 2006! I have the funding and the permission from everyone I need, so I will be in Anaheim from the 1st to 4th of July (and possibly a few days either side, if I can wrangle it). I'd like to do a full-blown tour of everywhere friends are, but I don't have that much money or time. Perhaps later, heh.
Anyway, that'll be nice. As soon as I can I'll have to buy the tickets and things so I can't possibly go back on it ^_^; I don't want to miss it this time. Er, unless there's a hurricane hitting California...
Regardless of extreme weathers, I'm making my own jacket to wear there, too ^___________^ It'll be a modification of Aion's (from Chrono Crusade), but should be muchly spanking. Not for cosplay, mind. Just for me. And anyone who wants to try it on, heh. I hope it won't be too hot...
Anyways, I'll jump that hurdle when I get to it. Or trip and fall flat on my face o_o;
What else to say? Writing is teh fun; been doing more of that lately. I even *shock* posted on OB! Twice! Hardly the world's most inspiring stuff, but it's a start.
And I saw the Wikipedia entry for MyOtaku. Strange that theOtaku doesn't have one... it was pretty cool, though. I was half-expecting to find one on myself, but alas it was not to be. God knows what it'd say o_o;
Not for the Want of Trying
I decided quite a while ago that I didn't want to be in a relationship because it's not practical. And I still don't. But as much as you can tell yourself, the instincts can get the better of you and there are times where I feel I want someone with me. I almost don't care who- just anyone. But eventually I find a way to distract myself and I fall asleep.
I can't remember when I last posted something about relationships. I keep having the feeling that I've done it recently, but perhaps I've always attempted to write it and left it alone instead.
Oh, there it is ^_^; Over a month-and-a-half old, but the feelings are still the same so there's no point me reiterating.
I almost did something incredibly daring last night that could either be interpreted as crazy romantic or crazy stalker. My horoscope even told me to, and I never take note of horoscopes. Unfortunately I never got the chance to carry it out because people needed me elsewhere. And it's not as if I could actually get anywhere with it anyway; I'd have to resign myself to that deed and nothing else for the forseeable future, which is a bit crap. But it's nice to feel free.
Don't suppose anyone wants a free feel, though? ^_~
Heh, see you laters. |
Comments (5) |
Monday, September 26, 2005
James: It's kind of awkward having them off MyO, too ^_^: It's harder to keep track of everyone without a big links list, heh. And as to the problem: frequently, whenever I have tried to acces any one of Velegant's sites, an entry appears in my Router's log which says that an Invalid incoming TCP/IP package was blocked. It's only on Velegant serves, and over 50% of the time, I reckon.
Annsie: You's not boring ^_~ But it's good to see you too, heh.
Shinmaru: I've not seen your site in a long while. That's not through computer error- just my ineptitude at not going there, heh. Sorry ^_^;
Sage: I suppose it's a natural cycle of internet forums; at least, it's something I've noticed to an extent at OB. You get new, bigger groups of friends that'll inevitably push a lot of other people out; as well as that, the people who've spent the most time on the forums are more likely to leave in the short term simply because things turn up which mean they can't keep on with it or they just lose interest. I still love and collect anime; moreso than I did when I first started at OB. But in a way I don't feel like there's much there for me any more. But I'm not leaving MyO anytime soon ^_^
Kei: I knows you're still here ^_^ *hugs*
Mimmi: *is ravaged* ^_^; Many thankees. You can never do without a good ravishing ^_~
Roxie: *squees and pounces* I miss the Digimon forum too. But with the only things coming from that way being Digimon World games and Digimon: Evolution X (which I haven't heard anything of in ages), there's only so much discussion you can have without including fanfiction. Is a shame...
And I am pleased with the haircut, hehe. I can actually style it now ^_______^
Hevn: I want to see it!!! *diesdiesdiesagain*
Anyone know why this massive bit of empty black space is here?
Neither do I.
EDIT: Actually, I've worked out that it's the HTML coding in the 'What Does Your Name Mean' quiz- the carriage returns/new lines all count as HTML in the blog, but not in the quiz. How bizarre o_o;
S |
is for | Smooth | O |
is for | Odd | L |
is for | Luscious | O |
is for | Outrageous | T |
is for | Tempting | R |
is for | Radical | E |
is for | Entertaining | M |
is for | Mushy | A |
is for | Animated | I |
is for | Innocent | N |
is for | Naive |
E |
is for | Expressive |
Your Birthdate: July 23

With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.
You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion.
You're a Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once you're comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return
Your Mood Ring is Orange

Stimulating ideas
Full of desires
How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
You Are Chinese Food

Exotic yet ordinary.
People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.
Your World View
You are a fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably content.
You value kindness and try to live by your ideals.
You have strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.
You respect truth and are flexible.
You like people, and they can readily make friends with you.
You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.
I think I should stop there before overwhelming everyone with results, heh ^_^;
Comments (1) |
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Where have all the cowboys gone? (General Rant Post)
Sara: Oatmeal bath? That's insane, heh. Just what you need to make yourself feel like a piece of museli.
Arcadia: Ah, I see. I guess oatmeal has something in it that stops skin irritations... although that must get through a lot of the stuff, if I'm actually imagining the thing correctly o_o;
elfpirate: Eee! It's good to see you again, hehe. You don't need to apologise; it's not as if I've been around much lately, either. *hugs*
Googlism for the day: "solo is ideal for a wide range of applications where quality is essential and where the device supports the memory required"
It's felt like a lot of things have been happening lately, which isn't entirely true. A lot of things happen and then continue with other bits and pieces jutting inbetween.
I've been saying a lot of goodbyes recently. Lawrence is leaving for drama school on Sunday and we had our semi-final evening trip together, whereby we buy pizzas and sit in the car watching Family Guy on a portable DVD player. It was great, and for the first time in a long while the three of us (Jeremy was there too) seemed to bond as closely as we used to. I'd been worried for a while that we were starting to drift apart in some ways; I guess whenever there's an emotional event fuelling things, social events become that much more charged.
Anyway, we had a good time. And I'm glad we could give Lawrence a nice, personal send-off.
I can't actually think who else I'm saying goodbye to. I know Romulus isn't well, but that should only be a temporary thing (providing Merlin can leave him alone). A lot of other college friends are going off to University/drama school and I've as good as completely retired from OB.
Forum Fix
I love OtakuBoards. I really do. But I can't see it. And whenever I can, I feel so swamped by discussions that I don't have a realistic opinion on that I get fed up and leave. The anime forum's no use to me- I've seen little to nothing of what everyone's talking about and don't read many mangas.I'd love to continue with RPGs but as events have shown, it's impossible at the moment.
So, I've joined the forums at UK Anime It's nice- at least the discussions there are all pretty much related to things that I can actually see, if I wanted to -but the quality of the threads are nowhere near as nice as those on OB. The best one I've seen is the debate on RahXephon vs Evangelion, and that died away (on my post, too. Figures >.>). Otherwise, most of the members have a tendency to post for their own post. The ones who carry out that main bulk of the discussions already know each other pretty well, too; feelings of social ineptitude on my part don't exactly help to break into that.
Am I boring yet? ^_~
Happy Humour Hoover
Okay, on to nicer stuff. I been buying thingies!
Further fuelling my anime music obsessions has been fun ^_^; I bought L'Arc-en-Ciel's 'Link' single and the second volume of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle soundtrack. They're lovely cool ^______^
I do wonder if I listen to music too much, though. Do you think it's possible? I tend to daydream whenever I do, which could be a reason for constant feelings of longing. Building up fantasties to such an extent probably isn't a good idea, especially if they involve semi-realistic evironments.
Gah, sorry. *hits self*
I was so pleased to find a Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within toy on eBay last week. I know it's a crap film, but I love the Copperhead spaceships. If I were able to choose any ship to have as my own in some weird spacey fantasy scenario kinda thing, that'd be it.
Lookit! It's CUTE!
*coughs* And I've been continuing the Suikoden and Tsubasa mangas. I might finish Trigun Maximum eventually, but the storyline's just not grabbing me any more. I also have Rune Soldier Volume 3, which is ironically the only volume I've not seen in any local shops. 1,2,4,5 and 6 are there, but no three. How odd o_o; Maybe everyone else is collecting it at the same time I am. Methinks I should buy 4 before they all disappear as well...
Oh, I also have the new Appleseed. I've not watched it yet, but the box is lovelyfunky ^_^
EDIT: Oh, and I got a haircut. I'm quite pleased with it- at least it's short enough to actually style properly, rather than just try and fwip into a decent-looking position. It feels a little odd, though...
And I received 'POST' through the post, heh. I haven't actually had the guts to watch the main bit yet- I get incredibly embarrassed when watching myself, especially when... well, if you've watched Pyro's film you'd understand why ^_^; I saw the outtakes, though, and they're pretty cool. Once I've figured out how to put my media player in widescreen I'll watch the rest.
To Quote an Azure...
Where is everyone, out of interest? At most, I only ever see three people on my Friends List as having updated in a single day. I know some people don't update anyway, and chancesd are those who normally do update more often are busy with something, but...
...bleh, it's nothing. Here's hoping everyone manages to get back soon, and that you're all well ^_~ Take care, hehe.
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Look- Wibbly Things! Drinky Plus!
Pyro: You don't have to feel guilty- I could have brought a duvet. And I probably will if/when I come up again. It's just a little hard to take up on the tran, heh ^_^;
Kei: Of course ^_______^
John: *blinks, then giggles* You know, I didn't think of that at all. Someone actually said I reminded them of Stitch some time ago, so I knew about it ages in advance. I could have bought a "32 soft toy from the Disney Store and turned it into a costume, but it was £60. It's still tempting, especially as I have no suitable ears...
Alan: Beast Wars was awesome! Beast Machines was great too- Noble RULES, in no uncertain terms.
Lea: Salt baths are okay- the salt basically sterlises it and dries the wound, helping it to heal faster and removing infection. A friend of mine had a bubble bath and things apparently went really icky from then on. But I don't tend to have bubble baths anyway, and the salt ones have really helped.
Haven't much to say right now- tired, bloated from food and drink and I need to jump in the bath before bedtime, so I will direct you to Kei. Wishes her a Happy Birthdayness ^_________^
Lady Katana, Tales of Symphonia Queen whose birthday it is and shall be honoured with much cherishing. Avant ye!
Sleep well ^_^
Comments (3) |
Monday, September 12, 2005
You Say Anything...
Pyro: Yeah, the anxiety that comes with feeling stressed definitely isn't easy to overcome, especially if you feel that you'll be vindicated for saying anything. Which here I know is simply silly paranoia, but it's difficult all the same.
Sometimes it's worse than others- right now, I don't feel I need it. It's usually late at night and when I'm tired that I get affected most, although I'm still aware of its presence most of the time.
John: I know the feeling well ^_^ I can't get to sleep if I'm stressed, either- I always like ending the evening on a good note (or at least an optimistic note) so's my mind can settle properly.
Being bedridden is welcome after long periods of heightened activity, but it gets increasingly boring the more you have to be so. As long as you can keep yourself occupied it's fine. I've had Chuck Palaniuk's Lullaby to keep me company these last few days, heh.
rustym: Thanks ^_^ I appreciate it, heh.
Arcadia: Yeah. I always feel awkward though, because it's not a problem that you can define as being one thing or the other. I think it's a build-up of continual emotional pressures that just hasn't had a way to vent itself- I haven't cried in years, and there are many times where I feel I want to. I even daydream about it, oddly enough. I know I could do it, it's just knowing where to go. But thank you *hugs* ^_^
I'm feeling much better now, thank you ^_^ Both emotionally and physically, heh. The only problem now is where I'm going to find enough elements to constitute a Stitch costume for a Disney party I've been invited to on Wednesday o_o;
Things appear to be healing nicely. I've finally finished the course of antibiotics I was given and was feeling bright enough to take a shopping trip down to Portsmouth. They didn't have the Transformers I was after, but they had a new Alien Queen figure which I snapped up. It's pretty ^_^
Anyway, regular salt baths are really quite good for healing scars. I get the feeling that I've been slowly turning into a gammon steak over the last few days, but it has sped things up a treat.
Anyway, it's QUESTION TIME! Please feel free... to ask me any question(s) you like and I'll answer them ^_~
Take care!
EDIT: It has come to my attention how much I loathe sleeping bags. Specifically, my own sleeping bag. It's not comfortable to lie on, you can't move in it because it's so slippery, you can't shove it back in the bag for love nor money and its noisy as hell even when it's not doing anything. Right up there with wasps and disrupted train services on the hate scale, this is. And then some o_O; |
Comments (4) |
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Goodnight, Goodnight
4th September
Kei: Unfortunately with this one, they didn't put enough anaesthetic in, and had to keep bolstering me with more shots ^_^; That, and I could still feel a bit of what they were doing anyway... Needless to say, it's not an experience I'd like to repeat. Took 45 minutes in all.
Lady Lea: I'm getting to like them more now, heh. They're good in these smoothies I buy (the website for which you must check out, by the way- I'm looking at you, Sara -Innocent Drinks), but I'm still loath to eat them on their own. Dipped in chocolate, maybe ^_~
JJ: Thankfully, due to the positioning of my body I couldn't actually see what they were doing. But judging by the feelings I was getting, I didn't really need to to know something nasty was going on.
rustym: Thanks ^_^
Hevn: You're very lucky. There's a really odd atmosphere about a hospital; even if you're not the one being seen by a doctor, it's quite an unnerving place to be.
5th September
Thank you, everyone. You've no idea how much you mean to me.
Alex: Both, actually ^_^;
I'm doing okay now, although it still hurts a fair bit. More than it actually hurting, though, what bothers me more is how it feels in general. It's... well, it's a sort-of-closed scar. I'm sure you can fill in the rest.
I've not been doing a greal deal, which is actually quite nice. Louie the Rune Soldier is very cool, as is D.N.Angel (although perhaps less so. Mum likes it, though). I've done a fair bit of work, but the rest of the time's been spent on Metroid or Civilization III: Conquests. And it's a bugger of a game to actually win. Bastard computer players.
I hadn't realised how little I actually have to do that doesn't involve computers, games, video or DVD. Being stuck at home constantly for four days straight is surprisingly dull, and in some ways I can feel my mind just festering away as I launch yet another vain attempt to overthrow the Chinese Empire.
You do develop a sort of lethargy after a while. It makes quite a change from always doing everything at once, but I'd rather be doing something than nothing. At least if I'm typing up work, it's actually constructive.
And... too much gaming I'm sure is bad for you mentally, in the long term. There are times when I know I should play but I do anyway because I don't feel motivated to do antyhing else, and playing more games lulls me into even further torpor which can only be remedied (and hence perpetuated) by playing games until I physically can't stand any more. I'm not addicted or anything, they just take up a lot of time. And when they're there and there's nothing else for me to take part in, arguing against it seems pointless. It's not as if I can easily lie down and listen to music as I do normally >.>
*sighs* But it'll pass. I've another appointment on Monday which should help point me in whatever direction it is for complete recovery. I'm partway through a course of hideously-tasting antibiotics, the lavours of which stick in your mouth for ages afterwards and affect your sense of smell. I can't wait to eat the last one of those, heh ^_^;
The World
Nic tells me I have a lot of grief in me. I couldn't see it when he first told me, but I really can now. This'll sound stupid, but I can feel it affecting me in everything I do. even now, the way I phrase the sentences in this are altered at least partly by deep feelings of guilt. At what, I don't know. But it's there, and I'm seriously considering getting professional help in order to deal with it. I get this awful feeling that I'm going to snap, and I don't want to do that.
But before that, I'm going to bed. Sleep is a healer of many things (and not sleeping, in the right place and with the right people, can be a healer of even more things, heh)...
See you around. |
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 5, 2005
A Laugh Without Smiling
I'm in a lot of pain. I didn't actually think it would be this bad, but things were more serious than was first anticipated. I guess you can't always tell without getting under the skin first.
Doubt I'll be updating for a few days. Thanks in advance for all your support, heh.
*hugs* Take care.
Comments (11) |
Sunday, September 4, 2005
Hevn: Thankies ^_^ Uh, although I didn't make it, heh. I found it while on a random search for fractals to use as CD stickers.
KeiKei: Yeah, the high phone bill had me pissed off for ages. The onion experience managed to disperse, though. And I have a really cool pic of Keanu Reeves holding a banana to his head *giggles*
Godel: First time changing it since I discovered the customisation panel ^_^ I very rarely change anything about my profile. I think my birthday/age notes get changed more often, heh ^_^;
SamSandy: You don't know the half of it >.>;
JJRiddler: Is muchly coolies, no? ^_^
Annsie: *hugs squishily*
Sara: It'd take something very special to make me change my avatar, heh. [Read: Another cool wolf-thing picture]
Lady Lea: *offers MyOMints*
rustym: I hate it more when someone hasn't properly scrubbed out a glass that I'm drinking milk from. *shudders* Urgh, it's gruesome.
The title is what someone actually asked me today while I was demonstrating at Arundel Castle. Apparently it's because I have long fingernails. Despite, you know, having a beard, the outfit, two swords, etc... -______-;
Last night I went to see Alistair McGowan at the Chichester Festival Theatre. I don't know if many people'll know who he is, but he's a stand-up comedian who excels at impressions of celebrities. From watching his shows on TV I wasn't actually expecting to be that entertained- I'd always found the sketches he did to be rather rude and un-funny. But last night was really great, and I think the impressions are much funnier when done live. I'm glad I went to see it, although it did stretch to 12:35am. I wasn't looking forward to getting up this morning. I always feel sick if I don't have enough sleep.
Lo and behold! I wake up, feeling like the proverbial. I was so tempted to tell Paul that I was too sick to demonstrate today. but I (figuratively) slapped myself round the face and told me to get on with it- it was my own fault for getting into this situation anyway.
It's just as well I did go- two of the other demonstrators were ill, heh ^_^;
It was quite good today, actually. There weren't huge crowds of people as there often are when we do these sorts of events, so it wasn't such a constant effort. I'm sure I was being chatted up at one point by a girl while Mike gave his musket demonstration. It was quite a scary experience; not because she was scary herself (I don't know how old she was- certainly young -but by the way she was questioning me I figured she was probably older than twenty), but to find it actually happening to me was quite a shock. That's the second time it's happened in that costume, too. Perhaps I should wear it more often...
And I'll have some seriously nice photos of myself in that costume, too. I'll post some up when I get them ^_^
I'm back home now, wondering how much I can get done before fatigue overwhelms me. I want and need a decent amount of sleep tonight because I have an operation tomorrow morning to remove this bloody scar from underneath my spine. I'm a bit nervous about it. It's done under local anaesthetic, so it's not even as if I get completely knocked out (which is a bit of a shame- I always enjoy that part), but even so, I know it's going to be painful and I'm a little worried about how the results will turn out. I'm prone to heavy scarring anyway, and if it just turns out to be worse...
...ah, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Still trying to eat more cherries. I'm supposed to have fifteen a day but we haven't enough smoothies for me to comply. I'll eat them like that, cause they're all blendy-blended with other fruits of pleasing tastes. But on their own I'm still a little adverse to them.
*raises glass of smoothie in a toast (as opposed to smoothie on toast, which would probably taste vile)* To sleep! May it keep you well-rested when you need it.
Take care! |
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