Alter Rey (06/23/06)
Your site is awesome. The format of your site is really good. I liked that you put The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift on your site. Congradulations on having such a popular rating.
matt3402 (06/23/06)
Your site beats all the rest I've seen! Your layout is genious. I wish I knew how to make it so different without screwing things up... I would mess with mine if I knew what I was doing and I didn't have to worry about messing it all up.
And thanks for the GB sign.
WolfGirl17 (06/22/06)
Cool bg!I like your site.Thnks for signing my gb.The song you have on your site is pretty good.Anyways just dropping by to say hi.-WolfGirl17
Fiddie (06/22/06)
Hey, how are ya?
I like your sites layout, if i had any idea of how to do that, i'm sure mine would be something like that... only Naruto...
Thanks for dropping by and leaving me a comment..
what does "Dans les rues de tokyo
La vitesse n’a pas boison de traduction
Rapides et dangereux" translate into?
See ya 'round
BlackSmoke (06/22/06)
Sweet site.The music is awsome. Thanks for signing my Gb.
ShadowHimura13 (06/22/06)
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to get here! Awesome site! I love the backgroud and the entire layout! Is the image from Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift?
Well, later!
azrael008 (06/22/06)
thanks for signing my gb! you have an awsome site as well, i'm adding you as a friend, if that's ok!
naruto devil (06/22/06)
well thanx for sighnin my site. hi there whats your favorite anime mines hellsing... i like rock and i have black hair dont ask me why or do you???
solid-snake26 (06/22/06)
Hey! Nice site,it's really cool.I want to go see that movie,it seems like it would be a really good movie.
Thanks for stopping by and signing my gb.I hope that it's ok that I add you as a friend.Well I'll talk to you later! Peace!
InuyashaDream (06/22/06)
hey, nice site, and such and such and such and such. **taps table** Uh yeah, nice joke about the gender thing. Well, you asked me if I would come around and say hi...so...hi. And now...bye. If you come by and say hi sometime, I wouldn't mind either.
'I'll see you on the darkside of the moon.'
P.S. Kail and Kikkuri look the same...