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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Mood: pessimistic
Date: 11/25/07
This maybe pretty depressing-
If you're in a good mood i just suggest skipping this. I don't want to get anyone down.
I've been pretty tired lately. You guys- well some- know how I get. I may say this is my last post but then later it won't be. Who knows. I sort of understood why adults never seems to have any fun or anything. They get up- go to work- then come home, clean the house and cook; every day without complaint. How could people live like that? I sort of always wondered. Then this past weekend as I worked nearly everyday over the holidays I started to understand that. You don't do it because you wan't to but it has to be done so find the best of it.
When I took the PLAN standardized career test at my highschool; myself and my friend Miles were the only two in the class whom put over 20 hours worked for pay on their form. When I looked back at the form it looked like both of us were to be high school drop outs. Back then i knew I would never do that... but this past week- all the stress I had completely vanished. Even though I had work still it was much more relaxing and easyer. And I thought-
'Wouldn't it be easyer just to live like this? To have a small side job and to be a painter. I would enjoy that.'
True I would enjoy that very much. But i think later on I would regret it. everyone says you need to go to college- I don't understand really what you can learn in college about painting though. As much as Art1 has tought me I am honestly not intrested in the history of art. Just the thing itself as it is. I am having a extreamly hard debait with myself in some things and I am not sure what to do.
Earlyer this morning I just lied on the floor for five hours straight not exagerating. No one took notice so I just lied there trying to think but nothing really came to me. I don't feel like I have anything left to finish. I was never one for relationships so there is no one important to me in real life. I don't have family, I barely have friends but they sometimes get on my nerves so bad I can't stand it. I am just one of those people whom loves to be alone.
If you were killed tomorrow.. be it being hit by a bus or cought in crossfire- would you be sad? Would you have something to regret? I don't really think I do. I'm not one for suicide so you don't have to worry about that but if I were to die.. i think that'd be okay.
I don't know
Comments (11) |
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mood: Je t-aime Pari
Date: Il est 11 Novembre, 2007
Days since last post: Quatre
Je panse qui je suis dand l'amour.^^' Mais... vous ne savez jamais.
Oh crap i know a few people can speak french here.. omm *covers Crimson-Rose's mouth*
C'est un secret de qui...ou ce qui. lol
Thank you for the comments... I am glad some of you liked my drawing et the preview of the cat. Le chat est fini maintenant mais je ne peux pas le montrer. Je suis desole.
I have finally gotten the holiday cards for you guys. I was 'organizing' the holiday cards at wallgreens where i work and 'randomly', not even trying! came across one set and decided to buy them for you guys xD So far I have two done. If you would like one Pm me.. don't put your address in a comment. Have common sense please =_= Also if you have a PO box or something where you don't actually have to give me your address that'd be much prefered...
Also.. omm this is a randomly embarassing question..
Does anyone know the stamp deal? How many(cent wise..) you put on for stuff that is going to another state and how many you put on for a letter that is going out of the country? I tried to look it up on google but I'm only getting "do you want to buy stamps?"
In other news:
• Je suis tres heureux aujourd'hui pour quelque raison. Je ne sais pas... Je l'aime. haha Je suis tres boiteux.
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Master Hiko- Alright alright fine.. i'll change my rules! you can comment as much as you want and not post BUT I am going to Pm you every time and ask your about your day xD kinkos you pretty much comment me as best as possible i think- you don't need to worry about that message. that was suspefically for people whom worry about that stuff. As for the holiday cards- No you can buy a box of them for $3.00 at Wallgreens... with an employee discount that's----- $2.70? (near positive) then tax... $2.86 for a box of 10-20 cards? not bad-
Knightwolfgirl- Yeah.. if the reason you won't visit because you don't want to read my GIANT posts then no i'm not honestly going to read your post either.. but no i wasn't talking about you anyway. you're always good^^; O_o i always use different sunflower pictures... *lost* T^T i'm not better at drawing hands... i have cute hands... xD they're small and chibi (no really..) and i have no nails and my thumbs are weird from what everyone tells me haha! but i can bend my fingers backwards.. that's supposed to be different or something.. idk my brother said most people can't do that. O_o oh and i was using my own hands to model in that drawing.. i can't draw other peoples hands for some reason ._.'
PinkChii009- it's funny... some people i don't have to even read their comment and i know they will get a comment back xD Actually pink you can't pause the music. look up at the graphic at the top that's of changing sunflowers and there's a pause button on top of it. nice chica... xD read hiko's comment back about the money issue- feh i envy you, riobien, shishou and mom (sesslover18 xD) the song's pretty good i like it.
Uriel.2323- What do you mean? How will it hurt me?
Twilight Samurai- I still haven't gotten to read your other comment.... mah this is why i don't like people coming by late... feh.. *sighs* i guess i can't do anything about it though. If it were my choice i would be the older one but you sound older then me xD that's weird how it reminds you of samurai champloo.. it does me too but i don't have a connection to it. it's just my favorite flower.
Shishou- *mutters something about you commenting and me having to wait to read it because i haven't visited other sites* xD it's "J'adore" not saying I jadore... that's like saying "I I love" kimmeh still comes by here but for the others it's like "when ever i have time" haha i can understand that though... i don't have much time myself either..
Erzengel Weiss- I can understand some of that but the commenting because you forgot... well i don't really agree with that one because their post is right infront of you and you can scan it to remember. I normally comment when i'm reading anyway. It makes things easyer. for some reason this theme reminds everyone of samurai champloo lol i'm not sure why though. i know there's sunflowers in it but it's just my favorite flower lol i don't like it because of champloo. everyone seems to like the song too hmm lol haha that's alright i can understand forgetting something that's THAT small haha it's okay.
Comments (20) |
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mood: Restless
(reminds me of the song restless from Tokyo Drift xD i want to listen to that!!)
Date: 11/7/07
Days since last post: *shrugs* long time- 5 days.
My last post was about people skimming- I still had several comments with people skimming through them I couldn't help laugh at a few. Alright really quick- if you cannot make it to sites.. I have no problem what so ever on that. I do not at all- I understand you get busy. That's only natural. This is what i'm asking from you though- If you cannot get to sites I want you to come by and leave me a comment explaining how you cannot get to sites. If you don't tell me I don't know.. I do not have a friends list, i go by those whom comment me. Do not skim my posts if you're in a hurry either because i will give you that same type of comment back. It's better to explain to me you cannot visit sites and I will give you a regular comment back rather then give you what you have given me.
New art! Click the pictures to view
Preview of Pointillism: Click Here!
In other news:
• i had a really crazy idea today and it'll never work- Why? i will tell you-
I was so bored at wallgreens today i wanted to buy holiday christmas cards and send them to you guys.. I know. I have no life. Does anyone think that's a good idea or no?
• New theme... enjoy it... love the sunflowers- you guys complain about my pages being too white- well guess what NOW IT'S BOTH. xD
Comments Back:
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Lordsesshomaru- xDDDD *dies laughing* damn it chris- i had the hiccups all day! if i get them again because of you are dead! and if you walk into wallgreens (where i work) with your plaid bathrobe and start talking to me about the 4/$1.00 post cards I will call security on your ass! *dies laughing* *hiccups* ..................................................................CRAP! P.S. vash2214 agrees with me you are the crazy uncle.
Guddosyal- yes hyper is a good thing.. you should have seen me today (11/06/07) holy crap ask meme how hyped up i was. lol
Randomized05- Oh happy freakin friday to you too only i'm reading this on tuesday... because i'm slow like 'dat. haha
Missfantasygirl- .... "If you need a maif for that huge house of yours give me a holler" omm what?
Larienvargamir- Don't worry about commenting me; just remember to tell me you can't comment or i won't come by- again it's not that i don't want to lol i won't remember.
TalimSould- *slaps forehead* no talim i do not have a real family on here i'm saying that is what myo has give me. The list of people i had as my faimly was not really them i just felt like they were to me lol
Shishou- I have been dying to read your comment for days.. *starts at the bottom and works way up xD* <.< i'm sorry i posted... i just posted again too! xD awe i'm sorry about your sis taking the computer! haha I don't have a way with words so this will sound weird- i honestly haven't been closer to someone as fast as you and i did xD for some reason that reminded me of running up to someone and saying "boo" no idea- lol *promotes you to sister next to crimson rose* hehe i can see what you mean. Just asking mainly.
Kikyo27- oh no no no i was not making fun of anyone in car crashes!! i was saying if there was any news about that then people that still skimmed posts would say something like that.
Comments (13) |
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mood: Giggly
Date: 11/2/07
Days since last post: 2! getting shorter and shorter xD
This is the reason why I hate holidays and Myotaku:
people just come by and comment saying "Happy Halloween" then leave and don't even glance at your post. You could be dying and they'd be like "Oh happy easter!" I love those people especially that just scan it too; have no idea what they read and just try to sum it all together. Say your mom died from a car crash. "Merry christmas! Ohh i hate car crashes! it backs up traffic SOOO bad."
This webpage gives you so much- My Family Myo-
mother- Sesslover18
Fathers- Adam
Brothers- keeper of souls, xblood, twilight samurai (xD)
Sisters- Crimson Rose! Randomized guddosyal
Crazy uncles- Lordsesshomaru (never could replace him)
Aunts- Magnus lensher
Cousins- Shishou, uriel.2323, Lifes burden, le kun
I'm sure there's more people xD problem is my memory.
Alright now i want you to tell me who you consider your family on here! they can be defined.. like sess goes around telling people she's my mom (i have no doubt xD) or or just throwing it out there that that person feels like a brother or sister to you. Something tells me Chris will be everyone's uncle though.
In other news:
• I finished my hand drawing! will scan sometime^^
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Vash2214- Poor Kids
Crimson-Rose- No I had to work on halloween lol no candy for me. Your cat's name is kitty? omfg that's original >.> my friend named his cat that- it won't answer to anything else.
Talim Sould- A pointillism is a picture made up of dots. The closer they are, the darker it seems so you get value ranges and when you back up it forms a picture. It's a style that was invented in the 1800s and it's most famious picture with that style would be 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte'. If you care to know more about it i'd be happy to tell you.
Twilight Samurai- actually the cat is looking great but i screwed over the hands yesterday when i decided to outline it in sharpie... what the heck was i thinking- *sighs* now i get to redo it.
Dbzbreak93- DANG it's been a long time! haha nice to see you again! the chatbox is on another page O_o
M3m3nt0m0r1- "i found the links ^^ -feels smart but slow at the same time- xD" meme it should have been easy for you guys that know how i love to hide things. Dang i thought you would have known me better then that lol
Chant- O.o do i know you?
Schultize- I chaned my theme not too long ago. It's alright, i'm not sure if i'm happy with it or not.
Guddosyal- since when did you have random raids?!
Uriel.2323- I love being intresting. It makes everything so much better because your audience doesn't know what you did or how you did it and makes you feel like people are amazed by you.
Comments (18) |
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Mood: Indifferent
Date: 10/31/07
Days since last post: *scratches head* 3? 3 again!?
... Forgot what I was going to say. Happy Halloween but that wasn't it.
Well some people have been asking me where's the catbox because I know some people liked that lol It's still here. Just has it's own place. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is three dots above the picture to the right. Click the middle one and there is your chatbox for you.
Yesterday Sucked- lets leave it at that and move on. lol
In other news:
• I'm making a pointillism of my cat, Squeaker. It's called English Sugar and it's looking really good so far but I'm a long way from done haha I'll show you when I'm finished alright^^
• I'm also drawing 5 hands and having to match them to a quote of our choice. Mines was " Naljubuties' " Which means watch in awe if you don't have a clue. The assignment would be easyer if it were only two hands- *sighs*
Comments Back:
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JungWoo- ;_; but I like two comments! xD I'm glad you listened to the song, not many people did really lol actually you're the only one that did as of the moment. maybe more later
Bonitachika792- Alright true getting opinion you can never have enough but the more friends you have the less friends you have.
The real Yokhimbo- You're honest at least.
Sould=Reaper=Death- Your nickname is deathy! xD because i want it to be- don't ask questions lol. I'm doing alright just tired lately. And yourself?
Crimson-Rose- I wish it was just the computer *sighs* but no Myo was slow. Actually it still is very slow for me. It's driving me MAD. <_> but we'll live lol I'm glad it's running at least. *claps for Adam*
Knightwolfgirl- lol i know unlucky me i get 20 instead of two. If it wasn't for the name i'd ask if you'd want to trade xD you'd find out quickly it's not too fun but i'm starting to develope a technique so i get through things faster and don't spend so much time on comments, reading, and comments back.
Enraged Pschopath- You would like the song zero signal i think >.> why not at least try? just fast forward it. ehh fine be that way- i love you too -.- lol
xBlood- good luck on your papers^^
Guddosyal- ... why are you only hyper when you're at my site? never anywhere else- or do you just not say it? O.o
Vash2214- If you ever want to test a layout just type in html practice board. Pick one of them and try to use it. Normally they all work but sometimes not.
Shishou- "Suh-weet!" lol I haven't heard anyone say that in a long time. xD Killer- Lurking a lot is fun though; I know just about everyone on Myotaku because I love lurking so much haha. I will baddger you a lot to post probably. Why don't you try to do what I do. I post and visit till I finish visiting sites. I won't post again till I get to everyone. I started getting new ways to comment too so they don't take me so long. My main problem is memory and reading. ... I'm not going to lie, I cannot read, but I can write. So strange lol I didn't honestly know your name was Anna lol that's so cool though. I met her one day at wallgreens, where i work, then right after that i was at a party and she was there then strangly saw her at my school too. It was rather creepy lol To your comment back: Bite me xDDDDDDDDDD haha yes you are now take the credit!
PinkChii009- I'm still dying from you icon lol
Uriel.2323- That message was fine enough lol I am happy with the comment you gave me nothing more is needed. Why do you want to tell me something?
Randomized05- lol glad to see you again. ohh yours would not look like crap! i can give you a modified version of this one just change colors if you want lol.
Keeper of Souls- since when do you honestly listen to my rules in the first place? >> i'd love to teach you though if you'd like; you just need an attention span first haha jp
Comments (12) |
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mood: Hopeful
Date: 6:02pm Monday 10/29/07
Days since last post: 3
The last post I had was about an hour before Myotaku crashed. I received two comments... That was awesome I wish i got two comments more often. xD No i'm not being scarcastic, it's just easyer to focus sometimes. lol
Well I did happen to promise an old theme before a new. Well I sort of came across a page I was working on before but stopped because I didn't want to get frustrated with it since i was trying to challenge myself and well I decided to pick that up again. I finished that over the three days Myotaku was down and here it is lol The challenge was to not use a picture not meaning banners or anything. Normally in a layout you have a background that is a picture even if it's a solid color. I was trying to not use one at all and build it line by line. It works haha. Mozilla messes it up a little with spacing so if you're using that BLAH to you.
I don't too much care for a huge playlist in the way but i like to pick through the music sometimes so that might change. Also if you get the song Zero signal, if you can bare through the first 45 seconds if it, it's kick ass haha.
In other news:
• lets see... something happy because people are tired of hearing me talk about bad things. hmm I have a new friend name Anna- lets go with that.
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Shishou- I am jealous of you and Rioben lol You both have very good creative skills. Especially at pattern schemes and designs.
PinkChii009- you gave me an answer to a question yesterday and... I didn't ask any questions O_o
Comments (14) |
Friday, October 26, 2007
Mood: Unsure
Date: 11:39am Friday 10/26/07
Days since last post: 11
It's always 11 days since my last post- Why is that? *shrugs*
Well I'll say it again to make Syal happy- I went to the doctor on Wednesday for 4 hours. *wonders how many parties she will throw before I get sick of cake* hmm nahh--- lol I have to go back today but I'm not going to rant off on that, people have been telling me they're tired of hearing about negative rants from me about how my life sucks.
good news- I redid everything on my ipod. So it is now organized and has good music! no crappy songs! lol
I have to work tomorrow from 8 to 4 and on Sunday from 4 to 11. Josh at work keeps scaring me saying "if we are robbed- do this this and this" ........ the this this and this goes straight out the other side of my head while i'm stuck on the robbed part. Then he says "no i'm just kidding we're not going to be robbed haha" ....... fag. He's... scray. Like gives me death looks when i say he sucks for being so negative and calls me a kid for liking the toy isle >.> I don't think I told anyone I got a job at wallgreens in the first place.
In other news:
• Eventually one day i will get to putting up a new theme- i'll put up an old one for the time being until i make a new one.
Comments Back From 10/15/07:
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Sesslove18- Alright I understand that not all of the pictures are yours and you give them credit, that's great but I don't like how just taking layouts from people is okay. Say someone stole your layout- Would you like that?
PinkChii009- No, when changing everything that does not count. If you're changing the images and positions then it's pretty much yours.
Magnus Lensherr- I don't agree with layouts by 311 personally either. That's her choice to make that page and I am not descriminating against her for doing so but I do not believe that people should take them for popularity. If they take them it should be to learn.
Twilight Samurai- I thought you were already on the top 500's list? Weren't you?
Knightworlfgirl- As I already said for pinkchii no that doesn't count as stealing.
Lifes Burden- I already said I wasn't going to show anyone what it looked like. I guess you will figure out what it is eventually on your own.
Roiben- RIOBEN!!!! *tackles and hugs* hahah i haven't seen you in so long!!!!!^^ yes i did miss haha and i love your icon that you have now, she looks so sleep it's adorable xD There's a spell check feature on IE7 you know O_o the way i learned how to spell was someone corrected me till i got sick of them and started learning the words. Haha thank you Ryocite.
MerokoYui4- No no, I understand what you are saying, I can completely agree if you are taking a pre made to understand it that if fine. If you are taking a premade just for the sake of having popularity then I disagree. If you have no intrest what so ever in learning it that is a different story. You're entitled to your own opinion, i'm not going to call you out for disagreeing you know lol
SpiffySporkPerson-Haha, alright i can't spell, mozilla, you're correct.
Angel Kenshin- never change your icon, it matches you perfectly xD
Comments Back From 10/13/07:
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Bonitachika792- Yeah I know it's mean, but then again my dad and his wife don't really care what people think or anything. It's their way or no way. They're racist, predjudice(sp?) and plenty of other thing just like that.
randomized05- yeah it will be different in highschool lol
knightwolfgirl- Haha, no they don't! not like my dad... he's an ass though. you can go golfing with him as long as it's at a country club because that means that he dad has connections-" *rolls eyes* he's such an ass! xD
Guddosyal- COULD be over protective??????!!!! HA
PinkChii009- when did they let you out of rehab! >.>
Twilight samurai- I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU A GUY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ONE!!!! xDDDDDDD and I said sorry for that- -.- "AWWEEE you met someone and it's a guy!" ohh that'd be so funny if he was mexican. You could say "nooo IT'S an alien!" xD J-pop is Japanese pop music by the way. Arists like Utada hikaru and stuff. it's great. "but the SAG anime would be sweet as well" *personally pictures motoko bustin a sag with guy clothes on* well she's actually showing less skin then she normall does- oh no i love having fun- that's why i am going to officially call you cracky. HAHA *points to your crack* (butt crack that is) *COUGHS* you will have to excuse... the non existant and imagionary (i think) hyperness it is rather late and i'm running out of excuses with no idea as to what i'm typing. Good luck and goodnight! ... something doesn't seem right... i think i should write some more of these rap song and put them on Mcom's tellin' them freeze! we don't know, just you freeze. won't you please *dances*
Corp. Panda- We're all happy! haha .... *dies at last line* x_X i shouldn't have told people that.
Master Hiko- why didn't you go to homecoming! ahhh what the heck!? *dies laughing at the navy S.E.A.L. thing* omfg that sounds like something my brother would do!!!! hahahaha i have yahoo! add me!!!! xD
MiasmaMoon- I did that too, lol just stopped eating because i felt so bad. He wants to kill Daniel because i've gone out with him 3 times and he hasn't met him once haha
Life burden- You're insane and i love you haha yeah i finally remembered it... well no i looked it up in the year book but then i saw his last name and feel so bad for him *dies laughing*
Le Kun- Awe, i don't call people fat though! she's really not that fat.. ;_; oh come on i hate this type of convorsation- L i'll take Daniel and you can have LB, deal? but no doing anything bad xD i admit you know how to make me laugh, that much is true. you feel akward? hell i feel akward O.o
Avi of the day: #110
Comments (2) |
Monday, October 15, 2007
Over the past three years I have self tought myself everything i know about HTML and myotaku.com. I have recieved help from Ryocite, sesslover18, chibim, caprice, and lenaisy mainly about codes. all of us were self tought... Why can't you be? I am COMPLETELY AGAINST PRE-MADE LAYOUTS! why should people whom have scrificed YEARS of hard work to be shoved behind a curtain so that others can expierence the same joyful out come with no work at all?! With premade layouts you are technically stealing someone else's artwork, ever if you have their premission. On theotaku.com, can you put up someoe else's artwork up even when having their premission? NO! it's still considered plagerism. You are taking credit for someone else's work.
the second issue i would like to address is Modzilla or Foxfire internet. Internet Explorer (IE7 currently) was the ORIGINAL internet EVERYONE used in the beginning. Modzilla is a damn cheat sheet! That is all it is. It's a bastardized replica of IE7 with a little cheat sheet for the ignorant and lazy people. Any layouts (div or table) made by a myotaku member will not be the same on modzilla as internded on IE7. Also, and i am sorry this is directed slightly at an individual i talked with last night, there is a process called over write which allows you to overwrite an account is if it jamed or having problems so that you do not have to delete it. Modzilla not only showers you how to over write pages but will do it to where the overwrite process doesn't even take place! Why should someone whom has learned how to overwrite the manual and correct way be replaced by a "feature" to make life easyer for lazy people? The world is getting so pathetic now of days. God, i hear people say "I'm too lazy to type" ... alright then, they have problems.
Lastly I have seen the new layouts for theOtaku and Myotaku.com I was asked not to mention this so i will keep it as classified as possible. I will not say it is good or bad; I will not tell you what it looks like if you ask. I am just going to state I disagree with it. I could not say for 100% that the new layouts do not accept div layouts but i am near positive. If anyone understands what this means, it means the people that have been creating layouts for years will no longer be able to because of the new structure of the pages. No more layouts... no more customizing pages... It will be based off of numbers and not talents. So basically the new people do not have a chance at getting on the top 500s boards.
If this layout does take affect and we are no longer allowed to do div's I will be quitting myotaku.com.
If you agree with the issures i would appretiate it very much if you could place the banners you agree with on your page if at all possible.
Comments (15) |
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Mood: Content
Date: 2:58 PM Saturday 10/13/07
Days since last post: 11
Hey guys,
Okay it hasn't been forever... stop acting like it has haha
Last month was the worst month of my life but this month is the best!
Good News
I'll keep it short-
• Dad and laura told me I was fat all the time so I believed it and I compared myself to someone i thought I was the same size as and it turns out i'm half her size. How that works, i don't know- but it made me feel good.
• I met this guy at school, he's so sweet. I have honestly never found a guy I can tolerate for over two weeks because as soon as i start hanging out with them I find stuff that is so disgusting about them that it groses me out and I leave. For example the last guy never washed his clothes or hair hair plus he always messed with my car like pulling up the emergency break and opening the doors when i was driving. So don't call me evil for dumping guys, haha i have perfect reasons. his name is Daniel and he's a Junior at the schooland plays football. The first time he asked me to go somewhere with him it was the bonfire at the school. Then to a football game but I never found him at the game even though i looked for an hour. I wasn't really expecting him to be sitting with his parents though so i didn't look in the seats that are for sponors. And today he called wanting to do something.
Bad news
Dad wants to kill him- xD
In other news:
• Like 5 people out of 20 answered the question in the last post so i'm not really going to even bother making avi's anymore. I think i'm going to change this theme soon anyway, i'm getting tired of it strangly. That and i miss sunflowers very much.
• I am going to change this theme soon, I'm not sure what to though. Either something J-pop or Stand alone complex.
Comments Back:
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Raisha- You don't have to worry about your comments being short, lol We all get busy, I can understand that so it is no problem.^^
Knightwolfgirl- Okay not typing out drawn out words that are supposed to last four letters when they last 400 with you! x_X
Twilight Samurai- I think you're on crack sometimes... *shrugs*
Cencen- It's good to see you again! lol
PinkChii009 *sighs* you are on crack too along with Twilight Samura- BUT you have funny crack because I love your avi xD
Crimson-Rose How is the layout working for you? *reads your interum* biology- you suck... french2- you suck ass... religion- BAH... English- eh Ap euro- what the heck is that? geometry- i love math! photography- didn't get into that class -_-' French is getting a lot easyer for me now but it killed me for awhile.
Master Hiko- I'm not trying to beat your two week reccord lol As much as people say it i honestly don't think they really like to comment. I mean i like seeing what's up with people but commenting seems like you're forced to do it because they comment to you. I can't help but do it so i won't post until i am done completely. The thing is i Do comment when i read... I still forget.
Littlemiko11- Why is everyone's favorite color black and blue?! makes no sence....
Lordsesshomaru- I've been meaning to tell you something for awhile now- I don't know how to spell squirrel. I have to look it up everytime haha I know- what are they teaching kids in schools these days?
Akebaneamino- Yes, i don't have a whole lot of time to post really-
KimmehWolfwood- you scare me-
Ryosuke forever- Yes stuff like joking around is funny but i'm not kidding i really can't remember people i see everyday sometimes. it's getting weird.Macho Macho Mannn!!! haha
Avi of the day: #109
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Mood: Awake
Date: Tuesday 4:25pm 10/2/07
9 days? not bad-
Before I get into anything fun and intresting I have to say-
I don't post a lot. I post once a week if that and will visit sites till the next time I post. I may not get to you that day but I will visit your site before I post again that is promissed.
I may get to your site the next day or in a week, please don't get irritated with me.
I'm taking so long to visit sites, not because I have a whole lot of people. I normally average 15-20 comments or sites to visit each post. It's because i'm having a lot harder time lately reading things. My memory's getting worse and worse to where i'll finish reading a post and can't remember what it's about.
Fun Stuff
I haven't updated fan art in some time but I just got back into drawing because.. well I have two art classes back to back lol It's very fun I am going to try to put up artwork more often.
First Life
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This is for my friend Stevo, lol if he never sees it that's okay but would just like to mention.
In other news:
• New theme, AeMe.
You guys need to write down your favorite style shirt and favorite color when you comment so i can make you an icon like the ones above the post.
I'm going to put that in red and still only 5 people will see it >.> lol
• Getting intouble at school and having a none care attitude is fun.
• fararii Enzo's do not coast 3,000,000-5,000,000? opparently...
Interum rpt
Algebra 2: 91
Art 1: 94
Art 2: 100
French 2: 75
I love being original-
Comments Back:
xblood- yes amazing... someone has gotten over 100 comments because of that too. it's cheep >.> haha
Keeper of Souls- I don't need a reason to call you crazy... You just are xD. but don't forget who you're talking to too.
Le kun- war is fast and furious all over again- haha only... with more asians and less cheesy...
oh by the way there are not smilies in my chatbox haha i hate them too
Ryosuke Forever- I knew there was a mexican! knew it...
Magnus Lensherr- no i don't get a bunch of people i just can't read lol
KimmehWolfwood- kimmeh you're not a bad person! x_X i don't post hardly anyway! chill lol
The Dark Hero- to your question if you were annoying me what would i do? i'd avoid you O.o lol but you don't.
Crimson-Rose- working on your theme now lol you will like it because i'm not going to do that sound layout thing lol
I'm sad no one laughed at my Ak-47 yakuza hit man joke -_-' i guess i'm just not funny-
Avi of the day: #108
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