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Saturday, November 11, 2006
my mom's flipping out because i accadently overdosed myself with a medicine. She's like... you realize you just took 1300 mg of tylenol.
Me.... no... so all it's going to do is make me sleepy then... so what?
She's still flipping out and called a pharmacist. They said i'll be fine as long as my heart rate doesn't speed up.... *goes for a run XD* cha no i feel fine... throat still hurts *cough* meh... this stuff doesn't work... but it's only been 5 min.. lol
Yesterdays riddle/answer:
A man and his wife went on vacation. Two months later he called the police and reported a dead body he has seen while he was on vacation. The police thanked the man and then asked why did it take him two months to report it. What was his answer?
It was in one of the pictures he took on vacation and just realized it.
A man was alone in a room then very carefully and deliberately he pulled out a gun and shot himself. Sometime later another man was charged with him murder and found guilty. What happened?
HINTS: They had seen eachother right before but did not say anything. The convicted man was not with the other man while he died. and this last one gives it away but they were both gagnsters (XDDDDD)
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Friday, November 10, 2006
lol so who remembers this theme? lol it's old... and i meant old lol
i'm bringing back a few that i used and kind of liking it lol
yesterdays riddle/answer
One american man shot dead another American in full view of many people. The two men had never met before and did not know each other. Neither was a policeman nor a criminal. The man who shot and killed the other man was not arested or charged with any crime. Why not?
The answer is they were in the civil war; i had one person get it lol
A man and his wife went on vacation. Two months later he called the police and reported a dead body he has seen while he was on vacation. The police thanked the man and then asked why did it take him two months to report it. What was his answer?
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Okay! i admit it... *coughing like crazy*
i need to cut down on pepper in Chicken noodle soup...
okay how about a riddle and a question for today?
One american man shot dead another American in full view of many people. The two men had never met before and did not know each other. Neither was a policeman nor a criminal. The man who shot and killed the other man was not arested or charged with any crime. Why not?
1) When you are upset; what do you tend to do more? (Example: listen to sad or hard music.)
bye! bye!
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
I didn't sleep last night really; just lied there and thought a lot, it really sucked because wednesdays are always really long for me. I also have to work tonight and walk home, that's going to take about an hour to do because my house from the school is... kind of far. Even after you get to my heighborhood it's still a ways to go.
okay later guys; going back to sleep and when i get home i'm going to sleep too. maybe during school as well... dono
Riddle: none for today; i haven't really been at school
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
haha no more comment box.... you guy'll have to find others ways if you care enough;
okay, well i kind of enjoyed my day off but that was until night.
My stepmother is very childish and decided to frame me because my dad credited me with something i didn't do... she got drunk and got on my dad's business computer and put paint on there, froze it up somehow and blamed me for it . This was all because my dad told her that i put away the dishes when really i just washed them. She screamed at me for awhile not like i cared... but it was so hilarious to watch her try to avoid me in the hallways; she's go through the dining room which (no one goes in EVER. we never use that room) just to avoid me.
anway dad and i are going to ditch her to go to a bad boys of comedy show which is going to be hilarious. can't wait it's this thursday, and guess who's in it.... Carlos Mencia... crazy ass mexican himself who i love to death lol
later guys; if you read this tonight you don't have to come by tomorrow i'm just going to post it over since it's so late
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still tired
I've been sleeping all day pretty much; my dad keeps comming in here every few hours to see if i'm either alive or feeling okay. yes yes yes and answer is still yes...
No one guessed my s/n and i don't plan to tell you because it takes up time
As for the riddle... if you put the answer in the comment box everyone knows it then -.-
But yes the answer was the horses name is friday...
You guys are cheating to begin with you're not supposed to use that thing as a comment box! *growls*
i only need 5 move visits for 4 5's(5555) creepy... you guys don't come... XD
A man buys Coconuts at $5 a dozen and sells them at $3 a dozen. As a result of this he becomes a millionere. How so?
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Monday, November 6, 2006
Feeling sick
Not getting enough sleep lately; so i've been going to sleep right when i get home and well i think it's making it worse. When ever i wake up i feel like crud litterly and don't want to.
I don't have school tomorrow which rocks; i can sleep in hopefully.
i have a new MSN name if anyone gets on MSN; it's perpendiculouslover@hotmail.com.
I think i'm going to do a little contest here to see if anyone can guess what its from? lol
We do little riddles i class and they're so fun so i think i'm going to start putting them on here *evil smirk*
okay okay
Riddle: it's the old west days and a man rides into town. He arrives on Friday; 3 days later he leaves on Friday. How is it possible?
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
-.- why is nothing working for me
everything hates me at the moment ans wishes to go wrong...
this is an old theme it's not new
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Soo... tired... can't... go on....sry that the comic was long guys; it was funny though for those who read it... alright loce the song; it's called song for the dot; the opening sucks ignore the trashy orchestra(sp) part lol it's annoying

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Friday, November 3, 2006
Comedy Friday
i'm... trying to find the friday song for you guys but... i'm having problems doing so... if i do it'll be up..

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