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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i know this song doesn't match at all but you guy'll get over it, i like it lol run rabbit junk rocks! haha!^^ okay i'm changing it... me & you, i love this
mytho i'll help you get almet and kori and... what's his name.. the other guy *can't remember* back... *HAS PLAN* not really i'm just trying to get almet worried... XD ...
athrunsgirl i watched your amv and i loved it out of all of them that i got yetserday... which was 2... anyone else feel like trowing youtubes at me for the hell of it to take anger out or w/e be my guest....
ommmmm i'm done... if any of you want to pick out a layout for me to put up for tomorrow go here: photobucket, it's a mess... like my room... i know lol
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Monday, September 18, 2006
*is really starting to get bored* okay... ommm
questions! ahh haha! i love these, i know you all do to stop lying (PHIL! XD)
1)what color is your room?
-mine's blue, purple and a gray purple on different walls then the one at my dad's is light green
2)can you make anything with paper?
-cranes, envelopes, fortune tellers
3)do you like dark it dark or light?
-dark, can see better
4)what color are your eyes?
-yellow when i'm wearing black and green when i'm wearing blue
5)do you think you're funny?
-.... yes but no i'm not; or some people tell me i'm not some do.
6)put your favorite youtube video; i'll watch it eventually
-mine: Speak 'n' spell
7)who is your favorite comedian?
-carlos mencia or dane cook
8)if you watch tv what else besides cartoon network and the news do you like to watch?
-comedy central
9)how many guys do you like right now?(you have to know them)
-................... all of them or i chose not to know them XD
10)do you want to kill your PE teacher?
-pe teacher? kind of... volleyball coaches? hell yeah
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Friday, September 15, 2006
i don't understand why you guys are commming by, i haven't visited anyone (shut up phil XD) in like a month.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006


tomorrow we play but the main thing i love about high school.... the drama!
west ashley students came to our school in the middle of the night last night and tagged litterly everything possible... there's players and cheerleaders name all over the school saying they suck and... other things i do not say... *caughs*
i don't have any photos but i wish i did, anyway they kicked in the gym doors, taged the football stadium, and wrote on the walls, floors and doors.
it's on channel 2 4 and 5 tonight i'm watching it this second... cool! lmfao
i really don't care too much about the cost i think it's funny,
students are going over there tonight to tear up the grass and tag some things, there's a hell of a lot of police over there and we all know it but no one seems to care.
this was all over a football game and we're going to lose anyway.......because......our team sucks but who cares we're still dressing up XD
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
*shifty eyes* i think people quit comming by...
*puts up poll to count* mouahaha jp
fun... i vote.... the first 4 but i can't vote 3 times lol
okay i'm bored, by the way guys no new layout today i don't feel like putting it up and some people noticed that i links were crossed yesterday so those who went to pm me and got a different name mailed to them it was still me
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
i'd love to make a boa theme but i don't have the program on this computer, i have it on the one next to this computer which is very old and half broke... oh well.. lol
school keeps getting longer each day, i can't wait till the next break..
tests/quiz results:
math: 92 interum was 89.66 ><
interior design(yeah it's a class -.-) (a dumb class): 100 (whooo wow i'm surprised)
keyboarding: *is trying to get a hitman to kill the teacher* she's............annoying but with stronger language i'll put it that way...
science: 96 or something idk
i'm about ready to die, they made up do 4 up down and arounds yesterday, if you don't know what that is you run up the stairs outside the gym then across the balsony over the gym then down the stairs and across the hall. then up those stairs then across the balcony of the other side and then down the stairs and back to where you started; that's counted 1, we did 4, i was ready to start crawling up the stairs lol
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Monday, September 11, 2006
bleck, it's cold, i'm having fun on the computer under my comforter on my bed, i love this thing i'm glad i bought it...
happy sept. 11th and w/e, i don't think anyone cares anymore...
yay caprice's back *tackles and hugs* mostly everything i know with html came from her and lenaisy lol
good luck finding the comment box today... it won't be there for those few who go into my source lmfao
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
no one will delete me... well that's just great.... okay....... i'll wait longer...
and there's no comment box so don't bother looking for it
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
i'm waiting for everyone to delete me but how about some filler for anyone who cares.
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
i'm intrested to know how many people deleted me, honestly i do hope a lot... i want to come back but it's going to be hard to break from my other site, i'll miss it a lot lol
thank you for the 5000hits and the insane 109 comments on my last post... i should kill you guys for that lol
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