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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Once you have everything you could want, it's meaning less, it's how you spent the time getting there that means the most.
just remember don't make friends too fast. You lose the point of friends then.
enteracting with the ones you have and getting to know them better is what you'll remember more then a title.
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
some people are buggin' me to post so i
ll post already!!! sheish...
kk first off you people are CRAZY! i have to thank all of you for the 78 comments on my last post, it's been about 10 days since my last one.
and i also want to say thanks so everyone who signed my guestbook the whole time i've been gone too... 92 signings since my last post too. i'm still calling you all crazy...
one note... elves! you are going down! you are my Idol RIVAL! lol i'll catch up to you one day!
I'd like to give a huge shoutout to Crimson-Rose who is a totally awsome friend. I had the pleasure of making a layout for her and i have a little too much fun doing it lol it's made me get a new intrest in jrock. she's a great friend if you want another too lol
hmm on the last note... mmm i don't think i have anything else... well later!
LOGGED OFF: 7:00pm
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Monday, July 3, 2006
hey you guyz, sry it's been about a week since i've been updateing but i have been visiting sites everyday which is making me feel a lot better about before, i know some of you are like what the heck were you talking about in your last post. i was really frustrated with a guy online that i will admit i like him and everything and i kind of took my anger out on the wrong people which was you guys... you have no clue how sorry i am...
okay well nothing's really going on, i hope you guys like the new theme, do not let me change it... i sware i have to keep this till august.. which is going to be really hard since i redo my theme so much but i'm going to try and stop making them so often.
well ttyl! bye

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Monday, June 26, 2006
i'm sorry about what i wrote before, i didn't wirte what i meant and offended a few good freinds and i hope you all will forgive me
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
and normally after that annoying assoholic mood that i get sometimes it's followed by me using words in sentences so that it only makes sense when you flip them around.. you see.. i am doing it again. ...
moving on.. a few quick notes... thank you for the 60 comments. They have doubled since my last post and if someone leave me one more anonymous comment i will rip my hair out. I have put a link for myo comments. If you really hate writing a few more letters that much move your hand 40 pixles to a different link.
2nd... who is kyunikhos and Amy-takako?
alight the annoying questions of the day are over now to other news. you all are terrable why didn't you tell me the graphics on this layout were so terrable! this computer is very dark which is why my themes are sometimes so light so i can't see the mistakes. i went to a friends house and saw how messed up they were so i fixed them. yay... who just cared about that? no one! ...moving on
i recontly bought memoirs of a geisha. I truely loved this movie and while others complain it's too long it's perfect for me. put a z at the end of your comment please. sometimes i think movies are too short. i'm not really one for tv so i never sit in on place for a long time. rate this movie 5 stars for it's picture and acting. It's wonderful adn i suggest you see it if you haven't but be sure to have enough time lol it's about a 3 hr movie and it's one of those movies where you have to watch it til the end type thing.
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hey everyone it’s been a long time. I guess lol well just letting everyone know I have a new theme. I went to see the fast and the furious: Tokyo drift with a few friends and I’ve been obsessed with it since.
A few notes… people here are so gullible… as a joke I put I’m a guy under gender in my guestbook and there are actually people who fall for this… I’m counting you all too.
My mom is watching a dog for a friend and I’m about to kill it it’s so darn hyper. I’m really a laid back person so I hate anything hyper… First it ate my pants... I didn’t mind it because I really hated them anyway… then it eats my favorite ones and I’m like OMFG YOU ARE SO DEAD DOG! So I’m really mad at the dog… lol
LOGGED OFF::::: 10:19pm
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
thank you for the 38 comments yesterday.
thanks to everyone who gave me an idea or some help. i did get to all sites i have no clue if i can today or not. i spent the whole day playing volleyball yesterday so that should've tired me out so i can sleep. hope you like teh background, it moves so when you open teh page the little hexigon thing loads u pthen my page does. idk it depends on your computer really lol well ttyl!
oh happy birthday lordsesshomaru!
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Again.. i reall can't take much more of this.. i haven't slept since tuesday and it's geting to th point where i can't focus on anything... i know, some of ou are saying you need to see a doctor or something. what am i supposed to do? go up to my parents and ask them to take me? hey'll want to know why and when i tell them they won't. they'll say what they normally do... "you need to tire yourself out more" god i'm already doing volleyball!i tried to sleep some but nothing was working...
i don' know what to do any more, my mom's always yelling at me, she think's in on the computer all the time but i'm really outside playing volleyball, i'll play no matter what time.. like @ 11:00pm last night.... the neighbor kept looking at me but i'm not the one sitting in my backyard in a boat (that's not in water) watching a 14 yr. old play volleyball at 11:00.
I hope i can get to sites, many people are updating adn i expect more to before the day is out. my friends list is all blue except for about 15 people
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
hey everyone, it's 4:00am right now and i've been up all night again. i've had a pretty bad case of insomnia for about a little over a year or 2 now and it's getting worse to the point where i can't do anything but think till 5:00 in the morning. it's the 2nd all nighter this week and it's getting really annoying...
it was funny the other day. when i woke up the next morning from when i passed out my mom kept telling me about all of the things i did but i honestly can't remember anything lol i know it's not right but i liked it a lot more; at least i could get to sleep then.
i hope you like the new theme, i'm not done completely yet but i hope you like it so far. i'm changing back to myotaku comments because i've had so many complaints about halo scan...
P/S> 4000 hits and 10,000 wallpaper hits! ty so much! also my rating hit under 200! yay lol
There is a problem with myo and it's taking me 40 minutes to load each site, i am unsure if i can get to everyone but i will do my best
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Monday, June 12, 2006
because i stayed up al night the night before to see everyone and make sure i got to all sites yesterday i passed out at 6:00pm, it wasn't even on purpose either. I just lied on my bed for a second and then acadently fell asleep so if anyone posted after 6:00 sry i didn't get by.
everyone please convince darkreno not to leave myo! she's an awsome friend and you can't just let her leave! even if you can't come by all teh time at least don't delete you're myo darkreno! link to her site
alright that's all i really have to say for today...
Question: name on thing that you think should be different about my layout. please don't say the link color i've changed that 6 million times and it won't get any darker..
P.S> who is leaving the annonamus comments again? you're not on my friends list so you better tell me who you are!
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