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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Hey eveyone! by tally the FFVIIADVC(i love writing that out XD) won by 5 votes. i do lik ethis one, don't think taht you will never see the stand alone complex one again i may put it back up again sometimes lol^^
YaY i'm really excited now i just got 800gbs signings^^ ekk lol^^
one last thing!! when you write comments don't forget to put your name in!i don't really know who visited or not and i mainly go by who came by lol well ttyl! later
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
hey everyone!
i'm having a really hard time choosing something, mind helping out?
i know how you people are probably ticked off at me for changing my theme every time i post... i sry i just get so darn bored and i won't post because i know won't make it to everyone's site! T__T lol so this is what i'm going to do!^^
i have 2 layouts and you shall chose which one i will use!
1st one- posted on The gothic prep, {just press stop on the top of this window to stop the music playing on here to hear the other one} it's my nick name at school -.- YOU MAY THINK IT'S NOT POSSIBLE BUT I DO IT!
and the 2nd on is teh layout i currently have...
okay i'll leave it up to yall! k? ttyl! later
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hey everyone!
i'm having a really hard time choosing something, mind helping out?
i know how you people are probably ticked off at me for changing my theme every time i post... i sry i just get so dark bored and i won't post because i know iwon't make it to everyone's site! T__T lol so this is what i'm going to do!^^
i have 2 layouts and you shall chose which one i will use!
1st one- posted on The gothic prep, it's my nick name at school -.- YOU MAY THINK IT'S NOT POSSIBLE BUT I DO IT!
and the 2nd on is teh layout i currently have which i'm wondering about because teh music is no working!!! ><
okay i'll leave it up to yall! k? ttyl! later
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
hey all! just wanted to come by and say hello and that i'm not dead everything's fine -.- lol
i really want to give a huge thanks to Blink, C l o u d, Grifter99, Mui K, lenaisy, 1nOnlyCloud, Kiyoshima for taking the time to go into my source code and leave a comment. It was very nice of them i really asked that no one left a comment since i wasn't able to visit sites.
i'm sorry for my absence, things have been very hectic. I won't be posting till friday and the mimimum, maybe saturday if i have time.
I hope all of you like the new theme, i worked 2 days on it and i still am woking on it lol^^ well i think i'll stop talking for now, i'll be going to site today so ttyl! later
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
hey everyone, i'm sorry i haven't been here awhile and i'm still not able to come back, just way too much is happening and well there's some bad news too. My little cousin who's 6 years old is going to die. I feel so bad for her really, she's hardly left the hosbitle since she was born she was always going and never really came home. I don't know the name of the desiease that she hasbut the longest anyone's ever lived with it is 20. I feel so terrable, she's never done anything wrong and has hardly had a chance in her life. I really want her to live, i'd switch places with her if i could. Her name is hayden and if you could, could you please pray for her?
because of this i'm going to be gone a lot longer then i thought i, the next time i'll have time for myo will be 2 weeks from now, i hope no one will get mad that because i haven't come by, i'll try to get to sites some days. well i really have to go, i put back up my old theme just because the new ones i make are lacking quality like this one lol bye all!
no comemnts today! surprise! lol
Comments (7) |
Saturday, April 15, 2006
hey everyone, i'm going to take a little break from myo but i'll get to anyone who comes by today.
fan art
i want to say thanks to everyone who commented on my fan art yesterday it really means a lot to me lol i ended up with 25 votes and 20 comments, i think it's the most i've had. lol
okay i think people really need to watch what they comment sometimes it can be a little hypocritical at times...
i'm not saying who and i'd appretiate it if you didn't go look, that's rude first off, but some people make stupid comments saying you left out something...
Ex: the chain ed carried, i'm not gothic.. i hated it so i didn't draw it........
Ex2: "the face is a little messed up" this one really bothered me.. because i went to pm them and i looked at their fan art, no offence at all and this will be extreamly rude but they can not draw nearly as good....
okay that's my rant on the day.. destinyssweetman if i start talking about katrina again stop me... i don't need to say what i think about that anymore and if you do i'll probably rant into something like 9/11. trust me you don't want to hear me talk about something like that... i reduse the government to the size of a raison after that
ok i'll shut up there... not one wants to hear me talk i know it lol
well ttyl! later
Comments (29) |
Friday, April 14, 2006
hey all,
thakns again
I would just like to say thanks again to caprice lol, i know i've already posted about this but i have another announcement too... however you're going to have to wait O__o
reason... i'm not done yet T__T lol
*2 hours later*
well to say thank you caprice i drew something for you! lol

i hope you like it caprice!
letting everyone know the black and white one is up, you can get to it by clicking here
I really don't have anything else to say right now so i'll end there, hope you all have a nice day! later

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Thursday, April 13, 2006
hey all,
whoo love that dramatic title! lol well i'm still a little down about it and all, but i think i'll get over it. I went through every back of my guestbook and copied all the entries so i can just visit everyone all over again. i copied my friends list too and i'm going to surprise everyone on saturday or at least i hope lol
comment box
mostly everyone noticed the comment box yesterday. well that's a catch this layout covers it up and i have to get the link each day for a comment box, stinks..... oh well i'll get over that too.....
I know lame title but i couldn't think of anything, ok i really want to give a HUGE thanks to Caprice for fixing my site. I don't have to delete it and i'm so happy now!! O___o i really didn't want to sign 713 guestbooks again lol^^
*hugs* thank you so much caprice! you know how to do everything it seems lol there's never been a problem i called you about ad you not know how to fix it.. iou soooooo much!!!! well thanks again!

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
hey all,
huge problem
huge problem huge proble..... you know how some of you delete your sites for the dumbist reasons like you couldn't figure something out? well i always though that there was a way to fix stuff but not this time...
i have no clue what happened but i put something in my code for my profile and when i went back to edit something i went in my post styles and it's completely blank! there's nothing there and the background and link colors are that of my site and i don't know what to do!
I can't edit anything unless i delete my site and there's no way i can do that! *shakes her* i haven't kept this up from months just to delete it!
you guys always told me to stop changing themes i guess now I'm in for it, no fair *throws a tempertantrum and hits the wall*
would anyone know what to do? please i'm like begging anyone for help
I found out what caused it, i already had o delete one of my pratice sites just trying to figuer it out, the textare i left for my button is the problem, if only i could change it -_-
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
hey all, sorry I think I missed 3 people yesterday... i can't remember who but I’m really sorry I’ll be sure to get to them first today, and if they haven't posted well I didn't miss them then lol
I recently rented the movie Constantine. I was first afraid to watch it because I’m one of those people who will get scared from anything pretty much. It’s rated R but I honestly don’t think it should be, there isn’t anything bad about it, a few cuss words every once and awhile but PG-13 movies have more. It said on the back that it was because of demonic images. I’ll agree to that but I don’t think it deserves an R rating.
It was mainly about a war between heaven and hell, which controls earth and all. There are a lot of Latin worlds used in the spells and exercises. I could only understand one of them (disappointed in self) lol I was so interested in the movie that I’m going to make it my next theme I hope, it’s really hard because there is not very good wallpaper or graphics from the movie, so I have to use the main site’s background, it’s okay but I’ve seen better
My mom's will not shut up, it's driving me crazy! About every 5 minutes she come into the computer room (if I’m in here) she either says:
*`who are you talking to? You’re 40yr old boyfriend (I normally say yes just to tick her off)
*~ "want to go somewhere" and if I say no she'll say "well I thought you might want to spend time with me and not the computer today"
Don’t get me wrong, normally the places that she wants to go in Lowes (hardware store) or wallmart
The last trip to wallmart was a nightmare which only resulted in me getting yelled at because she was lost (yes she couldn't find the wallmart -.-)
Thank you Hinaru!!
I’ve talked too much! Well ttyl! later
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