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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
hey all! sry i'm like posting so late!
track four: http://www.freewebs.com/darkazurath/track%20four.mp3
i'm unsure on the amount of sites i will be able to visit tonight. My dad and I will be going somewhere and i have yet to know what time we will get back. Asuming that it isn't late i will get to everyone who comes by!
visiting sites
i'm not sure if this new plan is working. i have to get off the computer at 10:00 at the latest on weekdays so i think i'm just going to write the name down of who comes by during that time and visit them during the day. i don't know yet...
well that's all i really have to say...
question: can anyone guess what anime my site is from?
good luck on the contest! later
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
hello all! i'm sorry i think i missed a few people yesterday -_- i really need to change they way i visit sites. think i'll decide that now. normally i strat from the bottom of my friends list and go up one day then start from the top and go down but i'm running out of time a lot and am missing some people. hope you guys aren't mad.
i think what i'll start doing is going to the people that come by first and if i have time i'll go to people who didn't.
track three: http://www.freewebs.com/darkazurath/track%20three.mp3
this one's easy^-^
sleeping habbits
i have very weird sleeping habbits i'll admitt but recently it's really weird. normally i fall asleep around 12:00am even though i go to bed at 10:00. I get up at 5:00 by my own choice, i find it easyer if i do. i'm not a morning person and i like to lie in bed for hours lol. however just recently i started waking up on my own before this time. yesterday it was 4:45 which i didn't mind too much since it was so close but today i woke up at 3:30. i'm not at all tired really just concerned about not getting a lot of sleep.
well i have to go! good luck on the contest! later!
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Monday, March 13, 2006
hey everyone
i'm very surprised that so few people decided to enter the contest, some people said they were intersted but i only recieved few votes. hmmm well here is the next song
if you need a track repeated please tell me!
school reading
right now i am reading a book from school. i must finish 2 by tomorrow or i fail my reading class. it's an edger allen poe book and it's very hard to understand. Normally i find his books easy but not so much on this one..
new theme
yes i know, another one... i get bored people i like making themes for fun! truely this is the first i've ever made on my own strait from scratch.. normally i would use a template or something but not this time^^ lol i'm proud of it but it took a long time and is a bit messy...
have a nice day! later
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Hey all, all Saturday's over, that totally sucks.. oh well
Full metal alchemist
i'm killing sophie, for once i decided to watch fma. if you didn't watch it it was the episode where Envy kills Ed (YaY.. what!? the shrimp needed to die and you all know it!) i called her and told her before it happened then i call her back after and she's like all shocked and i'm laughing
me: "told you"
her: "ah shut up!" *hangs up*
it's been a long time since i've hosted a contest so i was thinking about starting up another one. It will be an Mp3 contest. What i'll do is post a song at the end of each post. If you wish to enter the contest pm me which anime you think the song comes from. The songs will range from a level of difficulty, which i'll post as well. Starting from today, so i bid you all good luck. To avoid bandwidth problems i will delete the song after two days.
Contest Mp3
(sry i can't put it into a link. My computer won't let me, all it does is refresh the page, sry again)
pic of the day:

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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Hey all! really sorry i missed 5 people that came by yesterday! i'll deffenately be getting to sites today
yesterday we went to see the movie called Walk the line. I'd give it 5 stars because it was very good but i personally hate old movies. It's of Johnny Cash and how he went into the military then came back and became a singer and everything... The acting was very good, surprisingly.
Mexican = taco no more?
after the movie we decided to go to taco bell. (My cousins boyfriend David is mexican)
david: "i hate taco bell"
me: "wait... aren't you mexican?
david: "taco bell is not mexican"
me: "well do you like la hacienda?(mexican resturant)"
david: "yes because that is a mexican resturant"
me: "so if i took a taco from toco bell and switched it with one from--"
david: "yes i would be able to tell the difference"
me: "darn it"
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Friday, March 10, 2006
hey everyone! i'm sorry i can't get to sites today, i'm going to a movie with my cousin and we are going out to eat
just saying, ultraviolet sucks... so no one go see it. the acting is terrable and there are 10billion fight scenes(sp) and not one drop of blood yet the girls kills 500 people!
I called my cousin up monday night and asked her if she would like to go see 16 blocks with me, she's like sure and all then we get to today and NO we must go see a different movie that's already out on video... WHAT'S THE POINT IN THAT?!
AH *calms down*
about a year ago i tried out for the JV soccer team at my old school, i made it then 4 weeks into the season the coach quit and this other guy that relly hates me from the 6th grade basketball season took over... he cut me off on the first day after the first coach said i was on.. and you know how you have to have a reason? his reason was because i couldn't keep up with seniors in running.......... OMFG
why do i tell you this... because.. i have no clue
but there were some guys playing soccer today at lunch so i skipped lunch and went out to play, i haven't lost my touch on deffence but i still suck at offence.. lol oh well
O__o sry that this was kinda long, i'll try to get to the people that come by tonight if i can! later!
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
hey everyone, hope all is well, still sick but getting over it lol
just saying that the guy i told you all about yesterday was kidding, he messes around a lot, i have hit him a few time for it too lol
The Plan that failed
there's this really cute guy i like at school. i'm not going to say his name because a few of my friends have sites so yeah...
in the beginning of the year he wanted to ask my out but was too shy so he got one of his friends to do it for him, i thought they were just messing around so i said no
the bad part is i now like the guy and so i wanted to ask him to go somewhere with me. Sophie and I planned to get a few friends and go to the movies and i'd just invite him and everything. well i have no classes with this guy and hardly know who he is, so i planned to ask him in the morning but my mom was running late and so i got to school late... darn, so i asked him at the end of the day and he said no he was busy... man i hate rejection -_- oh well
sry i couldn't make it to everyone's site yesterday, too many people posted and i have only so much time.. i'll do my best to get to them today but i doubt i can get to everyone! don't hate me please!
pic of the day:

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
hey everyone, i'm still sick and all but i still went to school today
Science class
in science class the guy who sits next to me made a comment because i've missed a day out of every week for the past month and this is waht he said:
him: oh no it's you!
me: yup
him: why do you never come to school anymore?
me: i can leave now if you'd like
him: oh yes *high-fives the guy next to him*
odd enough i don't know what his name is and i sit by him lol
My mom killed me
my mom gave a some medicine this morning and makes you stop caughing or doesn't let you... that didn't work really, it was really hard to breathe all day so when I got in the car she asked if i had a good day and i told her i felt like rud still and everything. so she stops at the store to get a different kind of medicine. This opparently makes you caugh.. great now back to having a sore throat... i love life
I changed the music if anyone noticed, it's called Run Rabbit Junk by Hide, they are sort of okay. At least it works better then the last one lol
That's all i have for today, later!
Pic of the day:

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Monday, March 6, 2006
Hey everyone! i'm really sorry i wasn't able to get to everyones site yesterday and comment on their post. i'm glad you like the new theme, i don't think the music really works with it though. oh well lol i'll change it if i find a better song.
these past few days i've been addicted to folding paper cranes, it's really fun. i took a dollar and folded it in to one then gave it to a guy taht was working at the cafe lol all he had to say was "jeeze" lol
i stayed home sick today, i've been sick all weekend, it's not that bad just caughing a lot.
i went to a party on saturday night and my friend meghan brought a box of matches. why she did that i don't know, i told her to put them away but she didn't. Miles grabed them from her and lit one then put it out and put it in my jacket. i thought it was still lit but it wasn't then he said he didn't even put anything in my jacket and was just messing around. Then i get home last night and my mom finds a match in the dryer.......... i got chewed out for an hour and she wants to call his mother and tell her.
logan tell miles he's in serious trouble lol
i'm getting to sites today i can promiss that lol later!
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Hey!! i jst finished my new theme! omg this was the hardist one yet! lol
i can't get to sites today except for the people that come by, i'm going to the movies tonight and to a cafe with a friend probably. I'm going to keep working on this so ttyl for now! later
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