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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Date: February 12th, 2006
Mood: annoyed
visiting sites: most likly
Hey everyone! sry about not getting to everyone's stie yesterday! i think i missed like 1/4 of the people who updated.. sry about that
I posted 5 new wallpapers and they are up now. i spent a lot of time on them (aka i didn't go to sleep last night lol) and i'd love for you to see them!
other then that not much is happening, the internet has ben down for most of the night and early morning, for what reasons i don't know. i't sunny outside and there's no story so i'm assuming that comcast is lazy lol
well i'll stop there. i'll do my best to get to sites today! later!
Comments (9) |
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Date: February 7th, 2006
Mood: stressed out
visiting sites: unsure but i'll try my best!
hey everyone, yeah i know i changed it again. i wasn't liking my last theme too much lol probably because i spent so much time drawing it i got sick of it lol
i hope you like it i'm still going to do a little ome on the graphic at the top, if anyone has that same graphic but larger could you tell me? it's from a site that won't let me download anymore unless i "contribute" to the site. please, no wonder why no one goes there and it isn't well known! yeah they've got awsome wallpaper but that's it. i hate sites that do that.
thanks for answering the questions that i've been posting. i love reading them lol as some people call it rambeling or whatever i like reading them lol i can't post the winner of the last question for a few reason, 1) i don't have a comment box right now... 2) there was like 5 ties and 3) .. i'm lazy lol
sry for not getting to sites yesterday! i hope you can forgive me!!!
Comments (24) |
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Date: February 7th, 2006
Mood: relaxed but i have alot to do
visiting sites: unsure!! please dont be mad if i don't get to you!
hey everyone! i'll try to keep this as short as possible okay?
okay first i'm going to change the song on here because i'm already tired of this song and plus i have a better one lol
i'd like to thank everyone for answering these questions that i've been posting. i love reading them really they make me laugh and i really haven't been doing that enough lately lol
the winner of yesterdays question is a tie. i couldn't decided between the 2 lol
they are sand dragon 19 and MagikSalem!^^
sand dragon 19:
The shoe that escaped
*~"Alright So It was before school and some of my friends, namly Atravan,Will,luke,ben,rob,and myself went out to spy on what the humanities kids were doing for their opera. So we looked for a while and Me,will,atravan, and luke decided to leave.
So while we were walking down the hallway I tried to fling my shoe off at Atravan and missed horribly. He went for my shoe and I tackled him into to the wall. Then he threw my shoe like WAAAY far infront of me Luke ran up and grabbed the shoe and flung it between his legs and it hit the celing and got slightly stuck in it hitting the security camera at the same time,
I get it down somehow and a teacher comes out while I was turning the corner to my clasroom, then she yells " HEY STOP!" I keep running like hell and then Rob and Ben come out and they get yelled at and in trouble. We all got off though XD thats my story.."~*
"Don't jump over chairs, walk around them"
*~"One time when i was younger my dad told me to go get my brother (who just got home on the bus)
well, I ran for the door and there was a chair in my way, I thought "I can jump that" I took a running leap and...
i fell and knocked the chair over, everyone in the house was laughing and my dad said "watch out for the chair"(after i already triped), so i got up And pretended That i intended to do that. I walked three feet to our sliding glass door, somehow my foot got stuck on one of our rugs and i fell again this time smacking the sliding glass door whitch made eveyone in the house laugh more and i could hear my dad laughing so hard and he said "There's a door there, ha ha ha"
by the time i got to the bus out side our house i was on the verge of tears, what topped of my humiliation was when the bus driver opend the door she was laughing really hard too and asked if i was okay, then i was mad.
I made it back safely in the house (where everyone was still laughing) told everyone i hated them and ran to my room.
and the moral of the story is "Don't jump over chairs, walk around them""~*
Question!: (if you're up to it lol) when you were little what would you do to get attention?
okay since that's already alot i'll stop lol
have a nice day! later!
lordsesshomaru- lol the shopping cart thing was so funny, my mom thought i was going crazy she kept saying "what are you laughing at?"
MagikSalem- lol congrats on winning^^ that's so funny it reminds me about teh time i ran into a glass door.. lol good times ... that hurt! lmao
sand dragon 19- lol it's like you claimed that you didn't do it
teacher: but the sucurity camera saw you
you: the sucrity camera hasn't been feeling too good lately.. i could have made it up! lmao lol
inkenyo 2.0- hey can i do that? SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT! MOUAHAHAH DIE INU YASHA! hehe
midnight shadow- O__o lmao that's funny don't go down the hall! lol but what was on the other side of the door?
soul-bandit-bebop- lol i'll have to try that! i love jello! lol
ultimatelifeform- lmao!!!! lol i'm going to try that on my uncle too! he probably won't fall for it though, just push me in lol
chibim- O__o a guy crying because of a piece of led in his ear? weird lol it's his fault for sleeping! lmao
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Date: February 7th, 2006
Mood: extreamly cold BUT I GOT SUSHI! MOUAHAHAH
visiting sites: yup
Hey everyone!
i'd first like to thank everyone the the comments on my fan art yesterday!! you've got no idea how much i appretiate it! lol
okay i promissed that i'd post the best prank from yesterday so i will. lol in my opinion lordsesshomaru wins hands down but he chose not to say anything rofl bad you! you can teach everyone what "not" to do at certin times lol
ok ok i'm being mean
the winner was moonlessdaemon and the "lotion filled cookie" lmao rofl okay i feel bad for your cousin lol
*~"My cousin is always eating those ring dings ( cakes with cream in the middle) so on april fools , i took one and took out the cream and put in hand lotion, when she ate it, she was like " why does this taste like perfume" i tried to tell her before she ate the whole thing, but i was laughing to hard. You would think she would figure out i did something to it, when im on the floor about to pee my pants from laughing so hard. but she didn't and she ate the whole thing lol."~*
next question: (i will again post the winner)
what is the funnist/dumbist thing you've done?
lol i can not wait to hear this lol
well that's all for today! thanks for the comments!
Magnus Lensherr- nope i don't blame you for liking wednesdays.. i like them too lol HA! lmao rofl
lordsesshomaru-that is really not fair that you wont tell teh worst prank lol
moonlessdaemon- LMAO ROFL!!! i can't believe you did that to your cousin!!!!!!!!!!! lol congrats on winning rofl
MagikSalem- lol i love those things! they are called apple pops or something like that! lol^^
chibim- lol sry your plan didn't succede it would have been funny if she would have panicked lol
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Date: February 7th, 2006
Mood: i'm so going on a killing spree in about 5 min
able to visit sites: yup
translation: if you say you're going to rate and comment please do! cause last time i put a fan art up like 10 people said they would comment and rate and i only got 4 comments!!! EVIL PEOPLE! lol
okay i hope you like the new img at the top
i've reached the magic number (whhooo) of 2222hits!^^ MOUAHAHAHHA DIE 2!
i so had something else to say but i can't remember... hmmmm i need to start counting the amount of people that come to my site saying "i waited and waited for it to load but it never came up! then i realized the scorll bar" ah i love making people confused... haven't you noticed? lol
Question: what is the worst prank you've ever pulled on someone?
i'll post the best one tomorrow lol
sand dragon 19- well actually i had that last theme for exactly 1 week and 3days... so HA! lmao rofl!
MagikSalem- WHERE IN THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN! I'VE HAD A LOSS OF COMEDY BECAUSE OF YOU! no jk jk but glad you're back!^^
moonlessdaemon- i don't get sleep, because as soon as i go to sleep SOMEONE!! wakes me up....
inkenyo 2.0- did you try scrolling down? lol
tucker- waht's your icon mean?
kitabug69- *has no clue what you're talking about* ... adults *sigh* know nothing lmao jk jk JK!!!! AH DON'T GROUND ME!
ShadowMaleRenamon- long time no see!^^
done... adios! au revoir! good by! i'd say it in latin but they didn't teach us it! lmao later!
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Date: February 6th, 2006
Mood: tired ---____---
able to visit sites: yup, if i don't get to you... i died lol
hey everyone!
i skipped school today... lol way too tired, i couldn't get up lol^^
i'm starting a new drawing lol it's going to be so cool! i'm going to take my time on it, more then i normally do for a drawing because i'm going to use it as my new theme. i've decided that insted of changing everything i'm just going to upload a different img at the top and change the avi to match.. taht's all lol
thanks so much for answering my question yesterday! even though like no one knew lol^^
i'm going to do shoutouts today, sry i haven't done them in so long lol^^
kitabug69- if you like the song "dream on" you should see the movie be cool lol it's really good and that song's in it lol^^
WeAreVenom-you better be kidding with that song O__o "yellow Submarine" gets stuck in my head when ever i hear it... OH GOD NO! YOU KILLED MY HEAD WITH THAT STUPID SONG! AHHHHH!!!!
Caprice- i wish i was 5 O___o lmao!!!
tucker- nope never heard of them lol
lilanimelover- yeah i need to put a memo or somethign saying scroll down or else lol
Animegirl501- ommm my site's been like this for about a week lol^^
Blink- oh glad you're back blink!!!! lol
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
hey everyone! i'm sorry that i haven't been on myo in like a week or something lol, no time...
it's weird, when you're a kid you always saying "i'm bored" and that you have so much time but now it's like there is none... not even time to think.
i hope i get to sites today, although i'm not sure if i can, i'll be busy all day tomorrow but i'll try to get to some people now...
okay i want to ask a question...
what song(lyrics) most represents you and why?
for me it's Photograph by Nickelback. i'm pretty sure everyone knows it but the reason i chose that song was because i live in the past. i'm always looking at old photos and getting sad because i miss certin things so much. you never realize how much you love omething till it's gone. even if you hated it and wanted it to go away ou end up missing it after all.
would anyone have that song as an mp3 or something so i can put it on here?
ok i'm not killing you with writing today so that's it... later!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
hey! i'm extreamly sorry i didn't get to peoples sites recently... i did get to a few yesterday even though i didn't post..
extrealmy sorry for writing so much the time before...
hope you like my new theme! i do because i can use any kind of music and it will always work! i think i'll change the snog to my imortal when i get sick of this one lol
i'll do my best to get to sites! i won't be home from 6:00 to about 8:00 so i hop ei can get to everyone!
by the way i got a 98 on the test... i' still mad at myself about it though because the question i missed i actually knew i just didn't read the answers all the way through...
for those who are wondering what question it was it was "What percentage of France's factories were shut down during W.W.I" the answer was 80% but i accadently put 8% ... oh well
i'll be putting another story up soon.. probably tomorrow for friday! later
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Monday, January 30, 2006
hey everyone! i'm greatly sorry that i wasn't able to get to sites yesterday.. i didn't expect 9 people to comment on that post honestly i was only expecting 3 or 4 lol, makes me feel special that yall would take the time to come lol^^
thanks to all who answered my question yesterday, i want to get working on a new theme, even though i still very much like this one i want to make my own graphic this time, i started playing around with an flcl one but i'm not going to use it... lol
I think that's all i'm going to say right now but i have have something to tell everyone too lol
i have decided since i'm a litteral blond.. both ways for those who are asking lol and my life is full of extreamly dumb stories i'm going to post a quote that either I or someone in my family said in the quiz results everyweek lol hope you like it!
i'll do my best to get to sites today but i'm haveing a few problems with school... getting bad grades.... so i have to studdy tonight for a test tomorrow -_- i'll try to make it but if i can't please don't be mad at me!!
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
i know this is a late post but i don't really need everyone to reply lol only about 4 people if you have time! my question is this: what is the most cutist anime couple? (okay it doesn't have to be cute but you get the point) thanks!
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