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Saturday, January 28, 2006
hey everyone! i'm really sry i'm not updating! even though i'm answering pms i'm not updating because i'm not sure if i could get to sites or not and it would be rude of me to make you guys come and i not go to you. well i think i might be aable to get to sites today i'm not really sure yet lol
i hope all of you are doing good
not too much here i've been really down this past week about some stuff but it gets on my nerves how my friends won't stop asking me "what's wrong" if i say nothing then forget about it already!
on friday i saw that a few guys were playing guitars so i went over there to listen. a few of my other friends were over there so i talked to them a little bit then they left. a few min later some of my friends come over to me and ask why in the hell i'm hanging out with preps and junk. okay if i want to hang around another group i can! right? come on i'm not a dog on a leash tied to a single group! if i want to hang out with preps instep of the people i noramlly hang around that's fine!
well sry i'm like typing so much. i'll get to people that come by i can promiss that lol well have a nice day! later
P.S. i put another fan art up! would yall mind commenting or rating please?
caprice you've already commented and rated i read it and i thank you so much for it but my mom made me delete it because my last name was on it *sigh* she's evil
you don't have to leave a comment or rate since you had already!
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
hey sry this post is so late! ... get over it
lmao jk jk... but i'm not kidding
i'm very dissapointed in you all... not ONE of you actually GAVE me an iguana, just said that i have your premission... *shakes head* i thought you guys were my friends!
lmao jk jk
well i have good news lol
i'm really good a photography and i've been putting my best photos online and i think i'm going to start posting them lol so i'll start that today^^

Nautics ship (Norfolk, virginia)
by the way if i spell any cities or states wrong... ignore it you should know by now i'm very bad at spelling...
well now i'm going to show everyone a painting i did a long times ago

since myo wont take it as anime just tell me if you like it lol^^
thanks for the comments on my fan art! i have a funny post for you tomorrow depending on if i get here or not lol
have a nice day!
Caprice-no i don't like donkeys... they smell... my aunt has one lol
although their ears are really fluffy!!! lol
Hazel Keys1985- TRATOR!!!! no way am i giving you $200 to buy anime!!!
sand dragon 19 - okay... why do you have to jump on me to leave a comment? that makes no sense...
i'm so oing to change my theme just to get you mad lol
Comments (12) |
Sunday, January 22, 2006
i'm bored... i think i'll kill everyone with reading today.... MOUAHAHHA oh i'm evil
first my school teacher said no... the caprice... the someone else i pmed... then another person whose name i forgot...
can you comment on my new fan art? i know it like sucks but please?!
Comments (14) |
Saturday, January 21, 2006
hey everyone! okay is it just me or is myo getting slow again!? i just tried going to three peoples sites and like it wont load at all! it gets the background and music but that's it! nothing else!
i'm sorry about not getting to everyone's site yesterday! i feel really bad about that too, today should be better but if the computer acts up like it is doing *hits the screen* then i'm afraid i wont be getting to anyones sites... -_-
well yesterday my cousin joline came over and brought her new bofriend... i still don't know his name lol but he brought a friends too. they are both in the military ... (joy... why is my family always involved in military stuf?) we went to a resturant for dinner and honestly i thought they were gay... they kept asking each other what the other was going o get, it was really funny then eventually one of them says "what am i like your wife now? oh hey try this it's awsome honey" he was kidding around but i couldn't stop laughing the whole time. all through dinner we told really funny stories of each other lol
we got home and for once i was in the mood to sing Karaoke. it was so funny because we were singing really bad on purpose, for anyone who is older then like 20 you should know the song called my way by frank sanatra(sp?) yeah we sang that... omg that was funny... my cousins boyfriend's friend went out side he couldn't stand our singing lol
then... they left... yeah that's it sry for writing so much lol^^
well i'm going to do my best to get to sites now... hope this computer speeds up *huge sigh* later!
Comments (10) |
Friday, January 20, 2006
hey everyone! sry if i didn't get to your site yesterday! i've been really busy and stuff and i've just had no time! i've already visted half of the people so i think i might finish lol
i'm going to go get sushi with my cousins later! i can't wait! i've been like craving that stuff for forever! lol
nothing really to say so i'll stop lol^^ well later!
Comments (3) |
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Hi everyone!!! i'm so sorry i haven't been here in like forever! not my fault -.- i'll explain later... lol
well first i'd like to point out my new theme!^^ it's "little things" and i'd like to give a huge thanks to Moniquiu!! She is the designer of the wallpaper "little things" honestly i think all of her wallpapers are awsome so if you would like to look at them here is the link! Click here
for any inu yasha fans, i'd be sure to go see lol
okay next i'd like to thank Sesslover18 for the music lol and Caprice for the html help! lol
Caprice i have aboslutly no clue what i would do with out you lol ... probably still have an average looking site that sucks! lol^^
now to "why i wasn't here for about a week" lol it was because i had a 5 day weekend and my stepmother was really jealious and stuff so she said "why don't i take off of work those days and we can all go to south florida... joy... NOT! it was seriously boring but i got to bring a friend after begging like 6hr. my friend autumn came with, it was so much more fun then!
well i'll write more about that tomorrow or something! not going to kill you today lol^^
no shoutouts! cause no one probably remembers what the wrote last lol well later!
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
ok i think i need to refrase something.... so inkenyo 2.0 doesn't kill me... whopse! did i say that out loud? hehe that never happened comprendi? (for those who take spanish.. get over my spelling just like english...lmao )
ok i hate "inu yasha" the character... i'm fine with sesshomaru and kikyo and ... that's all the characters i like lol
for some reason i like everyone's brother in anime... first it was sesshomaru... then itachi WHAT'S NEXT!? (that kinda carries into real life too -.- lol)
MonkeyOfTheCorn i voted for teh red inu yasha anyway! lmao i though it was cute lol
when ever i hear a song i really like i will listen to it for forever... and sesslover18 has cursed me forever to have her music stuck in my head... X___x WHY?! lol
i've been listening to this song for 5hr. AS OF YESTERDAY! not counting today.... lmao
when i get sick of it i'll tell you what the total time is lol
that's all
MonkeyOfTheCorn- -.- i already gave you your shoutout!!! no seconds!! lmao jk jk
YaY i'm so excited i can't wait to go snowboarding!! lol^^
metal-inuyasha- no problem!!! lol
lenaisy- lol ok i dont hate inu yasha i just hate.... nvm that wont make any sence... lol
lordsesshomaru- the only character i refuse to play is psymon... AH HE'S SCARY!!!! lol
yugi1235- O.o once again i was eating dinner lol yeah np
Animegirl501- lol k! O_o if i ever find out what it's called!!!
artist0625- griff scares me... and mac's cool lol but i still love kaori in all of them lol
inkenyo 2.0- *runs away*

Comments (12) |
Monday, January 9, 2006
I have really nothing to say so this will be an extreamly short post...
all i ask is for you to take the poll above lol^^ i re did it and added a wallpaper! now there is 2 inu yasha ones... which is really weird because i hate inu yasha lol (for thoes who are about to kill me... *runs away*) lmao
Ty so much for helping me Caprice!!!!!!!!!!!!! (make the ! go x3 billion, k?)
that's it! later!^^
yugi1235- ok i'm really getting sick of that word...
ElvesAteMyRamen- you've got to be kidding me! never replaced any except an aqua blue? that's impossible!!! O_O THEY ARE MAGIC COLORED PENCILS!! OH I SO KNEW IT! MOUAHAHAH
Hazel Keys1985- no clue lol i really dont know who sings it .. it's supposed to be an amv but it doesn't show up for some reason lol oh well^^ if i find out i'll be sure to tell you!
Caprice- O.o okay well you've still been here for a year^-^ lol i havn't been here that long and yet it feels like forever!! i can't wait till the summer! lol^^

i know i've put this pictuer up so many times it's not funny but oh well kaori's my idle!! lol^^ i want to learn how to snowboard lol oh i'm going snowboarding in febuary!!! lol I'M SO EXCITED!! MOUAHAHAH
Comments (13) |
Sunday, January 8, 2006
hey everyone! i'm sorry i'm not exactly getting to everyone's sites! my mom's trying to get me out of the house alot... -.- lol
i went through my friends list so if your not on it tell me and i'll re-add you!
okay i've decided to let everyone else pick my new theme! this normally doesn't work but oh well... lol i put the titles below them so just write in a comment which ever you like best^^ okay well thanks so much!
Caprice- i'm not really into mangas either... they are way to expensive lol i mean $10 for a book!? that's only going to take you a day to read?! lol not worth it... lol what month or day did you sign up for myo?
Girl Who Sings-- lol i know! the english version sucks!
AnimeFantasy- lol i know exactly wht you mean by tired of sleeping... but when you stay up till like 5 it's easy lol
Animegirl501- it's from freevideoblog but it's the same as any of the others lol oh well i think i know what it is but i like it better this way lol
samtheturk65- now that's something i cant do.. lol sleeping till 4? wow
Comments (17) |
Saturday, January 7, 2006
hey everyone! i'm sorry for not getting to everyone's site yesterday! i have way too many friends... i mean seriouly when you have 50 friends and only get 12 comments that's sad... oh well
i thank eeveryone for the comments yesterday lol^^
guess what!! i'm finally at 2000 hits!!!^^ i'd like to thank everyone for that too!!!! lol thanks so much!!!
i slept till 2:00 and would have slept longer but my mom woke my up... -_-
i dont know what we are doing today but i so cant wait for naruto!!! lol
that's all really...
xFemaleYamiYugix-HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT! ... no i'm just kidding lmao rofl!!! i'm atheist so i dont believe in god..
Ishbal-Massacre-it's no problem! i wasn't here aynway lol
Caprice- lol but i seriously hate reading!!!
Animegirl501-yeah it changed but i dont know who sings it... sry lol it's really a wolfs rain amv but for sone reason it doesn't show up at all... weird
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