still sick
hey everyone i'm still sick even though i forgot to tell everyone yesterday lol^^ really my throat just hurts and that's it
i'm going with my cousins and her mentees to this festival. we are soposed to be helping out or something *grabs crayola packets* anyone want one? no? ok lol^^ then we are going to this corn maze i dont want to go but i'm not complaining because my cousin is scary when she is mad lol^^
no stand alone complex video today! sry lol^^ insted something that is more funny
yeah i know every one resents pressing the play button but it's worth it lol^^
no pic of the day i'm affraid i have used them all up! no not really i'm just lazy lol^^ Comments (10) |
Friday, October 14, 2005
hey everyone!
sry about the url post earlyer i was going from my moms house to my dads and i cant live with out those songs lol^^
how was every one's day? mine was sad then last min good.
what happened is that we have to do ar reading*sigh* -_- you have to read 3 books and then take a test on the i read 2 took the test passed on failed the other so i figured that i could take the harry potter test since everyone knows pretty much what happened in that too well i was worng i made a 65 -_- so i had to stay till 5:00 reading in ms. owens class room which was quite nice but what got me really worried was before i stayed after school the ar books counts a major part of your grade and if you dont have them you fail reading O__O!!!!! and everyone knows how my parents are really strict so i got really sad during lunch my friend sophie was nice enough to wait for me^^
well here is the pic of the day:
yeah i know this pic is already on my site BUT ISN'T THIS SO SAD!!!!! *cries*
ok ok i'll give you a real picture
Lmao!!!!!! sango! lol^^
stand alone complex video II
hope you watch it! dont forget to press back!^^
*cries* i got caught online yesterday because of MY PURE EVIL STEPMOTHER!!! she woke my dad up then he came in my room for what i dont know then saw that i was on the computer and he said i cant get on in the mornings anymore -_- oh well at least that doesn't apply at my moms house.
i have been day deaeming all day... yes again... well this time i'm not doing it in class i'm doing it out side or in the hall... oh well
thanks to oni-okami i found the music i was looking for but if anyone else knew thanks to you too!!^^
well since there is again no quote of the day i'll be leaving these for everyone sry i cant seem to get to to work asside from a link. if you know will you tell me please!!! opening
pick of the day:
she looks really good with a burai on (i might have spelt it wrong sry)
question that requiters an answer please!!!
ok everyone knows the video that is at the top is way cool right? WHO SINGS THAT SONG!! AHHH!! *jumps off cliff* i know the song is called let you down but i looked on yahoo music and there are so manny songs that are called that it's not even funny! well if anyone knows could you tell me? please? ty!!!!!!
ok enough of the music yesterday was ok nothing really happened but we did get to do roleplaying in history
YaY role play!!!
^^ well we are learnging about spain and england (AGAIN!) and all the stuff about the sea dogs and the spanish armada and the assignment was to write a letter to your king/queen, which depended on if you were on spain's or england's side, and tell them why we should goto war against the opposing counter. well what was funny is i took my letter and made it look like a real letter like putting it in cursive that is really small and stuff.
once again my alarm went off an i pushed snooze and got up, walked out of my room and the alarm goes off while i'm not there so it's going off the whole time... i love/hate taht clock lol^^
ok pick of the day!!!!
*awe* i love that part!!!!!
*hearts in eyes* this is yet another guy i love!!!!! AHH!^_^!
ok i really dont have time for a quote of the day anymore unless it's random so ok.. bye!!^^ Comments (8) |
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
the washing machine of death
ok i got up early at 6:40 and put my clothes in the washer
my stepmother went behind me at 7:10 and stoped them and they wern't done!!!!! now the washing machine is filled with soap and water i just put my clothes in the dryer and went back and told my dad and he is defending her!!!
oh well she was in a hurry she didn't get up with morning on time and maby she just though it was running all night and stoped it maby she didn't know you were up
SO NOW I HAVE TO WEIR DIRTY CLOTHES TO SCHOOL or something that looks bad (pass)
pick of the day:
no quote i'm affraid! sry! bye! Comments (8) |
Monday, October 10, 2005
the average day in the like of me...
hmm.. everything pretty much went wrong today
yesterday one of my dads friends who we both knew well died of a heart attack around 12:00 sunday
then today at school i get to englich class and she gives us a progress rep. and i am like WTF?!?! 70!! how am i making a 70 in you class i'm getting papers back with hundreds and i always have my homework...!!!!! plus i have a 96 last half quater...
that will not be easy explaining that to my parents... and i'm ranking 22 in the class out of 26 joy....
on top of that gabby isn't helping at all when we are doing the lyric sroty thing in class we decide to partner up. i really dont like her at all she scares me sometimes and he eyebrows are weird like there is none... go figure she weirs a skirt ontop of jeans too o.- ??? well anyway she keeps wanting to through in things to the paragraph that are random as heck and i'm going to get an f and make my grade worse!!!! *rols eyes*
other than that...
is there anything else..
*thinks* ommmm...
nope i dont think so.. oh! i forgot to say that i added a new video i hope you like it and also i have officially been here for 5 months!! whoo dont i feel special.. lol^^ well here you are!
pick of the day!:
quote of the day:
""you know what neads to be done"he said."Every section 9 member has a unique ability and you work best on you own", but individual sucess is reflection of strong team work." Comments (6) |
Sunday, October 9, 2005
the average sunday
hello everyone! it's great to be back for those who have no idea what i'm talking about i was gone for a week with no internet! AHHHH!! lol oh well
well today is normal i really nice day but i have something against the sun so i dont feel like i should go say hi to it because honestly what has that thing ever done for me?? (exclude the factor of it makes food please) lol
i have to do laundry today -_- great i hate doing that
oh! the best part is i made an icon today:
hope you like it!
pick of the day:
quote of the day:
As long as i live all i can do is keep flying with out falling
and not forget how to dream
and not forget how to love
*hugs computer* *crys* OH!!! HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!! WHAAA!!!!!!! ok here is my weird unfortunate kinda good week
1)on friday morning of last week i was too lazy to get up in the morining and post so i though i would do it later that night. well i get to my moms house that night AND THERE IS NO INTERNET! O___O i was ready to kill my self... NOOO!!! how could this be a whole week end and half a week without internet (the guy was comming on wed. to fix it) oh well
on saturday i had to be at the docks to go on a boat trip with a friend from my old school (b-day party) and everyone treated me weird because i didn't go to their school anymore... rude.. evil...
so eventually everyone gets over it and they wat to go swimming so we stop the boat to let everyone swim for fun well the idoits that own the boat decide that they dont want to put an anchor down so we drift into a sand bar... joy... we had to wait 10 hours for the tied to go in and back out till we could get off of that thing!!!!
yeah later i get home and i'm still going crazy with no internet... *sparks*
then on friday i get to my dads house and he sais he has a suprise but we were leaving in like 30 min so i had no time to get online so i delt with it another day...
he takes me to myrtle beach wich is my fave cite in sc. well that's cool even better is my stepmother was staying homw!!! ^^ YES! MOUHHAHAHAHAHA lol
we went to dinner that night at outback and my dad litterly made friends with the waiter i mean some people talk to them but my dad actually gave the guy his number because he was intereste in contracting and my dad is a contractor or something like that -_- well....
i got to go to the mall^^ yay!!! i saw a neat jacket at american egal but they didn't have my size so my dad asked her if they had one in the back and she went to look and she said no but she did have one that looked like it but it had like flowers on it and she said it's not soposed to be on the shelf till next wekk so i had a plan to weir it into the american egal here and see what they would say.. MOUAHHAHA that will be so cool!!! lol i bought a shirt...
quote of understanding:
i have realized that some people dont under stand stand alone complex alot and so i found some ways to help everyone understand it a little bit more lol well here you are!!!
"who knew that copies could be reproduced with the absents of an origonal. If you had to give a name to this phenomenon that would you label it?"
"it would be stand alone complex"
"yes it's the stand alone complex"
well peoplr i'm getting ready for school i'm really sry that i haven't gone to a bunch of peoples site!! i just have been really busy!!! well anyway i'm really sry and i wanted to say thanks for comming to mine!^^ lol
i just redid my site but because i wanted to put a vedio on it and it doesn't work i dont know what to do -_- can anyone help me? please!!!
other than the vedio i still have to fix my site and probably next week i'll change it
lol well i got to go but here is a pic for you trouble!:
really i dont think i have ever seen her smile have u? i have seen her cry too that's a rare
well bye!^^ Comments (10) |
Monday, September 26, 2005
well my "week has been terrable ugh i'm geting blamed for everything!! AH! where is the good luck charm when u nead it!!!!
anyway this is what happened in order
1) on friday night i went skating with friends and i played them in air hocky and the machine kept takin all our money but eventually i played everone in the building...
and yet not one person won against me lol the guy that couldn't find the puck was playing with an aze can was pretty good though but oh well lol
2)I spent the night at a friends house and she kept mee up till 3 am then woke me up at 9am -_-
3)she kept rolling on me too lol
4)I went back to my house to find that my dad left my door open when i was gone all wekk and the cats sletp on my bed getting hair all over it and i hate cats (about me: i love things small and fuzzy but i hate things big and fuzzy(cats are big and fuzzy but kittens are small and fuzzy) so i changed my bed sheets since i dont have a confeter
5) my clothes were over loading and i didn't fell like washing them so i didn't i am i think i will do that now...
6) so my friend came over and we went in the pool and got out and everyone sat on the bed O___O so my bed was wet cause no one really dried off lol^^
7) logan (friend) cussed shopie(greenstar(other friend)) out on my computer and my cousins were watching
8)my stepmother was durnk and neaded something to complain about and because i am her "favorite" person in the world she chose me...
i could here her from the sunrooom with the door closed!!! mine too
then to blow off some steam she ran back to my room after making a fuss about my door being shut all the time slamed it so hard it shoock my room
i wanted to get up and through her not just into a wall but threw it and then i said what would that do other than to say dont mess with me
9)because of that wallpaper i made the other day wasn't changed enough to be not considered "plagerism" my account was frozen for a day -_- it sucked i was going to go crazy
10) my computer is weird.. it's really bright so is there is an image in black and like a really dark color i can see it alot better for some reson it drives me nuts!!!! so that is why it was called plagerism because there was a faded sasuke in the bg to the left but no one could see it it's messed up lol
11)well last night i didn't get my homework done because i didn't remember to bring it home and insted i did it during schol so i still had it lol^^
pick of the day:
there isn't one my site is like screwing up sry lol my site is like messed up along with my computer lol^^