Friday, June 8, 2007
Hey guys. I have some things say today so you won't be too bored.
Otaku ranks
why is it that otaku will give you all these ranks and never tell you!? I knew I was a senior otaku but I went to my portfolio yesterday and it said "Otaku legend" ..... stared at that for no joke five minutes then said "something's different..." oh duh... when did this happen? why and i never informed!
2nd under ranks is the actual rank number. I remember I was gone for about... 6 months or so with occasional pop in on this name. But I noticed my rank was 100 every single one of those days.. It just moved to 99. .... damn I was hoping to get it to say for the rest of my life. nvm 98 >>' keeps changing.
Fan Art
OMFG I ACTUALLY TOUCHED A PENCIL! i'm so like in shock... a pencil.. that last time i touched a pencil... besides school.. was......... a long time.. oh yeah. Haha.

[Click picture to go to page]
It's called Aeria Gloris. It's in latin but you can probably figure out what it means anyway.
I don't ask people to comment or rate but it is very much appretiated^^
Avi of the day
Anyone remember me doing it? Well guess what... I'm doing it again. Not picking up where i left off but where i left of on my other name.. You'll live missing 20 of them. It won't kill you.
Does anyone actually want me to do them or no?
avi of the day: #67

*pst* ^ chris.... XDDDDD
Love you guys!
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