Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mood: Ecstatic!
Date: 6:48 Tuesday July 24th
So I did what you all said and took a break. I did not visit anyone that last post i just needed to do some comments back. First I would like to say... read the header that says "Note" above the post. If you're here on the 25th I can not get to you, That's a rule i'm starting now because i'm starting to think ahead. When school starts and I possibly post late I will have no time to visit people whom come by the next day. I really wish Myo would not have changed the highlight limit to where it turns back to white after a day.
In other news:
•My artist block is gone! *so happy*
•My father just handed me my new contacts and.... omfg they're in japanese. O.o
•I'm going to try to get my post back down to their usual length... 3 sentences. some people will be thankful haha
•Enjoy the new theme... okay it's not new just never before seen. It's fairly old. I used it on another account.
Comments Back:
Zeit- your avi gets me dizzy XD
SessLover18- I hope your PMs get fixed soon! awe don't blame adam... he does a good job!
KimmehWolfwood- Kimmeh! XD haha
the real yojimbo- ... I know you! ... ._. who are you again? sorry.... ask anyone my memory sucks...
PinkChii009- I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackles and hugs* death note galore!!!!! whoot! yet again you are a good inspiration!^^
Le kun- I believe you can make me smile more then anyone else... and i will have to get some tape for Manuel's mouth ;}
randomized05- you know how many people are teesing me about that rape comment? >> o and i saw your shirt at kohls! haha i didn't buy it though... was too streachy... and i was a little sad when i was there... lol you know how like when you're sad you don't want to try on clothes? is why....... haha
FF 333- Hope you are holding up good lol though i'm glad you could finally spend time alone with your two sons.
to the comment about my brother- it some times amazes me how many people read other peoples comments lol
knightwolfgirl- I was out of town so i hope you got lazy on that poem!
lifes burden- No actually i don't joke really about anything i say. I mean it 100% most of the time. I am not someone to tell you you are my friend if you are not. So if i say you are then you really are.
The mistress is out of town till either tomorrow or the following day, not sure when. don't care actually.
oh... and read Le kuns comment back-
lordsesshomaru- *hugs the chris* you know you really know how to be serious and joke around at times, lol i could never do that.
but you are very good at cheering people up without even trying.
Avi of the day: #88

i love this....... i could watch it over and over.
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