Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Mood: Tired
Date: 12:01 July 25th
So no one broke my rules yesterday... pink came close XD. ah well. . .
Thanks for yesterday guys,
Today............I do not know what i'm doing.
does this count as a post? ... well it's back to 3 sentence posts... mission accomplished.
*screams at bitTorrent* COULD THIS THING GO ANY SLOWER?! i've been downloading Death Note the Last Name for the past like 3 days and omfg it's only at 56.9%.... *dies* but i want the movie SO bad. .... blame pinkchii XD
In other news
• ... I already forgot it but it was hell funny. *sighs*
Comments Back:
PinkChii009- *glare* you are SOOOOOOOO lucky- haha
J Briones- yes contacts as in the ones i wear...
randomized05- omfg... what i hate is i wear like a small in T shirts and a medium in like american eagle or places like that but omfg i go to a department store and i fit into a large there and pratically cry ;_;
kitt-e7- glad you're back!^^
kitabug69-you didn't miss me the day before lol i wasn't here
Lifes burden- you know you make it pretty obvous if you don't want to get cought and keep the guessing game going. .... and i about killed you because i accadently clicked your name AND It CHANGED THE PAGE but i pressed back and it was still here... phew.... but serious don't comment me off that name unless you want people to know it's you.
as for the tape.......... ommm LE KUN! HELP!!! *runs*
Avi of the day: #89

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