Friday, October 26, 2007

Mood: Unsure
Date: 11:39am Friday 10/26/07
Days since last post: 11
It's always 11 days since my last post- Why is that? *shrugs*
Well I'll say it again to make Syal happy- I went to the doctor on Wednesday for 4 hours. *wonders how many parties she will throw before I get sick of cake* hmm nahh--- lol I have to go back today but I'm not going to rant off on that, people have been telling me they're tired of hearing about negative rants from me about how my life sucks.
good news- I redid everything on my ipod. So it is now organized and has good music! no crappy songs! lol
I have to work tomorrow from 8 to 4 and on Sunday from 4 to 11. Josh at work keeps scaring me saying "if we are robbed- do this this and this" ........ the this this and this goes straight out the other side of my head while i'm stuck on the robbed part. Then he says "no i'm just kidding we're not going to be robbed haha" ....... fag. He's... scray. Like gives me death looks when i say he sucks for being so negative and calls me a kid for liking the toy isle >.> I don't think I told anyone I got a job at wallgreens in the first place.
In other news:
• Eventually one day i will get to putting up a new theme- i'll put up an old one for the time being until i make a new one.
Comments Back From 10/15/07:
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Sesslove18- Alright I understand that not all of the pictures are yours and you give them credit, that's great but I don't like how just taking layouts from people is okay. Say someone stole your layout- Would you like that?
PinkChii009- No, when changing everything that does not count. If you're changing the images and positions then it's pretty much yours.
Magnus Lensherr- I don't agree with layouts by 311 personally either. That's her choice to make that page and I am not descriminating against her for doing so but I do not believe that people should take them for popularity. If they take them it should be to learn.
Twilight Samurai- I thought you were already on the top 500's list? Weren't you?
Knightworlfgirl- As I already said for pinkchii no that doesn't count as stealing.
Lifes Burden- I already said I wasn't going to show anyone what it looked like. I guess you will figure out what it is eventually on your own.
Roiben- RIOBEN!!!! *tackles and hugs* hahah i haven't seen you in so long!!!!!^^ yes i did miss haha and i love your icon that you have now, she looks so sleep it's adorable xD There's a spell check feature on IE7 you know O_o the way i learned how to spell was someone corrected me till i got sick of them and started learning the words. Haha thank you Ryocite.
MerokoYui4- No no, I understand what you are saying, I can completely agree if you are taking a pre made to understand it that if fine. If you are taking a premade just for the sake of having popularity then I disagree. If you have no intrest what so ever in learning it that is a different story. You're entitled to your own opinion, i'm not going to call you out for disagreeing you know lol
SpiffySporkPerson-Haha, alright i can't spell, mozilla, you're correct.
Angel Kenshin- never change your icon, it matches you perfectly xD
Comments Back From 10/13/07:
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Bonitachika792- Yeah I know it's mean, but then again my dad and his wife don't really care what people think or anything. It's their way or no way. They're racist, predjudice(sp?) and plenty of other thing just like that.
randomized05- yeah it will be different in highschool lol
knightwolfgirl- Haha, no they don't! not like my dad... he's an ass though. you can go golfing with him as long as it's at a country club because that means that he dad has connections-" *rolls eyes* he's such an ass! xD
Guddosyal- COULD be over protective??????!!!! HA
PinkChii009- when did they let you out of rehab! >.>
Twilight samurai- I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU A GUY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ONE!!!! xDDDDDDD and I said sorry for that- -.- "AWWEEE you met someone and it's a guy!" ohh that'd be so funny if he was mexican. You could say "nooo IT'S an alien!" xD J-pop is Japanese pop music by the way. Arists like Utada hikaru and stuff. it's great. "but the SAG anime would be sweet as well" *personally pictures motoko bustin a sag with guy clothes on* well she's actually showing less skin then she normall does- oh no i love having fun- that's why i am going to officially call you cracky. HAHA *points to your crack* (butt crack that is) *COUGHS* you will have to excuse... the non existant and imagionary (i think) hyperness it is rather late and i'm running out of excuses with no idea as to what i'm typing. Good luck and goodnight! ... something doesn't seem right... i think i should write some more of these rap song and put them on Mcom's tellin' them freeze! we don't know, just you freeze. won't you please *dances*
Corp. Panda- We're all happy! haha .... *dies at last line* x_X i shouldn't have told people that.
Master Hiko- why didn't you go to homecoming! ahhh what the heck!? *dies laughing at the navy S.E.A.L. thing* omfg that sounds like something my brother would do!!!! hahahaha i have yahoo! add me!!!! xD
MiasmaMoon- I did that too, lol just stopped eating because i felt so bad. He wants to kill Daniel because i've gone out with him 3 times and he hasn't met him once haha
Life burden- You're insane and i love you haha yeah i finally remembered it... well no i looked it up in the year book but then i saw his last name and feel so bad for him *dies laughing*
Le Kun- Awe, i don't call people fat though! she's really not that fat.. ;_; oh come on i hate this type of convorsation- L i'll take Daniel and you can have LB, deal? but no doing anything bad xD i admit you know how to make me laugh, that much is true. you feel akward? hell i feel akward O.o
Avi of the day: #110
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