Friday, November 2, 2007

Mood: Giggly
Date: 11/2/07
Days since last post: 2! getting shorter and shorter xD
This is the reason why I hate holidays and Myotaku:
people just come by and comment saying "Happy Halloween" then leave and don't even glance at your post. You could be dying and they'd be like "Oh happy easter!" I love those people especially that just scan it too; have no idea what they read and just try to sum it all together. Say your mom died from a car crash. "Merry christmas! Ohh i hate car crashes! it backs up traffic SOOO bad."
This webpage gives you so much- My Family Myo-
mother- Sesslover18
Fathers- Adam
Brothers- keeper of souls, xblood, twilight samurai (xD)
Sisters- Crimson Rose! Randomized guddosyal
Crazy uncles- Lordsesshomaru (never could replace him)
Aunts- Magnus lensher
Cousins- Shishou, uriel.2323, Lifes burden, le kun
I'm sure there's more people xD problem is my memory.
Alright now i want you to tell me who you consider your family on here! they can be defined.. like sess goes around telling people she's my mom (i have no doubt xD) or or just throwing it out there that that person feels like a brother or sister to you. Something tells me Chris will be everyone's uncle though.
In other news:
• I finished my hand drawing! will scan sometime^^
Comments Back:
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Vash2214- Poor Kids
Crimson-Rose- No I had to work on halloween lol no candy for me. Your cat's name is kitty? omfg that's original >.> my friend named his cat that- it won't answer to anything else.
Talim Sould- A pointillism is a picture made up of dots. The closer they are, the darker it seems so you get value ranges and when you back up it forms a picture. It's a style that was invented in the 1800s and it's most famious picture with that style would be 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte'. If you care to know more about it i'd be happy to tell you.
Twilight Samurai- actually the cat is looking great but i screwed over the hands yesterday when i decided to outline it in sharpie... what the heck was i thinking- *sighs* now i get to redo it.
Dbzbreak93- DANG it's been a long time! haha nice to see you again! the chatbox is on another page O_o
M3m3nt0m0r1- "i found the links ^^ -feels smart but slow at the same time- xD" meme it should have been easy for you guys that know how i love to hide things. Dang i thought you would have known me better then that lol
Chant- O.o do i know you?
Schultize- I chaned my theme not too long ago. It's alright, i'm not sure if i'm happy with it or not.
Guddosyal- since when did you have random raids?!
Uriel.2323- I love being intresting. It makes everything so much better because your audience doesn't know what you did or how you did it and makes you feel like people are amazed by you.
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