Monday, May 26, 2008
Mood: Angry
Date: 12:00AM 26/5/08
Okay guys... I'm not happy and chokolatealkemist, Sara and xaos you may skip this because I was happy with what you said yesterday.
I had a guest come here. I had her artwork featured on here yesterday. There were a few people who read it and commented like The real yojimbo.. some people who looked at the picture and commented on how they liked it like wolf of sorrow (by the way miyavi is a guy, wolf...)
But there was a huge amount of people who passed over her artwork and went straight to the questions. Okay I don't care if you pass over my artwork but not when i have a guest on here... You like me to read your posts, right? And I happily do that... if you don't have the time- gah just tell me. I can understand when people are busy but that was completely rude! I couldn't give her the comments back on that artwork- the only ones I could give her was chokolatealkemist's, Sara's and xoas' comments.. Do you know what chokolatealkemist said? a simple "Kyaaa thats a really beautiful piccy! o.o That person is really talented..." that's two sentences and a face... you don't even have to read what I wrote to say something like that.
I'm going to completely stop doing questions if you guys do that again... once again if it's my artwork you can blow it off because i don't care but a guest- then no.
1) Did you even read my post?
2) will it bother you if the questions are taken away?
3) You wake up one day being able to read the other sex's thoughts. so if you're a girl, you can hear what guys are thinking (though we all already know...) and vise versa for guys- How do you use this ability? Do you try to get rid of it?
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