Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mood: Disappointed
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
mm just disappointed I had to come back to Columbia. *sighs* I hate living here and they know it...
Autumn and I cleaned the most disgusting fish tank in the world this weekend. xD Oh god we will never forget that but it was amazingly fun.
To give a description, there was so much algae on the castle figurine in the tank that it added to its height. xD
I did get some stuff for my apartment while I was there this weekend from world market. Ooo that place is so awesome! >D 4 sets of redwood chopsticks since I eat Asian food like it's going out of style <.< and a olive oil...what do you call them... ah i forget @___@ then 4 glasses that were so adorable i had to get it xD
it's like a white wineglass with no.... stand, its just the cup part of it. ooo it was so cute ^-^
Grade Report:
Econ: 90 (probably higher)
English: 90
Astronomy: 113, he wont give me anymore extra credit so i'm messing with him now and writing random crap in for bonus questions xD "name 10 objects in the solar system" "MORGAN FREEMAN!"
Physics: 98 I love this class. I'm probably the only person on earth that likes this class O_o
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