hey everyone!
sry about the url post earlyer i was going from my moms house to my dads and i cant live with out those songs lol^^
how was every one's day? mine was sad then last min good.
what happened is that we have to do ar reading*sigh* -_- you have to read 3 books and then take a test on the i read 2 took the test passed on failed the other so i figured that i could take the harry potter test since everyone knows pretty much what happened in that too well i was worng i made a 65 -_- so i had to stay till 5:00 reading in ms. owens class room which was quite nice but what got me really worried was before i stayed after school the ar books counts a major part of your grade and if you dont have them you fail reading O__O!!!!! and everyone knows how my parents are really strict so i got really sad during lunch my friend sophie was nice enough to wait for me^^
well here is the pic of the day:
yeah i know this pic is already on my site BUT ISN'T THIS SO SAD!!!!! *cries*
ok ok i'll give you a real picture
Lmao!!!!!! sango! lol^^
stand alone complex video II
hope you watch it! dont forget to press back!^^