Hi everyone! i'm sorry i wasn't here yesterday! i had to finish my science project. i was up till like 11:00 typing stuff on the computer and my mom's like screaming at me so loud. at one point she thought i was talking to people and told me to get off the computer but how was i supposed to finish my project then????
i'm really excited!^^ Hannah and Sophie (my friends) are going to spend the night on saturday! haha! we're going to watch anime night and do other stuff and all^^ it's going to be so fun!
I hope yall like the new theme!^^ i know it's not winter but i dont like cold... lol i like snow but not the cold!^^ weird right? lol^^
okay that's it!
Shoutouts: BlueAngel4-well at least i'm done will at of them now^^ YES AND FINALLY! haha^^
JLjordan23- ... -.- i like french fries too...
pic of the day!:
weird and sad... and creepy haha!