Thursday, September 14, 2006


tomorrow we play but the main thing i love about high school.... the drama!
west ashley students came to our school in the middle of the night last night and tagged litterly everything possible... there's players and cheerleaders name all over the school saying they suck and... other things i do not say... *caughs*
i don't have any photos but i wish i did, anyway they kicked in the gym doors, taged the football stadium, and wrote on the walls, floors and doors.
it's on channel 2 4 and 5 tonight i'm watching it this second... cool! lmfao
i really don't care too much about the cost i think it's funny,
students are going over there tonight to tear up the grass and tag some things, there's a hell of a lot of police over there and we all know it but no one seems to care.
this was all over a football game and we're going to lose anyway.......because......our team sucks but who cares we're still dressing up XD
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