Saturday, December 9, 2006

Date: December 9th, 2006
Time: 9:25am
Title: #1 sniper right here! XD
Avi of the day: #14 AND IT SO MATCHES FOR TODAY! XD
Mouahaha lol guys yesterday so rocked. You don’t have to read this but if you’d like a funny story then do. I had to work last night but at the place I work; in the back during the months of November-December the have a turkey shoot.
{skip this paragraph if you know what a turkey shoot is}
Okay for people who are up north and have no clue what that is and take it for the title.. no you’re not really shooting at turkeys.. just clearing that up really quick. Also for people who have been to one before and they used real guns no It’s not real guns either… I think shooting towards a gas station with a real gun is illegal but yeah.. They use BB guns if you care to know which I love that fact because they don’t shoot straight so you have to know the gun itself before you can win like 20times in a row lol
I have this rival there… okay not really a rival.. there has to be back and forth wins between them to be a rivalry and I always win so it’s not really one at all but yeah. Well the guy’s like 50years old or so idk he’s not like old to the point where he can’t hardly move but he’s not exactly young. His name’s jerry and He’s like “tonight’s the night where we’re going to buy out all of the slots and shoot against each other”
Me: “You’re insane; I’m not spending like $20 to do that”
Him: don’t worry about it
So he paid for it and we’ve got 5 targets to ourselves and the first to hit closer wins.
We both shot and it comes down to the guy judging them and there are two targets that both have shots on the 10line: Target #1> and Target #2>. The first one beat the 2nd by latterly one mm. We flipped it over and guess who won... yours truly lmfao so now I have bragging rights of the whole place except over Carson because he’s by far the only guy to come close to me… and he’s like 45 and goes hunting all the time so I should have some disadvantage… but not.. Lmfao. Then we flip over the other target too… and it’s also mine XD so either way he had no chance… lol
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