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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Eyes not open, will post better next day . . .
Wow, we've got lots of new toys here at theotaku.com now! I'm looking specifically at the article and review submission thingy. Looks like it should be fun . . . I think I'm gonna try to write some articles about anime and such some time - it'll keep me writing stuff for fun, after all (especially after I crapped an English essay a couple weeks back . . . that was kind of a bummer). I wonder what I'll write about . . . hmm . . . . . well, I'll think of something . . .
So yeah, I've been a little busy, have been playing some games, watching some shows (oh! For the Shinsengumi-inclined, that drama I'm watching is at the point where they're gonna march to the Ikeda Inn! Hooray for blood-letting to be!). Been working a bit, schooling a touch . . . yeah, life is pretty uninteresting right now. I suppose that's as good as anything right now.
So, what's new with you guys? Anything fun? Anything interesting? Anything written that I need to see at someone's page right now? Heh, I'm out of the loop now, remember?
Alright, I'm done. 'Til then, remember: the Latin sung in Final Fantasy VII and VIII uses medieval pronounciation. Yeah, useful, I know.
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Monday, October 4, 2004
DES update, if you'd so like to hear it . . .
I forgot to mention this last week, sorry about that. Anyway, yes, everyone's favourite AWOL myO'er, Dying Ever Slowly, alias DES, alias Dead To The World, sent me another indirect e-mail at the tail end of September. As always, you'll all just have to believe me on this that I actually did get a correspondence from her, and that I'm not just making this up for the hell of it . . . because that would be very mean of me if I were . . . but I'm not . . .
Anyway, she's still alive and kickin', so that's a plus. She's still together with her girl, which is also good to know. Other than that, she still misses us all dearly (as we miss her, of course). Aside from that, though, she's going through some rather crazy and rough times right about now based on some things that went on over on her end of the world. In any case, I figured a few extra people willing to lend a thought towards her well being around now couldn't hurt her situation.
So yeah, I have no idea when I'll hear from her again, but until then, I have faith that my precious kiddo won't be gettin' too far from us . . .
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
This is me being passive-aggressive . . .
Hello everybody, I'm gonna be interactive today! Yay!
Alright, so this is an anime site. By now, at least a few of us have watched a DVD or a fansub of an anime or something by now, right? So we've heard some Japanese, have maybe picked up some Japanese . . . maybe some of us are actually in fact, Japanese (heh, not bloody likely, eh?). Anyway, I'm sure we've all diffused a bit of that wildly complicated language by now . . . that said, I wanna hold a quick survey/forum/discussion about a question that's kinda bugging me. Just a little, but it is . . . . . and that is:
In the Japanese language, what does the word "gomen" or "gomen ne" or "gomen nasai" mean, more or less?
I'm just curious, is all . . .
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Partial blackouts are fun . . . . .
So yeah, I got to campus this morning, and found out that a grid of the school was blacked out. Thus, I couldn't buy a cup of coffee I so dearly wanted at the time (of course if I had just bought it at the place near the buses, it could've been okay . . . ah well). So, I walked past my classroom, saw that the sun was coming through the windows quite well. But, I didn't wanna go in yet - bodily issues, ya know.
So here's where it gets fun. Being that that building was blacked out and that the washrooms have no windows . . . . . hehe, yeah, people were walking past the dark, open door sadly . . . as if they had to go but couldn't because they couldn't see. Well guess what? Blind people know how to use the bathroom . . .
Without a second thought, I went right into the dark washroom. I'd been in there plenty of times before, so I knew where everything more or less was, so I found where I needed to go, and went to work in the dark. Kinda peaceful, I must say . . .
Well, go fig, my eyes adapted to the darkness, and by the time I came out I could pretty much see everything in black and white. Then things got funny . . . there was a dude finishing up at the urinals, and I guess he had just gotten in, because he came to the sound of running sink water (me) and started feeling around. He couldn't see squat! Haha! He was like, feeling around in front of a trashcan and paper towel thing.
I was nice, though, and just started going, "more to the left . . . more, more . . ." he was still feeling around, it was great. Anyway, I was extra nice, and just let him use my running sink and I went to the next one over. He left, I dried off, I left . . . and saw some sad-looking dude standing by the door, looking in.
I just came out, looked at him, and went,
"The plumbing works fine . . ." and left.
That was the main big fun of today. Other than that, I had English class outside in the sun in the rose garden on campus, and yeah. So yes, to recap:
- If electricity in a washroom is down, it doesn't mean the water stopped working.
- Know your public facilities well. It's good to know layouts by memory.
- Eyes adapt to darkness really quickly, which makes for really, REALLY entertaining times.
- People at myO HATE IT when I mention anything bathroom related. I'm quite certain I'm gonna get blasted in the comments today. Whee!
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Re: Electric Fly Swatters
Alright, so, probably you find them in novelty stores, or open markets or something. You saw them and thought they looked like brightly-coloured tennis raquets, but with metal bars instead of nylon string. If you have seen an item like this, most likely it was an electric fly swatter. The gist of it is that you press a button, and the battery-operated device sends and electric current through the metal grate. Then, when you touch something, it goes zap. I've yet to test it on myself (I'm not that curious about that one), though I have seen Tom Green touch one to a guy's feet while he was getting a massage . . . didn't seem to hurt him grievously or anything . . . . . not that I wanna find out . . . anyway, yeah, you hit a bug with that thing and it's loud. Really loud. It goes "SNAP!" with a spark. The biggest thing I've hit so far was a mosquito, though it was already on its last legs (bro couldn't finish it off due to it being between the sliding doors. I zapped it a couple more times, it twitched a bit, then that was it . . . I felt bad for making it take so long . . .). But yeah, neat little things, I must say . . . for images, click under here:
Oh yeah, apparently "under Customs regulations, any hand-held battery-operated device which emits an electric shock on contact is considered a prohibited import." Something to note . . . . . oh yeah, and the other night, I never did get that fly . . . . . dirty little sod . . .
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Stupid post . . .
It's late night, and there's a freakin' fly buzzing back and forth around this area. It's seriously pissing me off.
I've got the electric fly swatter next to me and everything . . . it's just too damn fast . . . . . grr . . . on the other hand, I am a little afraid of hitting it with that thing. I mean, it's a pretty big fly, and I've seen what that electric swatter does to tiny little fruit flies . . . the spark and snap is gonna be freaky . . . . . .
So yes, fly not dead, me is frustrated.
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Happy Birthday, girl!
Well, my well wishes for you are over at your page. But, I figured plastering more than one area would help the luck, right? Oh! Speaking of ways to increase the luck . . . . .
"Omedatou! Omedatou, omedatou, omedatoooouu!!!"
Hehe . . . little Elysia-chan was a clever one, wasn't she? Hehe . . . . . happy birthday, darlin'.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Quiz today!!!
"Druides a bello abesse consuerunt, neque tributa una cum reliquis pendunt; militiae vacationem omniumque rerum habent immunitatem. Tantis excitati praemiis et sua sponte multi in disciplinam conveniunt et a parentibus propinquisque mittuntur. Magnum ibi numerum versuum discere dicuntur . . . . ."
Caesar, you jerk!!! Did you think at ALL that people that came after you would have to translate your weird-assed descriptions of people you probably killed?!?!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
What's New in the West Coast . . .
- "Witch Hunter Robin" is still rocking my world.
- "Vanity Fair", on the other hand, did not. I only watched it for an English essay, I swear!
- The discussions in my classes are starting to pick up.
- My skills with Latin, however, are not.
- It was cheap, so I bought Call of Duty: United Offensive.
- I'm most likely not gonna play it any time soon, taking schoolwork and my brother's purchasing of The Sims 2.
- Those Sims 2 voices are kinda annoying when you're not playing the game and are just sorta . . . hearing them . . .
- Star Wars DVDs come out today. So does the 2nd Platinum Evangelion DVD. Those'll have to be bought soon.
- That said, I'm spending too much money . . . it's getting scary.
- Naruto episode 101 was a fun episode. Starting to make me feel that a freakin' long show is more than allowed to have filler episodes for fun.
- Shinsengumi episode 25 marked the end of Serizawa and the Roshigumi and the beginning of the Shinsengumi. I was happy. And Sanosuke's hardcore with that spear . . . hehe, stabby-stabby . . .
- Samurai 7 episodes 13 and 14 aren't out yet. I can't comment on them. And yes, once they come out you can get them online.
- My new favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger line ever is the "Predator" line "Ruuuun! Goooo! Get to the chopper!"
So that's me. How are you guys doing?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
My Dichotomous Week:
The Bad: School started last week, and I have sort of a cruddy schedule (5 classes MWF with no long breaks - can't take a decent nap at school anymore).
The Good: No classes on Tuesday-Thursday, meaning I can still work and get money.
The Bad: Not relearning how to understand Latin fast enough.
The Good: Made my Latin prof happy by showing her a technique to get permanent felt off a white board.
The Bad: Schooling-far-away friend had to go back east for school. Also, he didn't fix my comp while he was here.
The Good: Schooling-far-away friend going back east gives me more time to play with my online friends again.
The Bad: Early mornings and loss of sleep has led to frightening resurgence of my blinking-style nervous tick.
The Good: I feel like I'm wasting fewer of my days.
The Bad: "The Girl" may have taken a year off from school (you remember her?). Means I'll see her less/none.
The Good: Um . . . really, there's nothing good about this one. It's gonna be a lot harder to give her her Inuyasha plushie on her birthday, I gotta say . . .
The Bad: Noticing that I'm buying a lot of expensive food at school - money might get away from me fast.
The Good: Bought a mumakil model from Games Workshop - it's insanely cool.
The Bad: Boxtorrents is still down, so I can't find myself some shows to watch.
The Good: The shows I am watching are kicking ass . . . The seven samurai arrived at the village, Lee is getting some wild airtime, Kirara has become the most empathic youkai ever, and Niimi "kiri'ed his hara" to the joy of the clever and evil bastards of the Roshigumi.
Um . . . . . that's pretty much what I've been up to the past while while not being here. As always, I'm being a dink for not visiting everyone, so you can all have a free shot if you want it. With that, I'd best get back to Caesar's Memoirs about the Gallic War . . . . .
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