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myOtaku.com: SomeGuy

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

   Late New Year's Account: Part 2

Woke up, ate something tiny, and watched an episode of "Xenosaga: The Animation" . . . I think . . . anyway, I got to the other mall right at the buzzer.

This mall wasn't quite as elaborate a deal as the last one. Still had some dignitaries, still had the city's mayor say some words . . . I didn't listen this time, though. I was too busy stretching myself out . . . as it turns out, we were ALL still sore from the day before! Quite a shame, really . . . it was gonna be a long day . . .

So the 3 lions did their thing on the stage. I turned over cymbals detail to the younger people - me and another senior student fel that 'd be good for them - and watched the performance. So far so good. Now it was time for the choy-chang part . . .

Now, this time around it was a little different. This time we only had ONE team of lions going around the different stores in the mall, meaning that technically this should be easier for us since there'd be more people to switch back and forth with. In theory, anyway . . . . . the other difference . . . we were ordered to NOT destuct the lettuce! We were told to take it down, and hand the lettuce back to them intact! Aww!

So yeah, this tired and sore group of lion dancers and accompanying musicians made their way through the mall . . . and made their way through the mall . . . . . and made their way through the mall . . . heh, turns out, when you only have one team to do all the stores, you have to walk back and forth around a lot . . . especially when the mall is arranged in such a way in that there is basically a central sort of hub and the halls all spread out from it . . . ick.

So yeah, this one took MUCH longer to finish than the last one. We were walking around the mall by about 1pm, and didn't stop until about 3:30pm. Owie. By the end of it my ears were ringing like mad and my feet were just tired . . . oh yeah, and the arms couldn't handly cymbals well any more either. Basically, we were all dead.

At that point I decided I wasn't hungry enough to spend money at the mall for food, so I just went home. And then I loafed around for the rest of the day. It was great.

Anyway, still no pictures yet . . . I will hunt those people down soon. So yeah, that was my New Year's summed up. Saturday was much more interesting than Sunday, but Sunday hurt a whole lot more. But, it all ended and then we got to go home. And . . . yeah. That's about it.

And now it's back to normal life, more or less. Which is great, because I've missed it. Everyone take care of yourselves, and I'll see ya soon . . .

. . . and holy crap! "Naruto" got licensed!!!

. . . but that's for another day. 'Til then, do widzenia!

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