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myOtaku.com: son goku fan

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Updated. I sense a tantrum... XD

Plan on resubmitting page 5 next time since I noticed that I FORGOT THE FRIGGIN' SOUND EFFECTS! -_-; And resubmitted page 4 cuz I drew his eyebrows wrong last time... picky picky... >.>

Thanksgiving took forever. I coulda had page 6 up if it hadn't been for that and almost ran outta time to do the shading for 5. Ja, I complain lots. 2 days of food was kinda worth it tho, I admit XD

I had a dream about Ryan telling Tobias something. It blew my mind cuz not only was he not cussing, but I understood the point he was trying to make. o_0 And somehow it connected to Van without him even coming up in the dream at all. Has to do with a small detail on his costume. When that chapter comes around I'll remind y'all. ^_^;

Gods, it's so frickin cold. Makes me cuss like Ryan when it's this cold. >.< Type, pause, edit. Can't do that in real life XD

Anyway, it's 12:30 am now. I gotta sleep SOMEtime, ya? 'till Monday then ^_^

Interesting quiz. Type in the names of anime characters for fun. I tried saiyuki characters and... omg XD Son Goku, Sha Gojyo, Genjyo Sanzo, and Cho Hakkai. Muh sides hurt and I got a few funny looks for laughing 'for no effing reason'

Also tried Ryan Jenning, my slacker character. Pffffft! XD

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Zang! Who is that, skulking out of the fields! It is Son Goku Fan, hands clutching an oversized scalpel! She howls apocalyptically:

"I'm going to beat you so utterly, you'll age fifty years!"

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