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graphic designer
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manga artist
drawing, reading, RPG
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vash331 (11/26/04)
Hey there. I like your art it's very good. That's how i found your site, i figured i'd sign your gb since your art was so good. I'm guessing you're in or going to art school. Maybe not.
You should check out some of my pics sometime, they're amatuer compared to yours, and i'd love a comment here or there from you.
Well i gotta go now *hops in warthog and drives off for red's flag.*
0.o Inuyasha o.0 (11/26/04)
hey! i like your site, haha. you definatley went crazy with those neopet thingys. your fanart is very good too!! you are a very talented person, and your lucky!! alot of people would die to have your talent!! 0.o woah, that sounded like a quiz result!! lol, anyway, i best be going. ill add you as a freind on the way out, too!! ja ne!
babypetsarekool (10/05/04)
Wondeful work! Wow, your art is magnificent! ^_^. A+ worthy! It's like you can master any art style! Wow! I'm adding you as a friend, byebye.
chickenburger (09/06/04)
yaahhhh... i am so jealous cuz u r really good at drawing! i love the guy picture that you've drawn... how did you do that?!!!
cool site...cuz of the drawings!
anyway, drop by my site soon and i am adding u as a friend' aight?
peace n chickens!
ooLilical04loo (08/29/04)
E aew!! XD I saw your results quizes and I'm impress that most of them are the same as mine (\o/) cool ahn¿(don't horry I'm not a loser XD~)hehe..your fanart are very good and I'll put some of my art soon and hope you enjoy that too :B
see you _o/))*
=adding you as a friend ;)=if you don't mind o.ô
Shadow Fox (05/29/04)
Wow, very kewl site! Hope this ting grows bigger. Don't be afraid to stop by my site. Until next time, later.
kisho (05/16/04)
Hooray!!!!! I'm the first to sign!! *cough cough* I really like your work, and if you add more stuff to your site, I would probably like it as well! I'm gonna add you as a friend, that is, if you don't mind. Sometime, if you feel like it, could you check out my pics ^_^V Bye
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