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myOtaku.com: Sora Hanaki

Thursday, August 30, 2007

   Tagged??? XDD
I Got tagged by Kokkoii-Matoku
The rules are:
1. Post these rules
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged

8 Random Facts about the Sora ^.~
1. Let's see... I love art! Especially arts and crafts, I'm really good at making cool stuff XDD I made interesting faeries out of construction paper once and got awed for it ^^; Music is awesome too, Sora plays the flute in band.
2. Chinese food is what I live off of. Rice and ramen = diet! What else should I live off of... pocky and chocolate XD
3. I love tea. I drink both green and oolong tea.
4. Video games is one of my favorite hobbies besides drawing and reading. Big fan of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Also Legend of Zelda. Go Nintendo and PS!
5. I live in Vermont and the closest person I know from theO is Cherri-chan ^-^ Just don't come stalk me XDD
6. I love Koii... NOT in a lesbian way like her mom thought XDDD;;; But as a best friend/sister.
7. One of my best friends, Becca... she's on this site too but doesn't come on any longer ;__;, is my sister from a different mister XD Tell if you want to know what her account here is ^^
8. Do you think I have a twin? Well guess what?! ...

I don't ^-^ Julie (Sakura-chan/SakuraSTAR99) is about 20 months younger than me but don't look EXACTLY alike ^^; Just a little, I could show you guys pics if you'd like ^^

Tagging people now =^-^=

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