Mew KashisuHosted By
Thank you everyone who checked it out ^^ I really appreciate it!
So I'm updating on what has been happening in last couple of weeks. Oh, and thank for the ones who stopped by my site and saw my blog with the tagging stuff, such random info about myself XD
School: Pretty good~ I've made new friends who love anime/manga! They're really cool too ^^
I just joined the art club at my school today, it was fun. We "mummified" people >w< Stuck trash bags on them and duct tape! We're making human sculptures to put around the school.
My classes aren't that bad now, this is the list: Physics 1, Driver's Ed., Personal Fitness, Pre-Cal/Trig, French V, U.S. and the World, and Writing Prose.
Life: Yesterday, Sakura (STAR99) and I were watching Pokemon Movie 8: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. I love Pokemon still >w< The Kanto, Orange, and Johto were the best seasons, Hoenn isn't bad either ^^
I want to go to the Bakuretsu (sp?) Con with my sister again and I hear a lot of my new friends are going. A lot of them are going as people from KH, Bleach, and other animes. Sakura wants to go as Rinoa from FFVIII. I wanted to cosplay as Tomoyo from CCS or Tsubasa RC.
So this is my update. I'm working on commisions for my art shoppe on Gaia at the moment. If you have a Gaia account, come check me out.
Username: Sora_Hanaki
I'll get to my art trade Sayura! I really want to finish it >.< And Tallulahbelle, Krista, and Sakurie will get their birthday gifts as well ^^ I figured out what to do for each! There's nothing else to say ^^;
Take care everyone and have a good day!
1. How's school going for you?
2. Ever cosplayed?
3. Do you still like Pokemon?
Bye bye~