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*stares* Stalker! O_o
I've played Phoenix Wright 1, 2, and 3 and beat them in 1 week^~
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon...yeah...i was one of her minions...i'm so ashamed...
Favorite Anime
Death Note, Trinity Blood, Naruto Shippuudin, Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, Cardcaptors, Rurouni Kenshin, Blood+, and Tales of Symphonia
...Become a better artist? Ummmm....actually beat a PS2 game that isn't Naruto!
Eating cake, reading manga, doodling, dancing, sleeping, and trying to have an "intellegent" conversation with me guy friends xD
Scaring people faster than the speed of light! That and drawing okay....
| sora kairi 4ever
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
She's baaaack....
yo peoples! i'm back, posting at 4am and loving it! (not McDonalds of course)
ummmm....have to go, see ya laters people and check my TheOtaku world for more insight into my life, i'm posting there now too. xD
see ya! xD
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
can't comment, going to movies!!! David is coming too...finally. xD
say hi AHeart4Roxas is here too^^ see ya laters!
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (1) |
Monday, February 11, 2008
See ya next week or so I guess...
hi peoples! thanks for the 7 comments last week! anyways, today was...interesting.
Sam finally came back...with blue hair...again. this time though, his hair looks like...
well like

Leon from Resident Evil 4...
at my school though, every one kept calling him an emo kid lol haha xD
...but then he called me emo because my bangs looked exactly like his...he always finds a way to get me back! argh >_< hahaha you can tell that i'm pretty hyper, i had some candy, you know the japanese flower kiss candy? well i had one and it made me hyper! if you have any soda around, try it with the candy, you'll pass out if you have too many lol xD
ummm...not much else, so like i said in my title, see ya next week maybe, i'm on a quest to beat FFXII or die trying! see ya laters^^'
oh yeah, hope you like my new theme, i'm doing FFXII because i...feel like it? i guess...see ya! have an awesomest day! *jumping up and down with a bag of candy*
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (4) |
Friday, February 8, 2008
I'm back!
nothing new really.
i finally called Sam because he was still sick...
James is being really annoying about the fact that one of my friends (guy of course!!) likes me....
and i haven't slept in three days...
oh yeah, and my dad's visiting.
so yeah, i'll see ya peoples next week! bye xD
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (7) |
Monday, February 4, 2008
If going to see a movie, don't just go with all guys. (Girls if you are a guy) - Rules to live by.
once again i didn't go to the movies, but hey people^^ bleh. i had pizza for the first time in a few weeks and it still makes me sick...well, maybe that's because i was also eating rice balls with octopus at the same time, but of well...
My Weekend...
anyways, once again i didn't go to the movies because David still can't dial a phone...either that or my parents invented an anti-guy device for our phones...anyways, me friends ended up going to see "The Eye" because Jessica Alba was in it...and i ended up going to my uncle's birthday party at a restaurant for breakfast...
...i forgot, i have a project, so i can't comment...this whole week...sorry guys, but i started late!!! see ya later!
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (3) |
Friday, February 1, 2008
If you're going to a dance, don't tell your parents who's coming. - Rules to live by.
well, hello peoples, i might not comment for i have to get ready for the dance tonight, but i'll try.
not much to say, except that i have 100% in all of my classes!! and today was a two hour delay due to the massive rain that hasn't stopped for 8 hours so far!
anyways, see ya next week^^
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (6) |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Meh. - Rules to Live By?
Zzzzz...i'm so tired, but i'll do a quick post...
yesterday i had to cook dinner so i didn't get to post...
our dishwasher broke...and i now wash the dishes...
David forgot to ask people to come to the movie with us...
and i caught a cold from Sam...
not really much see ya laters Z_Z
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
If you're a sixth grader, don't laugh at the eight grader. - Rules to live by.
hi peoples, three important things happened today.
1) David and i might go to the movies on Saturday.
2) Volleyball is a very dangerous sport for the emos.
3) Never do Spirit Week.
oh yeah, i left me outfit at school, so i'll take the pic tomorrow and show it to you, but until then, i won't tell you what i did. although, i almost did a vampire...i found my cape. xD
anyways, back to what happened at school...hmmm...well a sixth grader laughed at me until she realized i was in eighth grade...ummm...let's seeeeee, my friend Megan moved to Texas without telling us...and our team got pwned in volleyball...twice.
i also got hit a poor arm doesn't deserve this much pain. T_T
Sam's still sick, so i might call him to check in on him...(he was sick yesterday too)
ummmm...that's about see ya laters^^
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
Comments (5) |
Monday, January 28, 2008
If you share, you should care. If you don't, you won't get any cookies. - Rules to live by.
hi peoples, i didn't get to go to the movies for two different reasons.
1) David forgot to put the 1 in front of my number, so the call didn't go through...
2) the movie was sold out...
yep, but at least i did some fun things any ways^^
tomorrow is Career Day in the week of randomness called Spirit Week...oddly enough, it has nothing to do with Spirited Away or school spirits with would be awesome... *new suggestion for the suggestion box* anyways, today was Suberbowl day where you could wear a jersey to school. tomorrow's Career Day, Wednesday is Retro Day (???), Thursday is Clash or Mix and Match Day, and Friday is Formal Day. Who came up with Formal Day anyways? the teachers? this has nothing to do with school spirit or ghosts for that matter!!
well, i'm doing Career Day. i already bought my outfit which i might post later on if i find my camera. no, it's not an emo or a vampire (both of which would have been awesome...), but something completely different....
oh, i have to go! i have a paragraph and broshure to do, so see ya laters^^
~sora kairi 4ever~ |
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